
The unsolved Hulan case: The Hulan hero, who specializes in killing policemen, has disappeared since the last crime

author:Half-Half History

Note: This article contains some folklore, the name is a pseudonym, please do not bring it into reality

"Don't go out, Hulan Daxia will kill!"

In the eighties of the last century, there was such a sentence in Hulan County, Heilongjiang.

And who is the "Hulan Hero" who is passed on by word of mouth? It all started with a bizarre case in 1987......


On June 5, 1987, as early summer approached, the weather gradually became hotter.

In Hulan County, Heilongjiang, the temperature has suddenly dropped in the past few days, so that people have put on the coats they have just taken off.

"What the hell do you see? The temperature rises for a while, and then drops again, just like the ball that our little treasure plays, up and down. ”

In a small farm yard in Xubao Township, Hulan County, Uncle Yang, who had just finished eating, and his wife were playing with their grandson in the yard.

Their grandson Xiaobao is now five years old, which is the age of being lively and active, running around all day long, unable to stop at all, and tired the old couple with sore bones.

No, just after dinner, Xiaobao began to jump in the yard again, as if he still wanted to climb the tree in the yard.

When it was completely dark, Uncle Yang took Xiaobao's hand and led him into the house.

The unsolved Hulan case: The Hulan hero, who specializes in killing policemen, has disappeared since the last crime

Xiaobao's parents went to the next village to help because they had something to do, and they won't be back for the next two days, so they watch their children more carefully in case there is any accident.

But in the middle of the night, Uncle Yang suddenly heard a loud voice, which made him wake up from his dream in an instant.

"Wife, did you hear anything just now?"

Uncle Yang was so frightened that he was sweating, and the wife sitting next to him rubbed his eyes and said in disbelief: "Why do I seem to hear a gunshot?" ”

"Impossible, right? Wait......"

Before Uncle Yang could speak, he suddenly heard the sound of glass breaking from next door, and then the sound of ping-pong kept ringing, and after about five minutes, all the sounds disappeared, and Uncle Yang only felt that his heart was throbbing.

"Could it be that something happened to Zhang Fugui's family?" Uncle Yang's hands trembled a little, but it was because of these unusual movements.

And Zhang Fugui in his mouth is a policeman from the township police station, it stands to reason that nothing can happen, after all, he is a policeman.

But there was always an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart, Uncle Yang hesitated for a moment, and planned to go next door to have a look, but his wife suddenly pressed his hand.

"I can't go, Zhang Fugui is a policeman, if something happens outside, he will definitely come and ask us, but now there is no movement, it can only be explained ......"

The unsolved Hulan case: The Hulan hero, who specializes in killing policemen, has disappeared since the last crime

My wife's words couldn't go on, and Uncle Yang immediately understood what she meant, which can only show that it was Zhang Fugui who had the accident.

endured all night, and when the sky finally dawned, Uncle Yang hurriedly ran to the next door, but the scene in front of him was so shocked that he almost lost his soul......


I saw that Zhang Fugui's house was full of fishy smell, and the glass and walls were all stained with blood.

As the owner, Zhang Fugui fell to the ground on his back, with an obvious hole on his head, and his wife and children next to him also fell not far away, with not only a shot hole on his body, but also several obvious knife cuts.

"Call the police, go to the police!" Uncle Zhang shouted as he ran out of the village.

When he met someone on the way, he hurriedly said: "There was an accident in Zhang Fugui's family, and their whole family was shot to death!" ”

Hearing this, the villagers immediately became nervous, some gathered around Zhang Fugui's house, and others followed to the police station.

When the police from the police station arrived, the scene was already in chaos, and they immediately set up a yellow cordon and warned the villagers to leave the scene.

At the same time, Uncle Yang went home panting, he looked at his wife who was holding his grandson tightly, and said with trembling lips: "It's too miserable, it's really miserable, no one survived, including adults and children." ”

"Those two children are also ......" The wife's eyes moistened all of a sudden, and she thought of the two children who had just become adults, and hugged Xiaobao in her arms harder and harder.

The unsolved Hulan case: The Hulan hero, who specializes in killing policemen, has disappeared since the last crime

After a while, a police officer came to question, Uncle Yang looked nervous, and stammered and replied: "We heard the movement next door in the early hours of this morning, as if there were gunshots and the sound of fighting, but we didn't dare to go out, so we endured it until dawn." ”

The police recorded his words, but the expression on his face became more and more solemn, after all, cases of attacking police with guns are extremely rare, let alone killing four people at one time.

After that, the police station quickly launched an investigation, but there were few traces left at the scene, and almost no valuable clues were extracted.

Just when the police were anxious about this and suspected the murderer's masterpiece, another case suddenly broke the deadlock......


