
The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

author:Internet information Linxia
The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

On February 3, 2013, General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to cordially express his condolences to the people in difficulty here, and made a "water introduction, road construction, new rural construction, so that the poor people can get rid of poverty as soon as possible and live a well-off life". Since then, under the care of the party and the government, Bulengou has changed from a "cliff edge" butterfly to a "happy village".

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

Bulengou Village History Museum

Through "protection first, rescue first, rational utilization, and repair the old as the old", Dongxiang County protects its appearance and shows its face, focusing on the scene of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection, showing the care and strong support of the Party Central Committee and party committees and governments at all levels for Dongxiang, reflecting the profound changes in the spiritual outlook of the masses in terms of Bulengou infrastructure, enriching the people's industry, public service facilities, etc., and showing the spiritual outlook of the sons and daughters of Dongxiang "loving the party, loving the country, being grateful, and forging ahead" and the unique Dongxiang folk culture.

The exhibition hall of the village history museum covers an area of 242 square meters, the exhibition highlights the two major functions of education and commemoration, and the content is divided into three theme exhibitions, such as tenacity and perseverance to overcome six difficulties, hard work and hard work, and three theme exhibitions of gratitude and forge ahead to be well-off, and the exhibition area of Dongxiang people's production and living utensils, in the form of photos, texts, videos, physical objects, etc., the content is true and solemn, which deeply reflects the concern and concern of the Party Central Committee and party committees and governments at all levels for the people of Bulengou, so that the flower of the Dongxiang nation is more and more beautiful in the warmth of the big family of the motherland. In December 2015, the museum was named "Gansu Provincial CPC History Education Base", in April 2021, it was named "Sinopec Party Member Education Base" by Sinopec Group, in May 2021, it was named "Quanzhou Education Base for Strengthening the Community Consciousness of the Chinese Nation" by the State Party Committee and State Government, and in December 2022, it was named "Linxia Prefecture Patriotism Education Base".

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

The cadres and masses of Bulengou Village watched the opening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

On February 3, 2013, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Dongxiang people in Bulengou Village, he sat on the kang head of the north room of Ma Maizhi's house, with a kang table in the middle, and Ma Maizhi, Ma Maizhi's second son Ma Jianzhong, and Ma Zhanhai, the secretary of the old village, sat opposite. General Secretary Xi Jinping talked with them cordially for 15 minutes, and inquired in detail about the basic situation of Ma Maizhi's family, when Ma Maizhi told General Secretary Xi Jinping that the children who were going to school enjoyed the free policy of compulsory education, General Secretary Xi Jinping was very pleased, and then took out two sets of stationery and gave them to him, telling the children to study hard. Now Ma Maizhi has moved to live in the new countryside, is the village plumber, the eldest son and daughter-in-law opened a farm in Wuwei, the second son Ma Jianzhong works in the Dongxiang County Education Bureau, and the third son Ma Hongquan is studying in Daban Guoqiang Vocational and Technical School in Dongxiang County, and the arrival of General Secretary Xi Jinping has brought earth-shaking changes to the life of Ma Maizhi's family.

Keep in mind the six difficulties of Tok

Bulengou in Dongxiang language is the meaning of the edge of the cliff, the previous Bulengou mountain ditch is deep, ten years and nine droughts, there are "difficult draft, difficult to travel, difficult to housing, difficult to go to school, difficult to seek medical treatment, difficult to increase income" six major problems.

The altitude of Bulengou is 1900 meters, the mountain slope is steep, the ravines are vertical and horizontal, and the infrastructure construction is lagging behind. Since the 80s of the last century, 136 households in Bulengou Village have been able to walk and move, and by 2012, there are only 68 households and 315 people left in the village, with a per capita net income of only 1,600 yuan and a poverty level of 96%. In the past, the masses were scattered on the slopes of the mountain, the houses were all adobe houses, the whole village was a dirt road, the road was narrow and steep, and the soil was covered in mud on sunny days, and a foot of mud on rainy days became a true portrayal of the local people. At that time, General Secretary Xi Jinping took this loess road to Ma Maizhi's house; There is only one three-year teaching center in the village, three simple bungalows, and the students of the two grades are crammed into one classroom, and the school conditions are very difficult. The basic conditions are weak, and the villagers have to go to the township health center 9 kilometers away to see a doctor; The per capita cultivated land in the village is small, and it is all sloping cultivated land, coupled with drought and lack of water, one side of the water and soil cannot support the other side.

