
What tea is the best for the stomach? How do you drink tea without hurting your stomach? Old tea guest: These 4 kinds of tea are the most nourishing to the stomach

author:Tea Intelligence Bureau

A tea friend in the background asked: What tea is the most nourishing to the stomach? How do you drink tea without hurting your stomach?

In fact, if your stomach is healthy and there is no problem, drinking tea normally will not hurt your stomach. However, if you have a bad stomach, no matter what kind of tea you drink, it may irritate your stomach. Because tea contains caffeine, it will stimulate gastrointestinal function to a certain extent.

So, is there any tea that nourishes the stomach? How to drink tea so that it will not really stimulate the stomach and bring harm to the body. The old tea guest said: These 4 kinds of tea are the most nourishing to the stomach!

What tea is the best for the stomach? How do you drink tea without hurting your stomach? Old tea guest: These 4 kinds of tea are the most nourishing to the stomach

1. What kind of tea nourishes the stomach?

  1. Black tea

The black tea is fermented by Wudui, and the tea is mild and has a mellow taste. Not only does it not irritate the gastric mucosa, but it also promotes digestion and helps break down fats, which has a good stomach nourishing effect. The microbial fermentation products in black tea have a regulatory effect on gastrointestinal function, and long-term drinking can effectively improve gastrointestinal health.

  1. black tea

Black tea is fully fermented during the production process, and the tea polyphenol content is relatively low, the tea is mild, and the irritation to the stomach is small. The theaflavins and thearubigins rich in black tea help digestion and promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. Black tea can also form a protective film on the gastric mucosa, relieving stomach discomfort, and is suitable for people with stomach cold and excessive stomach acid.

  1. Old white tea

Fresh white tea is cool, but after long-term storage, it becomes old white tea, and the tea gradually warms. Old white tea is rich in a variety of amino acids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and have a protective effect on the stomach. Long-term consumption of old white tea can regulate gastrointestinal function and reduce the burden on the stomach, especially suitable for people with strong stomach fire and gastrointestinal disorders.

  1. oolong

Oolong tea is somewhere between black tea and green tea, and the semi-fermented production process allows it to have both the mildness of black tea and the freshness of green tea. The tea polyphenols in oolong tea are moderate, which helps digestion and reduce the burden on the stomach, and is suitable for people with weak gastrointestinal function.

What tea is the best for the stomach? How do you drink tea without hurting your stomach? Old tea guest: These 4 kinds of tea are the most nourishing to the stomach

2. How to drink tea without hurting the stomach?

  1. Choose the right time

The time spent drinking tea has a great effect on the stomach. Drinking tea on an empty stomach before meals, especially strong tea, will irritate the gastric mucosa, increase gastric acid secretion, and easily cause stomach discomfort. The best time to drink tea is 1 hour after a meal, which not only helps digestion but also avoids stomach irritation.

  1. Drink in moderation

Drink tea in moderation, excessive tea consumption will increase the burden on the stomach. Generally speaking, the amount of tea drunk per day should be controlled at 3-5 cups, and it is advisable to take about 200 ml each time. Excessive tea consumption can not only cause stomach discomfort, but also may cause insomnia, heart palpitations and other adverse reactions.

  1. Choose mild teas

People with a bad stomach should avoid drinking tea that is too strong and irritating, such as strong green tea, strong black tea, etc. You can choose mild teas, such as ripe Pu'er tea, black tea, oolong tea, etc. In addition, you can also choose to add warm ingredients such as ginger slices and jujube slices to the tea to warm and nourish the stomach.

  1. Avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach

In the fasting state, gastric acid secretion is more, and drinking tea will further irritate the gastric mucosa, which is easy to cause stomach pain, stomach distension and other discomforts. Therefore, it is advisable to drink tea after eating, especially in the morning after waking up, you can eat some breakfast before drinking tea.

  1. Caution Tea Wen

When drinking tea, the temperature of the tea should not be too high or too low. Excessively hot tea can damage the gastric mucosa and cause stomach discomfort; Tea that is too cold will affect the digestive function of the stomach and cause stomach cold. Therefore, the best temperature to drink tea is 40°C-60°C, which can not only maintain the aroma of tea, but also not hurt the stomach.

  1. Drink less strong tea

The caffeine and tea polyphenols in strong tea are high, which can easily irritate the gastric mucosa and increase gastric acid secretion. People with a bad stomach should try to avoid drinking strong tea, choose a lighter tea soup, or brew the tea more often to reduce the concentration of the tea soup.

  1. Pay attention to the quality of the tea

It is especially important to choose high-quality teas. Inferior tea may contain harmful substances such as pesticide residues and heavy metals, which can have adverse effects on stomach health. It is recommended to choose formal channels to purchase organic tea to ensure the safety of tea drinking.

  1. Develop a good tea drinking habit

Drinking tea is a healthy way of life, but it is necessary to develop good tea drinking habits. Try to avoid drinking tea when you are emotional and tired, and avoid drinking overnight tea, herbal tea and other teas that stimulate the stomach. Maintain a moderate and regular habit of drinking tea in order to better play the health benefits of tea.

What tea is the best for the stomach? How do you drink tea without hurting your stomach? Old tea guest: These 4 kinds of tea are the most nourishing to the stomach

3. Recommended stomach tea for people with bad stomach

  1. Pu'er ripe tea, ginger jujube tea

Ingredients: 5 grams of ripe Pu'er tea, 3 slices of ginger, 5 red dates


  1. Place the ripe Pu-erh tea in a teapot and rinse it once with hot water.
  2. Slice the ginger, remove the core of the dates, and set aside.
  3. Put ginger slices and red dates into a teapot, add an appropriate amount of hot water, and simmer for 5 minutes before drinking.

Efficacy: Ripe Pu'er tea is gentle and nourishing the stomach, ginger has the effect of warming the stomach and driving away cold, and red dates can replenish qi and nourish blood.

  1. Black tea, wolfberry, chrysanthemum tea

Ingredients: 5 grams of black tea, 10 wolfberries, 3 chrysanthemums


  1. Put the black tea, goji berries, and chrysanthemums in the teapot.
  2. Add an appropriate amount of hot water and simmer for 5 minutes before drinking.

Efficacy: Black tea is gentle and protects the stomach, wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidneys, chrysanthemum clears the liver and brightens the eyes, this tea is suitable for people with cold stomach and strong liver fire.

  1. White tea, barley tea

Ingredients: 5 grams of white tea, 10 grams of barley


  1. Wash the barley seeds and soak them in water for 1 hour.
  2. Put the white tea and barley into the teapot, add an appropriate amount of hot water, and simmer for 10 minutes before drinking.

Efficacy: White tea clears heat and moistens the lungs, barley strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness, this tea is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach and heavy dampness.

  1. Oolong tea, hawthorn tea

Ingredients: 5 grams of oolong tea, 5 slices of hawthorn


  1. Put the oolong tea and hawthorn slices in the teapot.
  2. Add an appropriate amount of hot water and simmer for 5 minutes before drinking.

Efficacy: Oolong tea helps digestion, hawthorn appetizer digestion, this tea is suitable for people with loss of appetite and indigestion.