
[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity

author:Linyi Hedong release

In recent years, Tangtou Street has actively explored the adjustment of industrial structure, strived to improve the comprehensive income of land, and developed a large-scale, intensive and standardized industrial planting base by adopting an order agricultural business model, so as to achieve a bumper harvest of grain and increase farmers' income.

At the planting site of the "Honey Potato Enclave" in Quanyizhuang Village, Tangtou Street, large machinery is ditching and ridge in front, and farmers are busy shuttling between the ridges, skillfully cutting sweet potato seedlings. In a short time, the promising green trees covered the entire farmland, and a vibrant farming map came into view.

[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity
[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity

Zhao Piqin, secretary of the party branch of Quanyizhuang Village, Tangtou Street, told reporters: "Because the land in our village is relatively scattered, through the platform of the first secretary, we have contacted Jiyizhuang that there is such a piece of land, and it is more suitable to grow sweet potatoes." Through the first secretary, we contacted the company in the honey potato base, and we decided to cooperate with the company. ”

The "enclave" sweet potato base in Jiyizhuang Village has a total of 60 acres of land, and after the autumn harvest, it can increase the village's income by 150,000 yuan. Moreover, the honey potatoes planted in the base are the only ones of the company in Shandong Province, with good taste and relatively high yield, and the current sales prospects are very good. Since the beginning of this year, Quanyizhuang Village has actively adjusted the structure of the agricultural industry, developed the planting industry according to local conditions, and continued to promote the development model of "order agriculture" by relying on resource advantages, and built a "bridge" between enterprises and cooperatives, cooperatives and farmers, which not only strengthened the collective income of the village, but also allowed the masses to achieve employment and income increase at their doorstep.

[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity

Zhang Xueming, the first secretary of Quanyizhuang Village, Tangtou Street, introduced: "We combined the project of honey potato planting this year, we innovated two work points, the first is that we change the original industrial development only rely on the resources of the village, innovate to lease land from other villages, and then through their resources, to achieve the sharing of this resource, I pay for it, you come out of the land." On the other hand, this year, we have changed the original work mode of the first secretary's model, changed the mode of fighting alone, implemented this cooperative model, and realized the sharing of resources between us. ”

Zhang Xueming told reporters that after adopting the "enclave" model to plant honey potatoes, it not only made the cooperation between the first secretary villages closer. Now, relying on the order planting of sweet potatoes, they have also realized the cooperative development of the industry with the surrounding villages, and the advantages of intensification and industrialization have gradually become another "golden signboard" of the sweet potato planting base.

[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity

Lin Lisen, manager of Guguyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., said: "The first secretary of the village, including the two committees of the two village committees, went to our base. After many inspections and in-depth communication with us, this matter was confirmed. Our company is also based on the scale effect of the party building leading the cooperative, as well as the leadership team's feelings for agriculture, to determine the cooperative relationship. ”

Based on the full support of the first secretary village, the company has introduced many new technologies such as bottom film drip irrigation and film planting in the honey potato planting base. After the introduction of new technologies, honey potato cultivation will be more intelligent and operational.

Lin Lisen, manager of Guguyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., said: "In terms of our selection of varieties, we have introduced new varieties from abroad. The advantages of the new varieties are much more prominent than some ordinary varieties, including sweetness, glutinousness, etc., which are more obvious in terms of processing. Our price for the village collective is also relatively high, and we give them a guaranteed price of 5 yuan. ”

[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity
[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity

With the help of the good land planting environment in the region, Quanyizhuang Village has firmly grasped the "bull's nose" of the development of the characteristic planting industry, relying on the "enclave" model and the industrial advantages of developing sweet potato planting in a group, and gradually formed a complete industrial chain of land consolidation, planting, storage and sales.

"Through our enclave model, we have brought a rental fee of 60,000 yuan to our village collective, and our village has also introduced this honey potato planting, and the monthly income is expected to be 100,000 yuan in autumn." Xue Meiying, secretary of the party branch of Jiyizhuang Village, Tangtou Street, said happily.

[Collective income increase, village party branch in action] soup: "enclave" sweet potato set up a road to common prosperity

At present, Jiyizhuang Village and Quanyizhuang Village are negotiating on the follow-up extension of the honey potato order planting industry, further broadening the channels for the village to increase collective income, and realizing the common prosperity of the two villages.

Zhang Xueming, the first secretary of Quanyizhuang Village, Tangtou Street, said, "Our initial plan is to plant potatoes after the annual sweet potato harvest, and it is still in the process of investigation, so that if we can achieve these two orders of planting, we can increase the annual income of the village collective by 200,000 yuan, and the next step, according to the income situation, we are expanding our secondary industry, such as honey potato processing, potato processing, and realizing common prosperity among villagers." ”

[Hedong financial media reporter Zhang Shengquan]

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