"We suspect that the murderer has a personal vendetta with Zhang Fugui, because their family's money has not been lost, only people have been harmed."

The police of the Xubao Township Police Station came to this conclusion for the time being, but because their authority was relatively small and there were no experienced criminal police, the case was quickly handed over to the above.

The police station on the upper floor came to the same conclusion, but after following Zhang Fugui's social connections and checking outside, they could not find anyone with such the ability to commit crimes.

There are many motives, but there are many people who can satisfy both the time and the ability to commit crimes, but they can't find any of them.

Just when the police handling the case felt a headache for this, on the evening of October 12, 1987, at the Wanfa Town Police Station in Bayan County, He Ruichen, the director who had just gotten off work, stood at the door and lit a cigarette and sighed deeply.

There have been a lot of things going on in the office recently, so he got off work late today, and he was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat, so he stood at the door for a while, and then went home after recovering his senses.

It's just that as soon as he got home, he suddenly felt a murderous aura, and when he was about to turn back, a bullet only came towards his forehead.

The unsolved Hulan case: The Hulan hero, who specializes in killing policemen, has disappeared since the last crime

"Bang!" He Ruichen's eyes widened and he fell directly into his yard.

Hearing the movement, the family quickly ran out, but saw him fall to the ground, just when the murderer was about to kill all these people, Zou Shushen suddenly rushed over from the right side, directly fought with the murderer, and snatched his gun.

It's a pity that the murderer is good, so he killed him directly, and then fled in a hurry.

As a result, when the police investigated the case, they found the murderer's tools of committing the crime, and the bullet was exactly the same as the case of Zhang Fugui, so the police combined the two cases and launched an investigation at the same time.

Thirteen days later, the murderer, who had no gun, sneaked into the home of Ma Fulin, deputy director of the Hulan County Public Security Bureau's office, with a knife in his hand, and quickly cut the throat while they were asleep.

After that, the murderers did not spare their children, also killed them in the bedroom, and then took Mafulin's gun and bullets.

The case has developed so far, and the police investigating the case can almost confirm that the murderer's purpose is the police, so he is likely to have a grudge against the judicial system.

If you follow this clue, there will be a lot of people to investigate, and almost all the criminals will match.

But at this time, something unexpected happened to the police.


"Do you know, that Hulan hero only kills policemen and has never harmed any of the people!"

What does this mean? This shows that he is a chivalrous hero! ”

"Why do you say that?" A child who was only a teenager looked up at a few gangsters at the corner of the street, and asked curiously: "But he killed someone, why do you say that he is a hero?" ”

"He didn't kill ordinary people, they were all policemen, all of them were officials.

Only a hero would commit suicide and become an official, so we all say that he is a hero. ”

The little gangster said something that didn't make sense, but the expression on his face was proud: "It must be that the policemen are corrupt and take bribes, otherwise why would the heroes kill them?" ”

The child did not understand their words and looked at them with an innocent look: "Mom has already said that it is not right to kill someone, no matter who kills someone, they are all bad people." ”

The unsolved Hulan case: The Hulan hero, who specializes in killing policemen, has disappeared since the last crime

"You little kid doesn't understand anything, hurry back to your mother's arms, don't mess around here." The thugs waved their hands and drove the child away.

And this is not a unique phenomenon, in fact, since these attacks on the police, some people began to spread rumors, saying that the murderer is "Hulan Daxia".

Not only that, but some people even made up some stories, saying that Hulan Daxia was suppressed by the police, so he had the idea of revenge against society.

Some people also said that Hulan Daxia was not actually oppressed, he just saw that others were treated unfairly, so he wanted to do the right thing for heaven, so he frequently committed crimes.

The police did not expect that when they were investigating the case, such rumors would spread outside, but their current methods of criminal investigation are extremely primitive, and the cost of handling the case is extremely high, and it is difficult to find the murderer in a short time.

A few days later, the murderer committed another crime, killed the policeman Zhu Hai, and went away again.

In February of the following year, the murderer set his sights on the bailiff Liu, but Liu's skills were good, and he fought back and forth with the murderer, and when he was shot twice, he stubbornly hit the murderer.

"Chase, he's hurt." Liu covered the wounds on his body, fell to the ground in pain, and said to the police who rushed over with his last strength, and then he closed his eyes and stopped breathing.

The police gritted their teeth and quickly chased after them, while another team of police officers brought a police dog, and a group of people followed the clues to chase forward, but unfortunately by the Hulan River, the police dog could only howl helplessly, and could no longer find the direction.

Since then, Hulan Daxia has never come out again, and has completely disappeared from people's eyes, until many years later, the criminal police who investigated the case have gray hair, but this case has finally become their eternal regret......

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