
Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"

author:Beautiful Aba

It's lively! Recently, Hongyuan County has successfully launched a series of wonderful cultural and tourism activities named after "Jacques", so that everyone can truly enter Hongyuan and understand Hongyuan. The colorful and flowery grassland natural flowers, the passion and heartiness of horses galloping on the grassland, the grassland beer and food festival, and the 12th yak cultural activities...... There are N reasons why the red plains attract tourists from all over the world.

In recent years, Hongyuan County has conscientiously implemented the decision-making and deployment of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to promote the integrated development of culture and tourism.

Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"

At the beginning of June every year, the "Jacques Flower Season" series of activities will be opened, and the highlight events such as off-road self-driving flower viewing and beer music carnival will be embraced by the natural sea of flowers in the grassland. Next is the "Jacques Horse Racing Season", Hongyuan is the hometown of Chinese equestrian, at that time, Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai counties and cities of good horses, BMWs, athletes gathered in Hongyuan, a wonderful, exciting horse sports and cultural activities make people addicted, eye-opening. At the beginning of August, the summer station of the "Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter" Four Seasons Music Season in Sichuan Province, the 7th "Jacques Music Season" in Hongyuan County will also be held as scheduled, with nearly 100 singers and stars gathering in the grassland to sing and sing wonderfully, opening a grassland music event with music dialogue and star dancing.

Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"
Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"

Hongyuan County continues to polish the business card of "Jacques", play a good combination of culture and tourism, and enhance the "centripetal force" of cultural tourism. Today, the popularity and influence of the word "Jacques" have also risen one after another, which more intuitively confirms the achievements of the development of Hongyuan's cultural tourism industry over the years.

Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"

To develop cultural tourism, we must set the right direction. And using the power of "Jacques" to promote the revitalization of cultural tourism and enrich the people through industry is one of the answers handed over by Hongyuan County. In accordance with the goal of "all-for-one, full-time, and multi-scenic spots", Hongyuan County continues to integrate resources, build mechanisms, build platforms, create models, optimize planning, and produce standards, focus on laying a solid foundation for tourism infrastructure construction, create self-driving tourism boutique routes and products, and take the establishment of tourism brand image and tourism market service supervision as an important starting point, and strive to build the "Jacques" series of brands, and build the Hongyuan Prairie into a spiritual home for foreign tourists to fly their hearts and get close to nature.

Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"
Lucid waters and lush mountains paint a thriving picture of the integration of culture and tourism, and Hongyuan "Jacques" will open a "summer file"

At the same time, relying on the geographical advantages of the "Dajiuzhai" tourism hinterland, the core area of the Hongyuan Airport Tourism Economic Circle and the rich tourism resources in the territory, Hongyuan attracts tourists from all over the world with the "natural beauty of the grassland where the wind blows the grass and sees the cattle and sheep", and takes "eating herdsmen's meals, living in herdsmen's tents, and enjoying herding family music" as the carrier, transforming transit sightseeing tourism into participatory, experiential, entertainment and sightseeing, leisure and vacation complex tourism, and cultivating an emerging product and development model integrating leisure sightseeing tourism, appreciating grassland folk customs and experiencing nomadic life. Now, the giant ship of high-quality tourism development in Hongyuan has set sail and is heading towards the established goal and running to a more poetic distance!

Edit | Wang Miao

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