
Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

author:Shi Xiao Jin

Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen is the sixth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he has made a wrong battle and killed the wrong person in his life, he has been an emperor for 22 years, and he has done two things right. Ming Yingzong was the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty who ascended the throne at an early age and could not govern in person, his father Ming Yingzong Zhu Zhanji gave birth to his eldest son at the age of 29, and his biological mother Xiaogongzhang Empress Sun was a mother with a son, replacing Xuanzong's wife Hu Shanxiang to become the successor.

Because of this, Ming Yingzong became the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty to get married during his reign, and his grandmother, Empress Dowager Zhang, personally selected the Qian family from the Jingnan family for him, and the wedding of the two was extremely grand;

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

Before Yingzong's pro-government, it was always the regent of the Empress Dowager Zhang but did not listen to the government, and the "three Yangs" (Yang Rong, Yang Pu and Yang Shiqi) were responsible for implementation

After the death of Empress Dowager Zhang, the eunuch Wang Zhen rose rapidly and became the first powerful eunuch of the Ming Dynasty. The courtiers called him "Father of the Urn", and it was precisely because of Wang Zhen that Zhu Qizhen of the Ming Dynasty became the only emperor of the Ming Dynasty who was captured.

For the sake of the Ming Dynasty, Yingzong had to be "abandoned" by his biological mother, Empress Dowager Sun, and was transferred to Yingzong's only younger brother, Zhu Qiyu, as the new emperor. With the joint efforts of Empress Dowager Sun, Yu Qian, Emperor Jingtai Zhu Qiyu and others, the Ming Dynasty was finally preserved.

After being captured for a year, Yingzong finally returned to the capital, but immediately after that, he was imprisoned in Nangong and was not allowed to be free for 7 years.

Tongyingzong imprisoned all of Yingzong's concubines in Nangong, so although he was imprisoned for 7 years, Yingzong still did not delay giving birth to the prince and princess. Yingzong had a total of 9 sons and 10 daughters in his life, most of whom were born in Nangong.

The 7-year change allowed Yingzong to regain his freedom, re-ascend the throne, and change the era name to Tianshun.

In fact, Yingzong was only 22 years old when he was captured, and he was only 30 years old when he ascended the throne for the second time. However, Yingzong died of illness after only 8 years of reign, and like his father Ming Xuanzong, he was 38 years old.

Yingzong's life was short and he made two major mistakes:

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

The first big mistake was the imperial expedition, which led to the annihilation of 500,000 Ming troops, which was a turning point in the Ming Dynasty from prosperity to decline;

The second big mistake, after the reset, he executed Yu Qian, the secretary of the military department who had helped the Ming Dynasty continue its life for 200 years, and let the loyal ministers die with hatred.

However, Yingzong also did two things right:

The first thing was to restore Hu Shanxiang's throne and posthumously crown him as Empress Gongrangzhang; and forgave Zhu Wengui, the second son of Emperor Jianwen, and released him to freedom; The second thing is to abolish the concubine burial system restored by Emperor Hongwu.

After Yingzong's death, his eldest son, Zhu Jianshen, ascended the throne as emperor. As for the other eight sons, except for the third son, who died young, the other seven sons were all named vassal kings according to the ancestral system, and it was enough to determine the fief and become a vassal. Let's leave aside the nine sons of Yingzong for the time being, let's take a look at the 8 princesses of Yingzong who have grown up in this article, what is the ending? Six of the princesses were born in Nangong.

01 Chongqing Princess: A rare virtue in the world

Princess Chongqing is the half-sister of Zhu Jianshen of Ming Xianzong, and the first child born to Empress Zhou of Xiaosu, who was born when Yingzong was 20 years old in the eleventh year of orthodoxy. Three years after her birth, the princess of Chongqing followed her mother Zhou to imprison Nangong, and after living in Nangong for 8 years, she regained her freedom and became a veritable princess of the emperor - the emperor's princess.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

In the fifth year of Tianshun, the princess of Chongqing was already 16 years old, and when she reached the age of marriage, Yingzong personally selected a horse for her.

Zhou Jing was outstanding in appearance and liked to read, so he was favored by Yingzong, and he was canonized as the captain of the horse and married the princess of Chongqing.

