
From $710 to $1600! Behind Australia's increase in visa fees

author:Guangzhou Oufu Education

When studying abroad, the cost is one of the most important things. It can be said that there are always places to spend money, and there are always things that parents and students can't think of, and it is difficult to plan everything in advance. In addition to tuition, living expenses, accommodation, transportation expenses, and other expenses, the visa fee that must be spent should not be underestimated.

Comparatively, visa fees for international students usually remain the same for a longer period of time. But if a country or region wants to control the number of international students, it will put up "barriers" in various aspects.

Just recently, the Australian government announced an increase in visa fees for international students. Under the new rules, the visa fee for international students will be increased from $710 to $1,600 from 1 July. What are the Australian government's considerations behind the increase in international student visa fees?

From $710 to $1600! Behind Australia's increase in visa fees

Soared more than 2 times! Australia tightens its study abroad policy

From $710 to $1,600! In terms of amount, the visa fee for international students has skyrocketed by more than 2 times! The reason why the Australian government has raised international student visa fees significantly is to limit the growth of the number of immigrants by controlling the number of international students. According to Home Affairs Minister Claire O'Neill, the new initiative will help build a "fairer and more responsive immigration system for Australia".

In addition, the new initiative seems to be trying to "make up for the dead". According to the Australian government, there were loopholes in the previous visa rules, and foreign students could extend their stay in Australia multiple times. Between 2022 and 2023, more than 150,000 students renewed their visas at least once, an increase of more than 30%.

From $710 to $1600! Behind Australia's increase in visa fees

But at the end of the day, the Australian government wants to curb the continued flow of migrants. According to data released by the Australian government in March this year, in the year ended September 30, 2023, the number of net migrants was 548,800, a record high, and an increase of 60% in one year.

In order to reduce the number of immigrants, the Australian government can be said to rack its brains, and first control the number of international students as a breakthrough. Looking at the past trajectory, since the end of last year, the Australian government has taken a number of measures to tighten the student visa policy.

For example, in March this year, the Australian government raised the requirements for international students' English language proficiency; In May, the minimum deposit limit for international students to obtain a visa was raised from more than 24,000 Australian dollars to more than 29,000 Australian dollars, which is the second time in seven months that the Australian government has raised the deposit limit.

There is a boom in studying abroad, and it is important to maintain stability

It must be noted that the Australian government's tightening of the study abroad policy is not a win-win move. Luke Shealy, chief executive of the Australian Universities Alliance, believes that the government's continuous pressure on international student policy will put Australia's dominant position in the international education industry at risk. "It's not good for either our economy or our universities," as both are "heavily reliant" on fees paid by international students.

From the perspective of the overall environment, the international education industry is one of Australia's major export industries. According to Reuters, the industry brought in $36.4 billion in revenue for Australia in the 2022-2023 financial year. If the number of international students decreases, there is a risk that Australia will lose a lot of revenue.

From $710 to $1600! Behind Australia's increase in visa fees

From the perspective of the global situation, the growth momentum of study abroad is still maintained. Among the countries that send international students to other countries around the world, China has always ranked first and plays an important role as a pillar. According to data released by the Ministry of Education, from 2009 to 2023, the number of overseas students from mainland China will reach 703,500, and it will show a steady and continuous upward trend every year.

Behind the continuous boom of studying abroad, how to accurately meet students' accurate needs for expenditure details has become the focus. In the case of visa fees, for example, a relatively stable situation should be maintained.

For example, the U.S. nonimmigrant visa application fee is $160 and is non-refundable. In addition to the visa application fee, there is a SEVIS fee to apply for a U.S. student visa (F-1 visa), which is about $350. Students can pay the SEVIS fee as soon as they receive the I-20 form, and it is recommended to complete the payment at least 3 days before the interview, and keep the payment receipt.

It is actually not advisable to tighten the study abroad policy like Australia. Providing better and more relaxed policies and services for international students is the trend of the times and the focus of the times. Perhaps after weighing many factors, there will be a turnaround in the future.

Write at the end:

The competition of the future must be global competition. The future of students is also a global challenge. In the face of the complex development environment, students should "open their eyes to the world", improve themselves and broaden their horizons through studying abroad and other ways to cope with challenges more calmly.

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