The photos on the wall of the west room of the village history museum show the situation of the draft difficulty, the draft difficulty is the first of the six difficulties, the annual precipitation of Bulengou Village is only 290 mm, and the evaporation is as high as 1490 mm, the masses will make a simple water intake device in the past, collect the rainwater and snow water on the roof for common use, at the same time, but also go to the Tao River more than ten kilometers away to get water to eat, the cost of hiring a car to pull water is very high, here water is more expensive than oil is a true portrayal. In the 90s of the last century, the water trucks of the provincial party committee would also regularly deliver water to the villagers.

Work hard and show a new look

On February 28, 2013, the construction of the Bulengou Village drinking water project began, and in 4 months, the river water originating from Taizi Mountain was sent to the villagers' homes through the pipeline. Today, 97 percent of Dongxiang County has access to tap water, far higher than the national average.

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

The villagers had access to tap water

In March 2013, the construction of the petrochemical road in Bulengou Village was started, and it was completed at the end of May, with a cement hardened road of more than 20 kilometers long, which completely solved the travel problems of the masses.

In 2014, the entire village was lifted out of poverty. Now the Bulengou is full of greenery and vitality, and has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

The red secondary road passes through the village

In January 2020, the Zhehong Secondary Highway connecting to Hongqi Township, Lintao County, from Zhiqiao Town, Linxia City, was completed and opened to traffic, with a total length of 50.98 kilometers, and is now one of the secondary roads with the largest traffic flow in Linxia Prefecture, allowing everyone to run out of acceleration on the road to prosperity.

Due to the special geographical conditions, the new countryside can only be built by cutting mountains and flattening land. Now all the villagers of Bulengou have moved to the new countryside, with a unique gatehouse, a courtyard wall decorated with traditional brick carving, and supporting infrastructure such as solar street lamps, cultural convenience squares, and convenience supermarkets.

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

Bulengou Village Villager Service Center

In 2014, a six-in-one party and mass service center was built, which is equipped with a farmer's library and activity center, and a standardized health room (consultation room, treatment room, observation room, pharmacy four rooms are separated, equipped with a sewage classification disposal room), specially equipped with medical personnel, villagers are more convenient to see a doctor and buy medicine, children can be vaccinated in the village, and drugs can basically meet the needs of the masses.

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

Bulengou Petrochemical Primary School

In the same year, the new school buildings of Bulengou Primary School and Kindergarten were completed and put into use, with computer rooms, laboratories and libraries, and all school-age children were enrolled.

In 2013, the village implemented a new round of projects to return farmland to forests, and implemented more than 6,000 acres of barren mountains and afforestation, which made the barren mountains in the past clothed in green and full of vitality, and the poor ecological environment has been greatly improved.

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

Neat laneways

While the infrastructure is gradually improving, a series of poverty alleviation policies have awakened the enthusiasm and initiative of the villagers of Bulengou to develop industries. From the traditional planting of wheat and artichoke to the fungus and quinoa with high economic value, from the sporadic cattle and sheep breeding to the establishment of large-scale farmer breeding cooperatives, from the solution of food and clothing to the development of farmhouses, to the solar photovoltaic power generation on the barren hillside, and the all-round creation of red tourism in Bulengou Village...... Diversified industries have steadily increased the income of the people in Bulengou. The concept of the masses has also changed, and they have actively participated in the labor skills training carried out by the county, so that they can have a skill and increase their income and become rich. Dongxiang tribute sheep, Dongxiang artichoke, women's embroidery works and Dongxiang special delicacies are sold all over the country through Sinopec e-commerce platform. The "six difficulties" of Bulengou Village are gone, and the beautiful transformation from "cliff edge" to "happy village" has been completely realized.

Happiness and well-off scene exhibition

General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the rain collection field after coming out of Ma Maizhi's house, and played a bucket of water here, General Secretary Xi Jinping checked the water cellar in detail, asked about the water storage capacity of the water cellar, water quality, and the draft of the masses, the average annual precipitation of Bulengou was only about 290 mm, but the evaporation was as high as 1490 mm, the rain collection field is the land surface, high and low in the middle of the surrounding area, to the rain, snow days to collect surface water, people will spread a layer of fine sand or wheat straw at the inlet for simple filtration, Wait for the water to settle naturally before drinking.

The History Museum of Bulengou Village, Dongxiang County, Red Memory

The new look of Bulengou Village

After years of unremitting efforts, General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest entrustment of "bringing water, building roads, building new countryside, and allowing the poor people to get rid of poverty and live a well-off life as soon as possible" has been fully implemented, and the former poor mountain villages have embarked on a new journey of getting rid of poverty and becoming well-off.

Source: Linxia Rong Media Center