Yingzong really likes this son-in-law very much, and he often takes Zhou Jing with him when he travels.

At the same time, Zhou Jing was also reused and became an official.

During the reign of Ming Xianzong, Zhou Jing was ordered to take charge of the Zongren Mansion, and he was an honest official, never exceeding the rules, and had no other hobbies except reading and writing poems. Koji died in the eighth year at the age of 50.

It is worth mentioning that although the princess of Chongqing is a nobleman, she is indeed a rare virtuous virtue. After marrying Zhou Jing, she served her filial in-laws like the daughter-in-law of ordinary people, and did not have a shelf as a princess. And although the princess of Chongqing is not short of clothes to wear, she still insists on sewing clothes and shoes by herself, and when it comes to festivals, she will take them out and give them to her family as a gift.

On the day when the horse is about to go to court, the princess of Chongqing will get up and take care of Zhou Jing's diet and daily life.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

It was a great blessing for Zhou Jing to marry a princess, and even more fortunate that the princess he married was not arrogant, but so virtuous. It can be said that the princess of Chongqing is one of the few virtuous princesses in all dynasties.

Four years after the death of Zhou Jing, the princess of Chongqing also died of illness at the age of 54.

Zhou Xian, the son of the princess of Chongqing, who was born to a concubine, served as a conductor, and under the influence of his parents, he was also a rare talent. At the time, it was quite famous.

As the emperor's daughter, her husband cannot be freely chosen, and they are all "married first and then loved". And it is likely to choose a husband who does not share his interests, and it is common for him to be unhappy after marriage. And the princess of Chongqing was able to meet a husband who was Qin Se and Ming, and it was very rare that she was very good in terms of appearance and talent.

What is even more rare is that the two have been able to stay together for decades and cultivate an equally virtuous son.

02 Princess Jiashan

Princess Jiashan is the third daughter of Ming Yingzong, and her biological mother is Concubine Wang Hui. Concubine Wang Hui was Yingzong's favorite concubine in the early days, and she was also the concubine who gave birth to children for Yingzong earlier. Wang Huifei's father, Wang Bin, was only a hundred households in Jinyiwei, which shows that Wang Huifei's background is still relatively low. Xuande entered the inner court when he was only 5 years old in the eighth year, two years younger than Yingzong.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

As for when Concubine Wang Hui became the concubine of Yingzong, it is not certain, and it is not clear what position she will hold after being favored, but it is only known that in the twelfth year of orthodoxy, Concubine Wang Hui gave birth to Princess Jiashan, the third daughter of Yingzong. That is to say, twelve years before orthodoxy, that is, before Wang Huifei was 18 years old, she was favored by Yingzong and became Yingzong's concubine.

At first, Concubine Wang Hui was still more favored, so she became pregnant again before the fourteenth year of orthodoxy, and gave birth to Zhu Jianchun, the third son of Yingzong, in February of the first year of Jingtai (1450).

In the first year of Tianshun, after Yingzong was restored, Wang was officially canonized as Concubine Hui.

In the entire Tianshun Dynasty, Concubine Wang Hui was never pregnant again, and her position was not promoted. However, because Yingzong abolished the funeral system of concubines, Concubine Wang Hui did not need to be martyred by Yingzong, and was able to spend her old age in the harem and live to the twenty-first year of Chenghua.

Compared with the princess of Chongqing, Princess Jiashan got married relatively late.

In the Tianshun Dynasty, Yingzong did not consider Princess Jiashan's marriage, in fact, Princess Jiashan was 18 years old in the eighth year of Tianshun and had reached the age of marriage. As for why Princess Jiashan's marriage was not considered, we don't know. Maybe it's because of Yingzong's health, after all, Yingzong has not been in good health since the seventh year of Tianshun, and Tianshun was terminally ill in the first month of the eighth year of Tianshun and died soon.

There are many things that Yingzong needs to worry about before his death, such as the candidate for the minister of Tuogu, such as the candidate for the crown princess Zhu Jianshen, such as the childless Queen Qian, etc., all of which need to be worried about by Yingzong, and it is understandable that he can't take care of his daughter's marriage for a while.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

After Xianzong ascended the throne, he began to select horses for Princess Jiashan in the court.

