
The development of diabetes to the point of yin and yang deficiency is the most terrible, and we must beware of complications!

author:Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Wang Shupeng

The development of diabetes to the stage of yin and yang deficiency really needs to be paid close attention by patients and doctors, because this state not only affects the quality of daily life of patients, but also may indicate the occurrence of complications, thus increasing the difficulty and risk of treatment.

The development of diabetes to the point of yin and yang deficiency is the most terrible, and we must beware of complications!

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, yin and yang deficiency refers to the loss of balance between the two basic substances of yin and yang in the human body, resulting in a deficiency of yin fluid and weakness of yang qi. For diabetic patients, long-term hyperglycemia can damage the balance of yin and yang in the body, leading to the appearance of yin and yang deficiency. In this state, patients will experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including but not limited to dry mouth, soreness in the waist and knees, chills and cold limbs, fatigue and frequent urination at night. These symptoms seriously affect the patient's quality of life and provide the possibility of complications.

The causes of yin and yang deficiency in diabetes are as follows:

1. Hyperglycemic state: Long-term hyperglycemic state in diabetic patients can damage pancreatic islet cells, resulting in insufficient insulin secretion or insulin resistance, which further exacerbates the rise in blood sugar. In this state, all tissues and organs of the body will be damaged, especially the kidneys, heart, brain and other important organs, which will destroy the balance of yin and yang.

2. Autonomic nerve damage: Diabetic patients have autonomic nerve damage and autonomic nerve dysfunction, which can easily affect the body temperature regulation center, reduce the body's heat production, increase heat dissipation, and then appear cold extremities.

3. Malnutrition: Diabetic patients may experience malnutrition due to their diet control, especially the lack of necessary vitamins and minerals, which further affects the body's yin and yang balance.

The development of diabetes to the point of yin and yang deficiency is the most terrible, and we must beware of complications!

In the state of diabetes mellitus, patients are prone to a variety of complications, including but not limited to:

1. Diabetic nephropathy: manifested as frequent urination, cloudy urine, increased nocturia and other symptoms, which may lead to renal failure in severe cases.

2. Diabetic eye diseases: including cataract, glaucoma, retinopathy, etc., which can lead to blindness in severe cases.

3. Diabetic neuropathy: manifested as numbness, pain, paresthesia, etc., which seriously affects the quality of life of patients.

4. Diabetic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: including hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, etc., which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

For patients with diabetes mellitus deficiency of yin and yang, the prevention and management of complications need to do the following:

1. Strict control of blood sugar: Strictly control blood sugar levels through various methods such as diet control, intensive exercise and medication to reduce the damage to the body and delay the appearance of yin and yang deficiency.

2. Regular check-ups: Diabetic patients need to have a series of regular examinations, including fundus examination, urine protein excretion rate test, renal function test and electrocardiogram, etc., so as to detect and treat complications in time.

3. Adjust your lifestyle: Maintain a regular routine and avoid staying up late and overworking; Maintain a balanced diet and avoid high-sugar and high-fat foods; Proper physical exercise to enhance the body's immunity.

4. Medication: Under the guidance of doctors, rational use of hypoglycemic drugs, traditional Chinese medicine, etc., to improve the symptoms of yin and yang deficiency and prevent the occurrence of complications.

The development of diabetes to the point of yin and yang deficiency is the most terrible, and we must beware of complications!

In conclusion, the progression of diabetes to the stage of yin and yang deficiency is a serious state that requires the joint efforts of patients and doctors to prevent and manage it. A variety of measures, such as strict blood sugar control, regular check-ups, lifestyle modifications, and medications, can slow the progression of the disease, reduce symptoms, and reduce the risk of complications. At the same time, patients should also maintain a good attitude, actively cooperate with the treatment, and follow the doctor's instructions for self-management.

I am Dr. Wang Shupeng of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you have questions related to diabetes and other diseases, please leave a message to me in the comment area.