
Female soldier registration, let's go!

author:Xilinhot, the pearl of the grassland

The reporter learned from relevant departments that the registration for the second half of the national conscription (female soldiers) will be from July 1, 2024 to August 10, 2024 at 24 o'clock. Application for the second half of the year: fresh graduates of ordinary high schools, full-time graduates and students of ordinary colleges and scientific research institutions, aged 18 to 22 (born between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2006), and full-time graduate graduates and students are relaxed to 26 years old.

Before the end of registration, female college students (including current students and fresh graduates) who meet the basic requirements for recruitment in the current year can follow the WeChat public accounts of "Chinese Military Number", "Chinese Militia" and "Inner Mongolia Conscription", click on the "Army Registration" window or log in to the "National Conscription Network" to fill in the registration information. After the registration deadline, the online registration system will automatically sort the applicants according to the relative scores of the college entrance examination in the current year, select the best candidates for the primary selection and publicize the list. Young women who have been identified as pre-conscription targets for the primary selection shall log on to the "National Recruitment Network" and download and print the "Online Registration Review Form for Young Female Conscription" after the preliminary examination of the system. Those who meet the conditions for national tuition assistance should also download and print the "Application Form for National Student Loan Reimbursement for Tuition Compensation for College Students Enlisted in the Army" and submit it to the student financial aid management department of the university for review.

For graduates of ordinary colleges, graduating students, and students enrolled in the army, the central government shall compensate them for their tuition fees and state student loans. High school graduates who have been admitted to colleges and universities in the current year retain their enrollment qualifications after enlisting in the army, and enjoy the national tuition waiver policy after retiring from military service.

Female soldier registration, let's go!

July 1

In the second half of 2024, the registration for female soldiers will officially begin

For more important information, please click here

Registration Period

July 1–August 10, 2024


Regular high school graduates

Ordinary institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions

Full-time fresh graduates and current students

Be at least 18 to 22 years old

(Born between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2006)

Full-time graduate graduates

and 26 years of age for current students

Basic physical conditions


Height 158 cm or more, passed

(Condition: The height of the soldier shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant standards)

body weight



(BMI = weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared)


Unaided visual acuity of less than 4.5 in any eye is not qualified

Unaided visual acuity of less than 4.8 in either eye

A corrective visual acuity test is done

Corrected visual acuity less than 4.8 in either eye

or the correction degree exceeds 600 degrees, and it is unqualified

Refractive error after excimer laser surgery

More than half a year, no complications

Unaided visual acuity of 4.8 in either eye

Fundus examination is normal

Passed the expulsion condition

Conditions: The conditions for passing the soldier's eyesight shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant standards

How to register

Log on to the National Recruitment Network

Mobile phone attention "Inner Mongolia Conscription" WeChat public account

Identify the QR code

Enter the national recruitment network to register

Female soldier registration, let's go!
Female soldier registration, let's go!

01 Do female soldiers have to take the college entrance examination to register?

A: Yes.

After the registration deadline, the online registration system will calculate the relative score of the college entrance examination according to the college entrance examination score of the applicants, and select the best candidates for the primary selection.

Escorted students who do not have college entrance examination results must submit relevant supporting materials, and the local municipal enlistment office shall report to the provincial enlistment office for review and then be included in the primary selection pre-conscription objects.

Note: Those who are found to have falsely reported the original score of the college entrance examination will be disqualified.

02 Where can I check the results of the college entrance examination if I forget the college entrance examination results?

A: You can check with the education bureau of the student's place of origin; If you are already at university, you can also contact a counselor to review your profile.

03 Can female soldiers be recruited by a single enrollment?

A: The recruitment of female soldiers involves rankings, and after the registration deadline, the online registration system of the student information database of the Ministry of Education will automatically rank the applicants according to their relative scores in the college entrance examination. And based on the relative ranking of its college entrance examination scores in the province, the applicants who have several times the number of recruitment tasks are selected as the pre-recruitment objects of the primary selection. Those who meet the registration conditions, but have not participated in the national unified examination for the enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities, and have no college entrance examination results (including spring college entrance examination candidates, students in the 4th and 5th academic years of the five-year consistent system and 32 sub-sections, and fresh graduates), their relative score in the college entrance examination is 0 points. Youths who do not have a college entrance examination score and whose relative score does not meet the requirements of the primary selection will be eliminated. Those who are found to have falsely reported the original scores of the college entrance examination will be disqualified.

04 Can secondary school students, vocational high school students, technical school students, five-year college students, etc. apply for female soldiers?

A: In the second half of 2024, female soldiers will be recruited for the following purposes: fresh graduates of ordinary high schools, full-time graduates and current students of ordinary colleges and universities and scientific research institutions, and full-time graduate graduates and current students.

Secondary school students, vocational high school students, technical school (technician) students, former high school graduates, former university graduates, adult education, correspondence education, five-year college students who have not yet obtained college status, etc., are not included in the scope of the solicitation.

05 How to fill in the college entrance examination score for female soldiers who are enrolled in special students?

Answer: Fill in the original score of the college entrance examination score, excluding professional bonus points.

06 Can I apply for myopia, astigmatism, and farsightedness?

A: If you have mild myopia, astigmatism, and farsightedness, but your vision examination can meet the vision requirements of the "Physical Examination Standards for Conscripted Citizens", you can sign up for the army. If myopia, astigmatism, and farsightedness are severe and cannot be treated by excimer laser surgery (without phakic intraocular lens implantation and other procedures), they do not meet the requirements for enrolling in the army.

07 What are the application procedures for female soldiers?

Answer: The application → system, the preliminary selection→ the preliminary examination, the preliminary examination→ the physical examination→ the political assessment→ the comprehensive quality evaluation and approval, the recruitment → list is publicized→ the approval of enlistment→ and the new recruits are shipped

08 How to choose the land to be acquired?

Answer: Citizens should apply at the place of household registration; Those whose habitual residence and household registration are not in the same province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, and who meet the prescribed requirements, may apply for recruitment at their habitual residence. Applicants who are full-time students or recent graduates of ordinary institutions of higher learning may apply at the place of household registration or the location of the school before enrollment.

09 What else do I need to do after I successfully register on the national recruitment network?

Answer: In the system review stage, the system will automatically review the school-age youth who have completed the registration, and the original total score of the college entrance examination will be automatically reviewed by the school-age youth, and the province, autonomous region, and municipality directly under the central government where the school-age youth chooses to apply for the college entrance examination will be selected according to the relative ranking of their college entrance examination scores in the province. After the automatic review of the printing review form system is completed, the pre-recruitment subjects of the primary selection log in to the registration system and print the "Online Registration and Review Form for Young Female Recruits" by themselves, and the fresh graduates of colleges and universities will print the "Registration Form for Pre-recruitment Targets of Fresh Graduates" and the "Application Form for Compensation of Tuition Fees for National Student Loans for Graduates of Conscripted College Graduates" at the same time.

Female soldier registration, let's go!

You who want to be a sassy female soldier

Sign up now

Joining the army and serving the country is a supreme honor

Fiery barracks

We look forward to seeing you join us

Source: Inner Mongolia conscription