
The best feng shui for a home is 22 good habits

author:Wen Yuexin


Lin Yutang said:

"Happiness in life is nothing more than four things: one is to sleep in one's own bed, the second is to eat the food cooked by parents, the third is to listen to the lover to tell love words, and the fourth is to play games with children."

In the feng shui of a home, in fact, the most important thing is the people, followed by the layout, and then the furnishings and objects in the home.

You have to believe in Feng Shui, Feng Shui is good, people are good, luck is good, and blessings are full.


Bright and airy.

When choosing a room, you can take a look at the house, how the lighting is, especially the room and bathroom, the lighting is not good, and it is easy to get damp and moldy.

At home, you should always open windows for ventilation to keep the air fresh and remove moisture germs.


Don't have too much furniture and put it neatly.

Furniture as much as possible to buy the necessary on it.

For example, sofas, TVs, dining tables and chairs. TV cabinets and coffee tables can be saved and not used much.


The color is comfortable to match.

The color chosen for decoration should be comfortable and simple but not outdated.

Try to be as light as possible, too strong and too dark to be depressed.

The best feng shui for a home is 22 good habits


The room was quiet and comfortable.

The things and decorations in the room should give yourself a comfortable and comfortable feeling, don't put some scary, funny, you will be scared.

Also don't put objects with sound, such as clocks, tick-tock.


Lush greenery.

You can plant some green plants at home to freshen the air and nourish your eyes.


Family harmony.

Family members live in harmony with each other, don't quarrel, don't have conflicts, don't always quarrel or even fight.

If you don't have a good time, your home will be scattered.


There is love in the home.

Husbands and wives respect and love each other, love their children, and be filial to their elders.

A picture of happiness and happiness.

The best feng shui for a home is 22 good habits


People are thriving.

Blessed families have children, and children are angels who come to accompany us in life, grow up with them, share joy together, face difficulties together, and laugh and laugh.


Other children love to come and play in the house.

The home is very comfortable and interesting, attracting other children to play, and it also shows that the feng shui at home is very good and comfortable to stay.

Children don't lie.


Quiet at home.

Only quiet people can be comfortable, and if there is too much noise, people will be anxious and uncomfortable, and it is not good to rest.


The home is clean and tidy.

Be diligent, most of the feng shui at home is improved by people.

Sweep and mop the floor frequently, wipe windows and doors, and place items neatly.

A clean and tidy home is the best feng shui.


Don't put some bad feng shui items in your home.

For example, you can't stop the big pieces, the Monkey King, tigers, scary paintings, and so on.


Put up some decorations for a thriving home.

Such as beckoning cats, Chinese knots, red lanterns, and so on.

The best feng shui for a home is 22 good habits


People have a good temper.

If people have a good temper and there are few conflicts in the family, the feng shui in the family can gradually get better.


The family is in good health.

Good health, that is, the house is very nurturing. There are no viruses or diseases, which means that the feng shui at home is very good.


Get along with your neighbors.

Only by living in harmony with your neighbors can your home be stable and prosperous.

Otherwise, if you look up and don't see what you look down, don't make trouble.


Husband and wife are in harmony and affection.

As the head of the family, there is love to have a future.


Everyone is self-disciplined.

Go home early to eat, go to bed early and get up early, everyone has their own things to do.

The best feng shui for a home is 22 good habits


Everyone goes home for dinner, and the family is happy.

There is a saying: "The fireworks in the world are the most soothing to the hearts of mortals." ”


The family sat together after eating, watching TV, talking and laughing.

Maybe it's the happiest time of the day.

Maybe the children are silently looking forward to this time of the day!


There is a study, and there is one or several people who love to read in the study.

The prosperity of talents is closely related to the love of reading.


There are endless words to talk about in the family.

Parents are short and endless daily happiness sharing, sweet and loving between husband and wife.