In the end, Wang Zeng, the grandson of Wang Ji, the secretary of the military department, was selected as the jinshi of Yongle for four years, and Xuanzong achieved the post of secretary of the military department when he was in the first dynasty. After Yingzong succeeded to the throne, Wang Ji made many military exploits, especially three times to conquer Luchuan, and was named Jingyuan Bo for his immortal achievements. Wang Ji was the first civil servant of the Ming Dynasty to be knighted for his military exploits. Tianshun died of illness in the fourth year, and was posthumously named Marquis of Jingyuan, and his marquis position was hereditary.

In the second year of Chenghua, when Princess Jiashan was 20 years old, he married Wang Zeng.

There is no detailed record of how Princess Jiashan and King Concubines married and how their heirs were, presumably the relationship between the two after marriage is average. Moreover, although Wang Zeng was the captain of the horse, he did not inherit the Marquis of Jingyuan.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

In the twelfth year of Hongzhi (1499), Princess Jiashan died at the age of 53.

03 Princess Chun'an

Princess Chun'an's biological mother is Concubine Wanchen, Concubine Wanchen is the concubine of Yingzong's orthodox years, and she is also the concubine who gave birth to the largest number of children for Yingzong, and has given birth to four sons and two daughters for Yingzong. When Princess Chun'an regained her freedom when she was four years old, in the eighth year of Tianshun, when her father Yingzong died of illness, Princess Chun'an was only 12 years old, so she naturally would not marry.

After Xianzong ascended the throne, Xianzong chose a husband for his sister Princess Chun'an, and finally selected Cai Zhen, the son of the sergeant Cai Cheng.

In the second year of Chenghua, Princess Chun'an married Cai Zhen when she was 14 years old.

It is worth mentioning that although Cai Zhen is not from a high background, he has a cautious and honest temperament, and he also loves Princess Chun'an very much after marriage, and Princess Chun'an has given birth to four sons for Cai Zhen.

The following year after the wedding, Princess Chun'an asked Xianzong to reward Baoding Mansion and more than 400 hectares of land in Xiangcheng County, Henan, but Xianzong refused. After the new emperor Xiaozong succeeded to the throne, his aunt Princess Chun'an was promoted to the eldest princess, and after three years of Hongzhi, Xiaozong rewarded his aunt Raoyang County with more than 100 hectares of farmland. In the eighteenth year of Hongzhi, Xiaozong's only son, Wuzong, succeeded to the throne and added 100 stone to his aunt's grandmother, Princess Chun'an.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

In 1522, Emperor Jiajing succeeded to the throne and returned the manor outside the Chongwen Gate of the eldest princess of Chun'an.

Princess Chun'an died of illness in the Jiajing Dynasty, and it is uncertain what year it was. According to the record of "The Eightyth Birthday Celebration of the Eldest Princess of Chun'an", Princess Chun'an's 80th birthday was in September of Renchen, and the year of Renchen was the eleventh year of Jiajing, which means that the eleventh year of Jiajing was Princess Chun'an, who was still alive.

In the fifteenth year of Jiajing, Princess Chun'an's son Jinyi Wei Qianhu Cai Zun asked Emperor Jiajing to "give a house" and "enshrine" his mother's magic card.

It can be seen that Princess Chun'an died in the eleventh year of Jiajing to the fifteenth year of Jiajing, and died at the age of more than 80 years after Jingtai, Tianshun, Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde, and Jiajing.

From the first dynasty of Xianzong to the early days of the Jiajing Dynasty, Cao Zhen was ordered to replace the emperor many times to worship the imperial tomb and pay tribute to the Taimiao, which shows that his status and prestige in the court are very high.

And what really made Cai Zhen's name shocking the government and the opposition was when Ming Wuzong was in power, and let the eunuch Liu Jin confess.

Ming Wuzong Zhu Houzhao was stubborn, ascended the throne at the age of 15, and even after the wedding, he was still as playful as ever, never going to court, and not living in the Forbidden City. The eunuch Liu Jin took the opportunity to control the government and the opposition. But because there were too many people offended, Liu Jin was arrested in the fifth year of Zhengde.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

But it is not easy for Liu Jin to be convicted if he does not admit his guilt, and many of the civil and military forces in the Manchu Dynasty are Liu Jin's disciples, so naturally no one dares to interrogate Liu Jin.

