
Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles

author:Yu Shanli

Teacher Zhiyuan said: "Who wouldn't like Wang Chuqin, the ball is played well, and the person is so characterful." "That's right, liking Wang Chuqin is as simple as breathing.

The 24-year-old Wang Chuqin finally waited for Paris, and he was the absolute No. 1 in the team as the three-sport Paris. Heaven always favors those who work hard and are diligent, and when the boy puts the sound of his heartbeat in the sycamore leaves, the butterfly that dies in the twilight of life miraculously flies to the summer of Paris. Wang Chuqin, the sober and enthusiastic teenager, will eventually replace the striking and stinging white in the Tokyo stands with the dazzling red of the Paris Olympics. The P-card boy who has been in Tokyo for 10,000 years has finally waited for his home stadium.

Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles
Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles

Wang Chuqin: Who will love you if you don't win the championship? He performed left-handed miracles

Wang Chuqin, who looks like a young maniac but is actually a very diligent and hard-working teenager, pressed the "acceleration button" in the Paris cycle, from desperately catching up to riding the dust, he finally created the miracle of "left-handed general".

He trained hard and proved with one championship after another that the left hand can also be singles and win the championship, on the other hand, he proved to the world that the post-00s are also very good, and they have the ability to carry the future of China. No matter how others slander Wang Chuqin, I believe that he will one day open up a miracle that belongs to his left hand. He was the first left-hander to reach the final of the World Championships in the four decades since 1983; is the first four-time champion of the national table tennis men's team in the Asian Games, and he is the person who can get the stepping stone of the national team at the age of 13......

Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles
Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles

Wang Chuqin: The left hand is never a shackle, it is a sharp blade!

Wang Chuqin has always been a teenager who faces challenges head-on, and in Macau, Wang Chuqin faces challenges from time, opponents and himself. The goal is becoming clearer and clearer, and a bronze medal is not the end of Wang Chuqin's journey to the top of the world.

In the men's singles final of the Macau World Cup, the match between Lin Gaoyuan and Ma Long was staged in an incredible script, the clock faintly pointed to 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, as Ma Long raised his arms and shouted to lock the last victory of the World Cup, Wang Chuqin in the stands applauded the captain of the national table tennis with a smile on his face. Just over an hour before the start of the game, he picked up his racket and stood on the other side of the Malone training table. He is doing sparring for Brother Long, who he admires the most, and he is still the boy with a clear heart. If you win, you can afford to lose

Entering the Olympic year, compared with the previous cycle, he has gradually become more old-fashioned: there is still an extreme desire for victory in his eyes, but there is more prediction of difficulties and dialectics of victory and defeat between words, "I think in fact, an athlete can't define the game by his state, nor can he define it with a good performance, this is his true level." I think it's both good and bad, and it's also a time to train yourself." Dr. Dong's dedication to training left a deeper impression on Dr. Dong: "He (Wang Chuqin) is the kind of player who has to practice to his satisfaction, and the goal he sets is not a ball or a beat. "

Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles
Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles
Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles

In Macau, Wang Chuqin has challenged his opponent, himself and time, and what awaits him is the next arena.

Wang Chuqin: The lover helped me Qingyunzhi, and the meeting was already signed

Wang Chuqin and Sun Yingsha are unprecedented youth storms in the entire national table tennis industry. From 17 to 23 years, from the national table tennis player to the world champion, 18 years of no applause to 23 years of full hall are all here for you, from obscurity to full voice, standing on the top of the mountain when you were young, and also bowing your head to be stared at by the abyss, life can not escape the darkness and ups and downs. The light boat has crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains, walked towards the light, was shrouded in light, and finally became light. The pearl is never dusty, the youth is also promising, and the sword is not only Paris. In the arena, he will be unwilling, painful, and distressed when he tears the muscle patch. However, we also know that it takes one step at a time to climb the mountain in order to step firmly and see far. His progress, his efforts, are obvious to all, from the beginning like hitting the wall, to the Durban match point reversal, and now to the decider. Teacher Zhiyuan: "After this ball, Fan Zhendong should be aware. The opponent opposite you is actually five or five different in strength than you. "

He went from Jilin to join the team in Beijing, a little boy who began to practice at the age of seven, and traveled to the age of twenty-three, fifteen years of spring, summer, autumn and winter about the little white ball are related to the north, home is here, dreams are here, fight here, laughter and tears are like rain and sweat are here, I don't know how much romance there is in the men north of the Huai River, but he is in front of the table and says "can't give up", Wang Chuqin, who is strained and hurt to the point of deformation and does not easily retreat from the stage, is my excellent romance. If public opinion is not biased in your favor, then I hope victory is in your favor.

Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles
Wang Chuqin: Tears! Who loves you if you don't win the championship? 2 or 3 gold medals in Paris? He's all miracles

Wang Chuqin is not like Sun Yingsha, who will fill the maturity coefficient as soon as he debuts, and he prefers to compare himself to a snail and enrich himself in a game. Behind the two golds and one silver in the World Table Tennis Championships is Wang Chuqin's gradually mature and strong heart. The beauty of competitive sports is that we are climbing together to reach the limits of humanity, whether we are teammates or opponents, and then we are pursuing the unpredictable higher and farther limits. And the most fascinating thing about Wang Chuqin is the spirit of "the strong draw the knife to the stronger" in him, whether this "stronger" is the opponent on the other side of the table, or the limit of his own willpower.

We, the little lions, are really good athletes. Come on, Paris!

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