
Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

author:The Secret History of the Empress

Is there only competition left in sports?

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old badminton player, fell on the field to win glory for the country!

There was still a possibility of redemption in the golden 4 minutes of rescue time, but because of the referee's stopping, we lost a young badminton player!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

As the pillar of a single-parent family, Zhang Zhijie's death is a big blow to his mother and sister!

Who is the murderer who causes the tragedy if he disregards the judgment of life and does not do the medical care that treats the people?

Is it the targeting of match points, or is it "the insistence of the rules"? What's the story behind it?

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

God is jealous of talents, and the new stars in the feather world have fallen

"Die before leaving the school, and the hero will be full of tears."

This poem aptly describes the unfortunate death of Zhang Zhijie.

This bad news, like a thunderbolt from the sky, shocked the entire badminton world!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Zhang Zhijie is known as the future star of the badminton world and has won many championships!

Countless fans expressed their condolences on social media, and "jealous talents" and "impermanence of life" have become high-frequency words.

Many people are sighing that it is a pity that such a young and promising life came to an abrupt end!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Zhang Zhijie's growth experience is even more embarrassing!

He started playing badminton at the age of 6 and stood out from his peers!

He has won the national junior group championship and successfully entered the national youth team with his outstanding performance!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

His coach and teammates have high hopes for his future, believing that he is expected to become a future Olympic champion!

However, the heavens did not grant the wish.

One can't help but ask, why is fate so unfair?

Why would such an excellent young man leave us at such an age?

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

At the scene of the tragedy, the lack of rescue was questioned

Zhang Zhijie's sudden fall to the ground was already shocking and sad!

However, what is even more infuriating and puzzling is the rescue performance of the medical team at the scene.

Judging by all indications, their operation is simply "catastrophic"!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

The game was fierce until the critical moment of 11 draws!

Suddenly, Zhang Zhijie's legs were weak, and he fell to the ground face down, and then his whole body fell into violent convulsions, and this scene lasted for about ten seconds!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Incredibly, even after falling to the ground, Zhang Zhijie still had a faint sense of consciousness and struggled to get up and return to the game, but he failed to do so after all, and finally lay on the ground weakly and lost his ability to move!

The coach entered the arena shortly after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, but was stopped by the female referee!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Although an athlete is injured or injured during a match, it is usually the referee's responsibility to assess and decide whether a tournament doctor or other professional needs to be called into the venue.

However, seeing that the situation is not right, should we uphold the principle of "life first" and focus on the athlete's condition first, rather than whether it will affect the outcome of the competition?

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

At the critical juncture of life and death, the response of the on-site medical team is particularly chilling!

From Zhang Zhijie's sudden collapse and painful convulsions, to the late arrival of medical personnel, the precious 30 seconds of golden rescue time were ruthlessly wasted.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

And the one who entered the scene was the emergency rescue team of the Indonesian Organizing Committee, whose performance was so poor that it could be called an amateur!

Lack of immediate application of AED (automated external defibrillator), no standard manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation operation, and no unified and coordinated rescue strategy, the whole rescue process is full of panic and helplessness!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

This is a world away from the efficient and professional rescue of Danish star Eriksen during cardiac arrest at the last European Championships!

At that time, the professional medical team rushed to Erickson as soon as possible, and the captain Kjaer broke his mouth and grabbed his tongue to prevent the airway from being blocked.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Then the professional equipment and professional operation of the medical team pulled Erikson back from the brink of death step by step!

The personnel transfer was only after he regained consciousness and was not in danger of life, and he was transported out of the arena by rescue vehicle.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

On the other hand, Zhang Zhijie's rescue process, from the moment he fell to the ground, the opponent, referee, head coach and even medical personnel failed to quickly enter the emergency state!

The sluggishness and inefficiency of the medical team are even more vividly manifested in the lack of capacity.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Know that in the case of cardiac arrest, every second can mean the passage of life!

First aid measures within the golden 4 minutes often make the difference between life and death of patients.

However, it is unacceptable that the on-site medical team behaved so powerlessly and panicked in this precious time!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

What is even more puzzling is that as an international sporting event, the organizers are not equipped with a professional medical team and first-aid equipment.

Some netizens said, "In the future, for this kind of event that does not have the ability to host small countries, if you have to go, you must have an emergency plan and bring a professional medical team!" ”

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

If we had our own team of professionals, would it be possible to save the life of a "sports future", or even the misfortune of a family?

After all, Zhang Zhijie, who is only 17 years old, is the pillar of a family!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

The family is unhappy, and the mother is sick and the sister speaks out

Behind this tragedy, there is an equally poignant story, that is, Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate family background!

It is understood that Zhang Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother, Ms. Jiang, raised him and his sister alone.

Ms. Jiang works in a shopping mall in Jiaxing, and her life is not easy!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

However, she has always supported the children to chase their dreams, especially for Zhang Zhijie's badminton career.

Just about to come to the bitter end!

After receiving the prize for the first time this year, Zhang Zhijie used all the proceeds to carefully select gifts for his family, and his heart was full of deep expectations for his family's happy life.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

However, fate played a harrowing joke on the family!

When Ms. Jiang suddenly learned the news of her son's unfortunate death, this thunderbolt made her collapse instantly, and her body and mind suffered unprecedented heavy damage.

Unable to bear the grief, she fell ill on the spot and was rushed to the hospital for treatment!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

Zhang Zhijie's uncle-in-law, Mr. Wang, revealed that Zhang Zhijie has been in good health since he was a child, and has never had a history of heart disease, and there are no related genetic diseases in the family!

Zhang Zhijie has just received an admission letter from a guaranteed university, and the whole family is proud and looking forward to his future!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

However, who would have thought that a healthy child would suddenly die at such a time!

He hadn't even had time to say "Happy Birthday" to his birthday sister!

Zhang Zhijie's sister, not long after graduating from college, was supposed to share the joy of life with her younger brother, but she had to face such a tragedy.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

After learning the news of her brother's death, she rushed to the scene as soon as possible, but she could only see her brother's cold body!

In addition to grief, Zhang Zhijie's sister posted on Weibo, questioning the lack of timely treatment at the scene.

Why did no one do on-site rescue after the paramedics entered the arena, but wasted time on transferring?

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

The mother and sister who are waiting for their son and brother to come home for reunion can't wait for his smiling face anymore!

I don't know how to deal with this sudden tragedy.

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized


For the family's doubts, the event organizers and the on-site medical team have not given a convincing explanation so far!

They simply said that they had done their best, but because Zhang Zhijie's condition was too serious, they could not save his life.

However, such an explanation is clearly unsatisfactory!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized

In the face of the safety of athletes' lives, any explanation pales in comparison!

According to the latest disclosure, the Indonesian Badminton Association has resolutely submitted a formal application to the Badminton World Federation, strongly calling for the amendment of the clause in the current rules that medical teams must be approved by the referee.

The unquestionable principle of the supremacy of life deserves supremacy on the field, surpassing any established rules of the game and the referee's ruling!

Whose inaction is it? Zhang Zhijie died on the way to win glory for the country, and his single mother collapsed and was hospitalized
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