
【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

author:Beijing TV Literature and Art Channel

30 days and 30 diets to help you become a health expert in a month! Everyone knows that summer should prevent heat stroke and dispel dampness, but this is also the high incidence period of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

Previous data show that after the temperature exceeds 30 degrees in summer, for every 1 degree increase in the maximum temperature, the number of patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in the emergency department will increase by 17.3%! So today I recommend a red steamed bun to you, friends with high blood lipids must remember this formula, which is not only attractive in color, but also has the effect of eliminating food and accumulation, dissolving stasis and lowering lipids.

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

The reason why this steamed bun is red is actually to add a "natural statin" that is more suitable for the Chinese physique, that is, red yeast rice. Many people use red yeast rice as a toner, for example, when we make braised pork, we will use it to enhance the color. But in fact, red yeast rice can do much more than that. As a fermented medicine and food homologous product, it naturally has a good effect of strengthening the spleen and eliminating appetite, invigorating blood and removing blood stasis.

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

Modern research has also found that red yeast rice is rich in nutrients and a variety of active substances, which can reduce blood lipids, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and can also be anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-aging.

【Nutritional value of red yeast rice】

1. Natural antigreasing ingredients

Red yeast rice contains naturally occurring lovastatin (Monacolin K), an ingredient that is effective in lowering cholesterol and helping to prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

2. Rich in antioxidants

Red yeast rice contains a variety of antioxidants, such as monascus pigments and polyphenols, which can reduce oxidative stress, protect vascular endothelial cells, and prevent arteriosclerosis.

3. Rich in dietary fiber

Red yeast rice is rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote digestion, prevent constipation, and maintain intestinal health.

4. A variety of vitamins and minerals

Red yeast rice also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, etc., which can enhance immunity and promote metabolism.

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

【Health Benefits of Red Yeast Rice】

1. Reduce cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular diseases

The lovastatin in red yeast rice can effectively reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

2. Anti-thrombotic and protect vascular health

Red yeast rice has a significant antithrombotic effect, which can inhibit platelet aggregation, prevent thrombosis, and keep blood vessels open.

3. Antioxidant and anti-aging

The antioxidants in red yeast rice can neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, protect vascular endothelial cells, and delay the aging process.

4. Promote digestion and maintain intestinal health

The dietary fiber in red yeast rice helps to increase intestinal motility, prevent constipation, promote digestion, and maintain intestinal health.

So what is the method of this [Rose Steamed Bun] steamed bun?

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

【Ingredients】200 grams of all-purpose flour, add 2 grams of yeast powder, 10 grams of sugar, 5 grams of red yeast powder, and about 90 grams of warm water

【How to make】

1. Add 200 grams of all-purpose flour, add 2 grams of yeast powder, 10 grams of sugar, 5 grams of red yeast powder, about 90 grams of warm water, and knead into a smooth dough. Cover with plastic wrap and leave in a warm place to ferment until 1.5-2 times larger.

2. Knead again until smooth and expel the air.

3. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions and roll it into a dough.

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

4. 5 sheets of dough are overlapped, press them in the middle with chopsticks, roll them into a cylindrical shape, press them again at the indentation, cut them, and the two roses are ready.

5. Make water in the pot, turn off the heat after the water is hot, put in the rose steamed buns for 5 minutes, steam for 10 minutes on high heat, and simmer for 3-5 minutes after turning off the heat.

【Red Yeast Rice Tea】

【Medicinal herbs】5 grams of Pueraria, 5 grams of raw land, 5 grams of white peony, 5 grams of red peony, 5 grams of raw hawthorn, 2 grams of red yeast rice

【Usage】You can fry or soak it, this is the amount of a day.

【Food and Nutrition Class】"Natural Statins" on the Table! Put a little cooking to invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, and the blood vessels are unobstructed!

It is suitable for people with yin deficiency, thin body, and family history of arteriosclerosis, which can prevent atherosclerosis. However, it is not suitable for people who are obese, have heavy phlegm and dampness, and even have yang qi deficiency.

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