
Sunset West Mountain(32)

author:Canal gonziers, 1954
Sunset West Mountain(32)

Huang Xiaomu did not know that Caiyun and Tie Liang had already received their certificates, and he firmly believed that just like the male lion on the African savannah, in order to win the favor of the female lion, he must defeat the competitors of the same sex. If you want to get Caiyun in your hands, you must draw your salary from the bottom of the kettle, let Tie Liang withdraw from the competition, and from the comparison of strength, it is obvious that he has an advantage. In this era, the cubs of the Black Five Category are only allowed to be honest and not allowed to talk nonsense. If they don't obey, any hat can break their backs.

That night, the warning of the Black Five Category disciples was dispersed, and Huang Xiaomu left the iron beam alone.

"Qin Tieliang, do you know in what capacity I'm talking to you now?" Huang Xiaomu sat opposite the iron beam with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a cigarette in his left hand, like Huang Fugui, his sticky snot hung on his lips, shining under the lamp.

Tie Liang looked at Xiao Mu and shook his head.

Huang Xiaomu said arrogantly, "You don't know, I'm the militia company commander of Qindian, and I'm the newly appointed secretary of the regiment, right?" "

"Yes." Tie Liang said, "But I'm not a militia member, and I'm not a member of the Communist Party, so I really don't know what your two identities have to do with me?" "

Huang Xiaomu was speechless for a while, and then he realized that this move of using official power to suppress people was like a balloon being pierced by a needle in front of Tie Liang, but his mind turned, and he soon found what he thought was a powerful weapon.

"Yes, a person of your status is not worthy of joining the militia, and there is no place for you in the ranks of the Komsomol Corps. Today, I am not talking to you in my capacity as a militia company commander or secretary of a regimental branch, but I am talking to you in the capacity of a class, the proletariat as a whole, and I, as a representative of this class, would like to talk to you in a serious manner. "

"Well, I wonder, what class am I? What is my relationship with you? Tie Liang said coldly.

Huang Xiaomu snorted, "Do you need to talk about this?" We are opposites, you are the descendant of the landlord class, I am the successor of the proletariat, what do you say is the relationship? "

"That's just a difference in origin, and birth doesn't represent class, nor does it represent class position." Tie Liang said, "I won't argue with you about this, just say whatever you have to say!" "

"Okay, then I'll tell you, and it's a warning to you!" Huang Xiaomu said, "Now, there is a new trend of class struggle, and the overthrown landlords are anti-bad and right-wing, unwilling to accept their defeat, and they have launched a frantic counterattack against the proletariat, and one of the most important ways is to let their next generation marry the next generation of the proletariat, in an attempt to penetrate into the revolutionary camp, disintegrate the revolutionary ranks, and weaken the fighting capacity of the proletariat. We have no other way but to strike back forcefully, to wave the iron fist of the proletariat and crush their machinations! With that, he slammed his fist on the table.

Tie Liang lowered his head and listened to Huang Xiaomu's words, raised his head, and said, "What do you mean, I love Caiyun, and it is also a new trend in this class struggle?" Also part of the intrigue? If you think so, I can only say that you are too nervous, and the wind is loud, and the grass and trees are all soldiers! Don't paint the pure and beautiful things of love and marriage with political colors, don't turn your white wedding dress into a cloak of class struggle, and don't make you a tiger skin in the name of the whole class for personal purposes! "

Huang Xiaomu pointed at Tie Liang angrily and said, "You don't come to teach me a lesson, today, it sounds good to talk to you, but in fact, it is to tell you, don't touch the copper wall of the proletariat with your own flesh and head, don't fight the idea of Caiyun, tell Qin Tieliang, put away your wolf ambitions, and stop daydreaming!" "

"It's not a dream, it's reality!" Tie Liang said, "But you, the leader of the militia and the young people, should you sober your mind, learn the policy on educating your children, and don't violate the policy because of your ignorance or intention!" "

"Qin Tieliang, don't scare me, I won't eat your set!" Huang Xiaomu glared and stood in front of Tie Liang, "Qin Tieliang, don't underestimate me, I take up space when I talk in Qindian, believe it or not, I have many ways to make you unable to succeed, I have many ways to make you suffer, let you suffer, let you be incomplete, let you kneel in front of me, beg my subordinates to be merciful, and as a loser, I will helplessly cut off the love thread!" "

"I believe, why don't I believe? I have no doubt about your meanness, and I recognize your shamelessness even more today! Tie Liang said, "I also tell you, you can use all despicable means, you can torture me, destroy me, but you can't change my love for Caiyun!" I have made up my mind, in this life and this life, born as a cloud, and died as a cloud, nothing can change my love for her, and I am willing to use my blood to water this flower of love more beautifully! "

Huang Xiaomu saw that the hard one was not good, so he came to the soft one, he sat in front of Tie Liang and lowered his voice, "Tie Liang, old classmate, please give me Caiyun!" Think about it, with such a status and such an identity, you can't protect yourself, and you can't take care of yourself, can you give her happiness? You are in love with her, this is not loving her, this is harming her, this is affecting her, let her follow you to suffer and suffer, suffer and be angry, how can you bear it? Only I can give her happiness. As long as you leave her, I promise that from now on, no one will criticize you, no one will fight you, no one will look for your stubble, and I will be your wall to block the wind, and the wind and frost will not invade, and you will be safe and sound. If you insist on going your own way, I can't guarantee it! "

Tie Liang sneered and said, "You asked me to give Caiyun to you, and you still say you love her?" Not even a minimum of respect! She's a person, not an object, how can I give it to you? I love her, she loves me, I will never be separated in this life and this life, you will die of this heart! "

Huang Xiaomu roared, "Qin Tieliang, think about how your father was treated!" "

With a "bang", the door was kicked open, and Caiyun broke into the house, pointing at Huang Xiaomu's nose and saying, "Huang Xiaomu, you are so despicable!" Want to get me? Blind your dog's eyes! Let me be your daughter-in-law? You deserve it too! Don't pee on yourself and see what kind of virtue it is! You are a Zhongshan wolf, you will be rampant when you get your will, don't think that you can cover the sky with one hand for a long time in Qindian and do whatever you want, you are just a clown, there will be no good end! I'm telling you, I'm going to be with Tie Liang for life and death, don't beat my idea anymore! Caiyun stepped forward and grabbed Tie Liang's shoulder, "See?" This is my husband Qin Tieliang, and I am his daughter-in-law Xin Caiyun! We are born together and die together, and no one wants to separate us! Xin Caiyun: I am willing to follow my most beloved person and endure hardships, this is my greatest happiness! "

Huang Xiaomu was furious, pointing to Tie Liang and Caiyun, "You...... You guys...... I...... I, you wait, there are you good-looking! "

"There is a way for you to go, aunt and grandma, I am waiting for you!" Caiyun took Tie Liang's hand and said, "Go, go home!" "

Tie Liang opened the door, Caiyun advanced the door, Tie Liang was startled, "Caiyun, you?" "

"What are you afraid of, we have received the certificate, and we will be a veritable husband and wife tonight, and Huang Xiaomu's thoughts are also dead!" Caiyun said that, and reflexively closed the door.

(To be continued)