
China sheet-fed offset press market report, and market forecast

author:Market insights by industry

According to the sheet-fed offset press market research report, the market size of China's sheet-fed offset press will reach 100 million yuan (RMB) in 2023, and the global sheet-fed offset press market will reach 100 million yuan (RMB) in 2023. Based on historical development trends and existing data, combined with a full range of survey and analysis, the report predicts that by 2029, the global sheet-fed offset press market will reach 100 million yuan, and the compound annual growth rate of the global sheet-fed offset press market is estimated to be % in the forecast year. The leading companies in the industry profiled in the report include Autoprint Machinery Manufacturers, BOBST, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Langley Holdings, MGI SA, MOSS, OMSO, Prakash Offset Machinery Private Limited, RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology, Van Dam Machine。

The report provides an in-depth analysis of the sheet-fed offset press industry market segments, including data such as product price trends, market size (sales volume and sales) of each product category, downstream application demand, etc., in addition to the forecast and trend analysis of the product type and application market size during the forecast period. According to the type, the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry can be subdivided into five colors, eight colors, six colors, others, and four colors. Divided by end use, sheet-fed offset press can be applied to others, folding cartons, labels, flexible packaging, etc.

The market research report of the sheet-fed offset press industry released by Berges Consulting focuses on the current situation of the domestic sheet-fed offset press market, the overall and segmented market size, the industrial structure, the production and consumption of sheet-fed offset presses in mainland China and the brand competition pattern, etc., and on this basis, the development prospects and trends of the sheet-fed offset press market in the next few years are scientifically analyzed and predicted. In terms of structure, the report provides an in-depth analysis of the classification and revenue of sheet-fed offset presses, application fields and proportions, domestic competition, and regional markets in North China, Central China, South China, and East China. The report provides professional guidance and suggestions for users to understand the domestic development trends of the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry and grasp the future development direction of the industry.

Key players in the sheet-fed offset press market:

Autoprint Machinery Manufacturers


Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

Langley Holdings




Prakash Offset Machinery Private Limited

RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology

Van Dam Machine

China Sheetfed Offset Press Market by Type



Six colors



China Sheet-fed Offset Press Market by Application Segmentation


Folding cartons


Flexible packaging

The sheet-fed offset printing machine market research report conducts in-depth market investigation and analysis on the market segmentation of the Chinese market into North China, Central China, South China, and East China, including the production and sales volume, market size, end-user market pattern, and terminal application pattern in each region. The report covers both in-depth analysis and intuitive comparisons, which can help companies adjust their business strategies accurately and timely according to their own situation and market environment.

Reporting Guidelines (15 chapters):

Chapter 1: Sheetfed Offset Press Market Overview, Development History, Market Segment Introduction, Sheetfed Offset Press Market Size and Growth Rate Analysis by Region in China;

Chapter 2: Analysis of the development environment of the industry, the current situation of domestic and foreign market competition, the problems and countermeasures existing in the market, and the analysis of influencing factors;

Chapter 3: Analysis of the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry;

Chapter 4: Analysis of Sheet-fed Offset Press Segmentation Type (Analysis of Major Supplier Product Types, Competitive Landscape, and Sales and Sales Volume of Each Type Market);

Chapter 5: Sheet-fed Offset Press Market End-User Analysis (Downstream Client, Competitive Landscape, Market Potential, and Market Size Analysis);

Chapter 6: Analysis of Production, Output Value, Sales Volume, and Sales Value of Sheetfed Offset Printing Machines in Major Regions of China;

Chapters 7 to 10: Analyze the main types and application patterns of sheetfed offset press industry in North China, Central China, South China and East China.

Chapter 11 & 12: Forecast and analysis of the market volume, sales, and share of the main types of markets and end application fields of China's sheetfed offset press industry;

Chapter 13: Analysis of the import and export trade of China's sheetfed offset press market, and lists the main import and export countries of China's sheetfed offset press products;

Chapter 14 introduces the current status of leading companies, covering company profiles, latest developments, market performance, products and services, etc.

Chapter 15: Research Conclusions, Development Strategies, Directions and Approaches.