For a while, the ministers all looked at each other, and at this critical moment, Cai Zhen stood up and said to Liu Jin sharply: I am a relative of the emperor, not your protégé, can I interrogate you?

In the face of Liu Jin's rebuttal, Cai Zhen refuted him sharply, so that Liu Jin had to admit his guilt.

And Cai Zhen also became famous for interrogating Liu Jin:

"It's a slight (Cai) earthquake, and it almost can't become a (Liu Jin) prison."

After Emperor Jiajing succeeded to the throne, Cai Zhen wanted to resign due to old age, but Emperor Jiajing thought that Cai Zhen was old and stable, and he was crowned with the title of crown prince. In the fourteenth year of Jiajing, Cai Zhen died of illness, and Emperor Jiajing gave him the nickname "Kangxi".

After Princess Chun'an married Cai Zhen, she not only gave birth to four sons for her, but both husband and wife lived to be more than 80 years old.

Among all the princesses and horses in the Ming Dynasty, Princess Chun'an and Cai Zhen should have a high life.

04 Princess Chongdeok

Princess Chongde was born to Concubine Yang An, and was born in Nangong in the third year of Jingtai (1452).

After spending five years in Nangong, she regained her freedom, and when Tianshun was eight years old, Princess Chongde was still 13 years old and had not yet reached the age of marriage. It was only after the new emperor Xianzong succeeded to the throne that he considered the marriage of Princess Chongde. In the end, Xianzong selected Yang Wei, the grandson of Xingjibo Yang Shan (who brought Yingzong back to the capital from Wara), as the captain of the horse, and Princess Chongde was married at the age of 15 in the second year of Chenghua.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

In the first year of Hongzhi, Zhu Youjiao, the filial piety of the Ming Dynasty, crowned his aunt as the eldest princess of Chongde.

In the second year of Hongji (1489), Princess Chongde died of illness at the age of 38.

Yang Wei, as the grandson of Xingjibo, or the captain of the horse, will naturally be reused, from the reign of Ming Xianzong to Ming Xiaozong, Yang Wei has repeatedly replaced the emperor to worship the imperial mausoleum. After the death of Princess Chongde, Yang Wei was transferred to Nanjing as the governor of the Left Army Governor's Office, and died in the seventh year of Zhengde (1512).

After getting married, Princess Chongde gave birth to a son Yang Xi for Yang Wei, and Yang Xi once served as the commander of the Jinyi Guard.

05 Princess Guangdeok

Princess Guangde and Princess Chun'an were born to the same mother, and they were both princesses born to Concubine Wanchen.

In 1454, that is, the fifth year of Jingtai, Princess Guangde was born in Nangong and regained her freedom at the age of three.

In the eighth year of Tianshun, Princess Guangde was only 11 years old, so naturally she was not of marriage age.

In the eighth year of Chenghua, he married Fan Kai when Princess Guangde was 19 years old.

Fan Kai served in the county magistrate's office when he was young, and the county magistrate was surprised when he saw Fan Kai's appearance, so he asked Fan Kai to study and study. Fan Kai is not only studious, but also slim and beautiful. Because of this, Xianzong Xuanzong married Princess Guangde as the captain of the horse.

It's a pity that Princess Guangde died of illness in Chenghua for 20 years and Fan Kai after 12 years of companionship, at the age of 31.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

It is worth mentioning that Fan Kai has a good relationship with Zhou Jing, the husband of the princess of Chongqing, and the two have a deep friendship.

In the twenty-first year of Chenghua, a year after the death of Princess Guangde, Fan Kai was ordered to lead the forbidden army and was promoted to the palace guard.

In the Zhengde period, because the eunuch Liu Jin leaned towards the government and the opposition, Fan Kai was unwilling to befriend Liu Jin and offended Liu Jin. After being framed, Fan Kai was dismissed from his position as a guard. Fan Kai has served as a palace guard for more than 20 years, which shows the reigning emperor's trust in Fan Kai.

