
Tips for dehumidifying at home

author:Zhang Linlin, nutritionist

1. Adjust to your daily life

Don't be overly tired this season, otherwise it is easy to cause moisture to take advantage of the weakness. We must arrange the work and rest time reasonably, pay attention to strengthening physical exercise, moderate exercise can enhance physical fitness, help digestion, and promote blood circulation.

2. Moisture-proof, insect-proof, moisture-proof

During the rainy season, the clothes and bedding at home are easy to get damp and moldy, so pay attention to mildew and moisture prevention to avoid moisture invasion. Keep the room ventilated, avoid being in a humid environment for long periods of time, and if you feel that the indoor air is not circulating, you can use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to reduce the humidity.

Bask your clothes and quilts in the sun, or use a hair dryer or dryer to dry them to reduce germs and moisture. If you have sun-dried orange peels at home, you can wrap them in clean gauze and place them in the quilt to keep them dry, remove musty smells, and prevent insects.

3. Diet

In the near future, the diet should be based on light, heat-clearing and easy-to-digest foods, and eat less raw, cold, and greasy foods.

TCM recommends eating more of the following foods during the rainy season:

Foods that dilute water and dispel dampness: soybeans, mung beans, goldenrod, winter melon, etc.

Heat-clearing and heat-dissipating foods: watermelon, lotus leaf, loofah, cucumber, celery, amaranth, sugarcane, etc.

Foods that clear away heat and dampness: chrysanthemum, callus white, bamboo shoots, vegetable melon, water chestnut, etc.

Foods that strengthen the spleen and promote dampness: broad beans, red beans, herring, crucian carp, silver carp, etc.

4. Sports and health

Exercise is a dehumidifying method to relieve drowsiness and increase appetite. Go out to exercise when the weather is good, bask in the sun more to invigorate the yang energy, choose mild and moderate exercise, such as walking, jogging, mountaineering, tai chi, Baduanjin, etc., to sweat slightly, which helps to discharge the dampness of the human body. After sweating, drink some salted boiled water to replenish salt.

5. Emotional regulation

The rainy season makes people feel dull and irritable, so you should adjust your mindset and keep your mood happy. You can listen to some soothing music and read some favorite books to relieve bad mood.

Tips for dehumidifying at home
Tips for dehumidifying at home
Tips for dehumidifying at home

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