Publisher: Hunan Beijiesi Information Consulting Co., Ltd


Chapter 1 Overview of China's sheet-fed offset printing machine industry from 2019 to 2030

1.1 Overview of the development of China's sheetfed offset press industry

1.1.1 Definition of sheet-fed offset press

1.1.2 Overview of the development of the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry

1.2 The development history of China's sheet-fed offset printing machine industry

1.3 Market size of China's sheetfed offset press industry from 2019 to 2030

1.4 Introduction to the subdivision type of the production end of the sheet-fed offset press

1.5 Analysis of different application fields of the consumer end of sheet-fed offset press

1.6 Analysis of Sheetfed Offset Press Market Size by Region in China

1.6.1 North China sheetfed offset press market size and growth rate from 2019 to 2024

1.6.2 Central China Sheetfed Offset Press Market Size and Growth Rate from 2019 to 2024

1.6.3 South China sheetfed offset press market size and growth rate from 2019 to 2024

1.6.4 East China sheetfed offset press market size and growth rate from 2019 to 2024

1.6.5 Sheet-fed offset press market size and growth rate in other regions from 2019 to 2024

Chapter 2 China's sheet-fed offset printing machine industry development environment

2.1 Analysis of the industry development environment

2.1.1 Analysis of industry technology changes

2.1.2 Analysis of industrial organization innovation

2.1.3 Analysis of changes in social habits

2.1.4 Analysis of industry policy changes

2.1.5 Impact of economic globalization

2.2 Analysis of domestic and foreign industry competition

2.2.1 Comparative analysis of the current situation and competition of sheet-fed offset printing machines at home and abroad in 2024

2.2.2 2024 China sheetfed offset press market status and competition analysis

2.2.3 Analysis of the concentration of China's sheet-fed offset press market in 2024

2.3 Problems and countermeasures in the development of China's sheet-fed offset printing machine industry

2.3.1 Industry development constraints

2.3.2 Considerations for industry development

2.3.3 Suggestions for industry development measures

2.3.4 SME development strategy

2.4 Impact and Analysis of COVID-19 on the Sheetfed Offset Press Industry

2.5 Impact and analysis of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on the sheetfed offset press industry

Chapter 3 Analysis of the industrial chain of the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry

3.1 Sheet-fed offset printing machine industry chain

3.2 Analysis of the upstream industry of the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry

3.2.1 Development status of upstream industries

3.2.2 Upstream industry development forecast

3.2.3 Analysis of the impact of the upstream industry on the sheetfed offset press industry

3.3 Analysis of downstream industries of sheet-fed offset printing machine industry

3.3.1 Development status of downstream industries

3.3.2 Forecast of downstream industry development

3.3.3 Analysis of the impact of downstream industries on the sheetfed offset press industry

Chapter Four: Sheet-fed Offset Press Product Segments and Markets (2019-2024)

4.1 Market size analysis by segment type

4.2 Types of commercial products of major suppliers

4.3 Competitive landscape analysis of major segments

4.4 Analysis of market sales and sales volume of sheet-fed offset printing machine by segment type

4.4.1 Five-color sales, sales volume and growth rate

4.4.2 Sales, sales volume and growth rate of eight colors

4.4.3 Sales, sales volume and growth rate of six colors

4.4.4 Other sales, sales volume and growth rate

4.4.5 Four-color sales, sales volume and growth rate

Chapter 5 Breakdown of Terminal Application Fields of Sheet-fed Offset Presses

5.1 Downstream client analysis in the terminal application field

5.2 Competitive landscape analysis of major end-use applications

5.3 Analysis of the market potential of major end-use applications

5.4 Analysis of sales and sales volume of sheet-fed offset presses by end application market

Chapter 6 Analysis of the production and sales of sheet-fed offset printing machines in major regions of China

6.1 Analysis of the output and output value of sheetfed offset presses in major regions of China

6.2 Analysis of sales volume and sales of sheetfed offset presses in major regions of China

Chapter 7 Analysis of the Sheetfed Offset Printing Machine Market in North China

7.1 Analysis of the main types of sheet-fed offset presses in North China

7.2 Analysis of the terminal application pattern of sheetfed offset printing machine in North China

Chapter 8 Sheet-fed Offset Printing Machine Market Analysis in Central China

8.1 Analysis of the main types of sheet-fed offset printing machines in central China

8.2 Analysis of the terminal application pattern of sheet-fed offset printing machines in central China

Chapter 9 Analysis of the Sheetfed Offset Press Market in South China

9.1 Analysis of the main types of sheet-fed offset printing machines in South China

9.2 Analysis of the terminal application pattern of sheetfed offset printing machines in South China

Chapter 10 Analysis of the Sheet-fed Offset Press Market in East China

10.1 Analysis of the main types of sheet-fed offset presses in East China

10.2 Analysis of the terminal application pattern of sheetfed offset printing machine in East China

Chapter 11 China Sheet-fed Offset Press Industry Market Forecast and Analysis by Major Types (2024-2030)