06 Princess Jiaxiang

Princess Jiaxiang's biological mother is Concubine Liu, and Yingzong has a total of three concubines surnamed Liu, as for whether it is Concubine Liu Li, Concubine Liu Jing or another concubine surnamed Liu, it is still uncertain. Princess Jiaxiang is still relatively lucky, she was born in the third year of Tianshun (1459), this year Yingzong has been restored to the throne for three years, Princess Jiaxiang does not need to be born in the Nangong with little food and clothing.

In the eighth year of Tianshun, when Yingzong died of illness, Princess Jiaxiang was only five years old.

In the thirteenth year of Chenghua, Xianzong chose a husband for his sister, and finally chose Huang Yong, whose ancestral home was in Huizhou.

After only six years of marriage, Princess Jiaxiang died of illness at the age of 25.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

Huang Yong's family was actually not in the capital, because one of Huang Yong's grandparents entered the palace and became the concubine of Ming Renzong Zhu Gaochi (Ming Yingzong's grandfather), and the family moved to the capital to live. Huang Yong's aunt was respectful and respectful to Concubine Chong, and Zhu Gaochi was martyred after his death.

In the three dynasties of Xianzong, Xiaozong and Wuzong, Huang Yong served as the commander of the horse and sacrificed the imperial tomb on behalf of the emperor many times.

In the fifth year of Zhengde, Huang Yong died, and Wuzong dropped out of the dynasty for him.

07 Princess Yixing

Princess Yixing's biological mother was Concubine Wei De, who was elected to the inner court in the seventh year of orthodoxy, and gave birth to Princess Yixing in the fifth year of Jingtai (1454). After the restoration of Yingzong, Wei was named Concubine De, and in the sixth year of Tianshun, Concubine Wei gave birth to a prince, Zhu Jianpei, and died of illness in the fifth year of Chenghua.

Princess Yixing was born in Nangong and regained her freedom at the age of three. In the eighth year of Tianshun, Princess Yixing was only 11 years old when Yingzong died. In the ninth year of Chenghua (1474), Princess Yixing married Ma Cheng when she was 21 years old, and compared with other princesses, Princess Yixing married at a relatively large age. After Jingtai, Tianshun, Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde five dynasties, he died in the ninth year of Zhengde at the age of 61.

08 Princess Longqing

Princess Longqing's biological mother is Concubine Gao Shu, who gave birth to a son and a daughter for Yingzong, and died at the age of 82.

In the third year of Jingtai, Concubine Gao Shufei was the fifth son of Yingzong;

In the sixth year of Jingtai, Concubine Gao Shu gave birth to the youngest princess for Yingzong, Princess Longqing.

When Yingzong died of illness, Princess Longqing was only 2 years old.

Ming Yingzong, who was captured by Wara, has 8 women who have grown up, what is their end?

In the ninth year of Chenghua, Princess Longqing was named the eldest princess of Longqing, and she married the horse Duwei Youtai. After only six years of marriage, Princess Longqing died of illness, and after marriage, she gave birth to two daughters for You Tai.

You Tai is a native of Yancheng, Jiangsu, and the ancestor of the You clan in Yancheng, Jiangsu, is a thousand households who followed Zhu Yuanzhang to fight in the south and the north.

In addition to the two daughters born to Princess Longqing for You Tai, You Tai also has three daughters and twelve sons.

And You Tai's sons-in-law are not simple:

Liu Wen, Marquis of Anyuan (his fourth ancestor Liu Sheng was awarded the title of Marquis of Anyuan during the Yongle Dynasty)

British Gong Zhang Lun (the great-grandson of the British Gong Zhang Fu who was canonized by Ming Chengzu himself, and the great-grandson of Zhang Yu, the four heroes of Jingnan)

Fengrun Bo Cao Dong

Teng Xiang commanded Xu Shen on the right

New Ningbo Tan Lun (Tan Yuan's son Tan Zhong was named New Ningbo by Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, and Tan Lun is Tan Zhong's great-great-grandson)


"The Ninth Biography of the History of the Ming Dynasty"

"Records of the Ming Xianzong"

"History of the Ming Dynasty: The Legend of the Princess"

"Daming Longqing Eldest Princess"


"Chongqing Eldest Princess"

"Records of Emperor Xiaozong of the Ming Dynasty"

"Yishan Hall Collection"

"Records of Emperor Zongsu of the Ming Dynasty"