
Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development

author:Linyi Hedong release

Linyi Hedong Agricultural Development Group seized the opportunity of the vigorous development of the e-commerce live broadcast economy, gave full play to the leading role of state-owned enterprises, made every effort to build a fully functional e-commerce live broadcast and sales base, and built a multi-level e-commerce comprehensive service platform to empower and pilot the development of the industry.

Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development

In the Hedong E-commerce Industrial Park located on Hot Spring Road, the training teacher is systematically explaining the operation skills of each link of e-commerce live streaming such as short video drainage, data analysis, and live broadcast display.

Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development

Ren Ren, a student, told reporters: "I used to be engaged in the beauty industry, and I usually brush short videos every day, and I am particularly interested in live broadcasts, and I feel very promising, so I decided to change careers and come here for training, hoping that I can master the skills of short video shooting and live broadcast as soon as possible, and transform into an excellent gold medal anchor, and break through myself and achieve myself on a new track." ”

Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development

In recent years, Hedong E-commerce Industrial Park has continuously improved various supporting services for enterprises in the park, established a richer product selection catalog, increased attraction, and actively developed online live broadcast business, so as to provide convenient conditions for related enterprises and live broadcast talents to "start a business".

Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development

"Before our training institutions were located in Lanshan District, this year through investment to settle in our Hedong e-commerce industrial park, the office environment and various supporting facilities here are more perfect, and there are preferential policies, very good, especially recently here has just been awarded Linyi City Rural Good Youth Entrepreneurship Training Base, which is very conducive to our development." Xin Yongquan, chairman of Shandong Wanyun Xinghuo E-commerce Co., Ltd., said.

It is reported that the industrial park takes rural revitalization as the main line, integrates Hedong characteristic product display, live broadcast, investment promotion, publicity and rural revitalization training, and aims to promote the deep integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and drives the development of physical industries through online sales.

Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development
Hedong: Build a live broadcast e-commerce base to empower regional economic development

Pan Ruyu, operation manager of Linyi Hedong Agricultural Development E-commerce Industrial Park, introduced: "The operation of Hedong Agricultural Development E-commerce Industrial Park adopts a combination of investment promotion and self-operated live broadcast, and has recruited 15 e-commerce enterprises of various types, involving hardware tools, outdoor products, film and television production, e-commerce training and other industries. Develop business by setting up live broadcast accounts, short video drainage, and influencers bringing goods, and ultimately achieve sales and service entities, and rural revitalization. ”

[Hedong financial media reporter Chen Kelei Zhang Shengquan]

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