11.1 Sales, Sales, Share and Price of Major Types of Sheetfed Offset Printing Machines in China

11.1.1 China Sheetfed Offset Press Market by Major Type Sales Volume and Market Share Forecast (2024-2030)

11.1.2 China Sheetfed Offset Press Market Sales and Market Share Forecast by Major Type (2024-2030)

11.1.3 China Sheet-fed Offset Press Market Price Trend Forecast by Major Types (2024-2030)

11.2 China Sheetfed Offset Press Market Sales Volume and Value Forecast by Type (2024-2030)

11.2.1 Five Colors

11.2.2 Eight Colors

11.2.3 Six Colors

11.2.4 Miscellaneous

11.2.5 Four Colors

Chapter 12 Forecast and Analysis of Terminal Application Fields of China's Sheetfed Offset Press Industry (2024-2030)

12.1 Sales, sales, share and price of the end application field of China's sheet-fed offset press market

12.1.1 China Sheetfed Offset Press Market Sales Volume and Market Share Forecast by End Application (2024-2030)

12.1.2 China Sheetfed Offset Press Market Sales and Market Share Forecast by End Application (2024-2030)

12.1.3 China sheet-fed offset press market price trend forecast by end application (2024-2030)

12.2 China Sheetfed Offset Press Market Sales Volume and Value Forecast by Type (2024-2030)

12.2.1 Miscellaneous

12.2.2 Folding cartons

12.2.3 Labels

12.2.4 Flexible packaging

Chapter 13 Analysis of China's Import and Export of Sheetfed Offset Press Products and Trade War

13.1 China sheet-fed offset press market 2019-2024 production, imports, sales volume and exports

13.2 China's sheetfed offset press products are mainly exported to countries

13.3 China's sheet-fed offset press products are mainly importing countries

13.4 The impact of Sino-US trade frictions on the import and export of sheetfed offset press products

Chapter 14 Major Enterprises

14.1 Autoprint Machinery Manufacturers

14.1.1 Autoprint Machinery Manufacturers公司简介和最新发展

14.1.2 Market Performance

14.1.3 Main Product Introduction

14.2 BOBST

14.2.1 BOBST Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.2.2 Market Performance

14.2.3 Main Product Introduction

14.3 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

14.3.1 Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG公司简介和最新发展

14.3.2 Market Performance

14.3.3 Main Product Introduction

14.4 Langley Holdings

14.4.1 Langley Holdings Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.4.2 Market Performance

14.4.3 Main Product Introduction

14.5 MGI SA

14.5.1 MGI SA Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.5.2 Market Performance

14.5.3 Main Product Introduction

14.6 MOSS

14.6.1 MOSS Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.6.2 Market Performance

14.6.3 Main Product Introduction

14.7 OMSO

14.7.1 OMSO Company Profile and Recent Developments

14.7.2 Market Performance

14.7.3 Main Product Introduction

14.8 Prakash Offset Machinery Private Limited

14.8.1 Prakash Offset Machinery Private Limited公司简介和最新发展

14.8.2 Market Performance

14.8.3 Main Product Introduction

14.9 RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology

14.9.1 RYOBI MHI Graphic Technology公司简介和最新发展

14.9.2 Market Performance

14.9.3 Main Product Introduction

14.10 Van Dam Machine

14.10.1 Van Dam Machine公司简介和最新发展

14.10.2 Market Performance

14.10.3 Main Product Introduction

Chapter 15 Research Conclusions and Investment Recommendations

15.1 Sheet-fed Offset Press Industry Research Conclusions

15.2 Sheet-fed offset printing machine industry investment suggestions

15.2.1 Industry Development Strategy Recommendations

15.2.2 Suggestions on the direction of industry investment

15.2.3 Suggestions on industry investment methods

The main analysis scope of the sheet-fed offset printing machine industry research report:

Market trends: China's sheet-fed offset press market size statistics and estimates (unit: 100 million yuan);

Segmentation research: Divide the sheet-fed offset press market from the level of type and application, analyze and predict the market size and market share of each segment;

Regional analysis: The Chinese market is subdivided into North China, Central China, South China, and East China markets, and the production and sales of sheet-fed offset presses and market patterns in these regions are analyzed in turn;

Competitive analysis: industry competition intensity analysis based on Porter's five forces model, including the development overview of 10-15 front-end enterprises, sheetfed offset press sales, sales revenue, price, and gross profit analysis;

Forecast: Covers the forecast of the development trend and outlook of the whole market and each segment.

The information and data in this report are written and statistically analyzed by experts in specific industry fields of Bergess Consulting, which is targeted and scientific. In today's era of rapid development, the development of various fields and industries is also unpredictable, and decision-making and judgment are very important. Through this report, the sheet-fed offset press industry participants can adopt the correct marketing development strategy to enter or expand the sheet-fed offset press market on the basis of understanding the market environment, competitive situation, market size and development trend.

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