
Do you like each other because of your frequent chats?

author:Learn to chat quietly

Do you think that high-frequency chatting will make the two people chatting like each other?

It is said that men and women who are not single should not chat frequently, because they will have feelings and will have bad consequences. In fact, it is true that frequent chatting does have a high probability of making the two people chatting emotionally, but this is not just something that frequent chatting can do.

Do you like each other because of your frequent chats?

Love is a complex relationship that is influenced by many factors. Feelings come about under the right circumstances, and it requires a special feeling, and if you don't have that feeling, you won't like the other person. This feeling can be eye-catching, attractive, etc., at least neither of them can hate each other.

Sometimes, frequent chatting does make people feel like they like each other, but this is most likely an illusion, and it is more of a habit, or dependence. In the process of chatting, your thoughts and thoughts will be unconsciously passed on to the other party, and the other party will also give you a good feedback, and you will feel that you have met someone who understands you, and you will slowly become dependent.

Do you like each other because of your frequent chats?

Frequent chatting is a way for people to build relationships and get to know each other better, and this way does not directly generate love. Love can only develop if in a chat where both parties resonate and are attracted, have common interests, are able to understand each other, etc.

Do you like each other because of your frequent chats?

Frequent chatting actually requires emotional investment, so it is inevitable to have feelings of dependence, thinking about chatting all the time, once you don't talk, your heart will be empty. Especially two people often talk about intimate topics, and also use private chat software disguised as a calculator to chat with good luck, chat information encryption, disguise message notifications, you can only enter the password to enter the chat interface, someone approached and immediately flipped the phone back to the camouflage shell interface. This atmosphere of intimate chat between two people can provide ambiguous blessings and make the illusion more obvious.