
A vigorous recipe that can be used by both men and women, for the heart and lungs, for the spleen and stomach, and for the liver and kidneys!

author:Director He of Traditional Chinese Medicine

There is a very powerful prescription in traditional Chinese medicine, if it is used well, it can nourish the heart and lungs, the spleen and stomach, and the liver and kidneys. The prescription is very simple, there are only three flavor medicines, and gay men and lesbians can use it!

A vigorous recipe that can be used by both men and women, for the heart and lungs, for the spleen and stomach, and for the liver and kidneys!

The three flavors are Atractylodes, Digupi and Mulberry!

Among them, Atractylodes is known as the mountain spirit, and what it is best at is to nourish the vitality of the spleen and stomach, only when the spleen and stomach are strong, can it produce more qi and blood, and make people energetic.

For example, you will feel that your body is very weak, you just want to lie in bed and don't want to move, and your appetite is not very good. Most of them are spleen and stomach qi deficiency, if this is the case, you need to use Atractylodes to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi.

A vigorous recipe that can be used by both men and women, for the heart and lungs, for the spleen and stomach, and for the liver and kidneys!

Digupi is known as a goblin, good at replenishing the qi of the lungs and kidneys.

The lungs belong to gold in the five elements, and the kidneys are the main water, so the lungs and kidneys belong to the relationship between gold and water. The yin qi of the lungs is sufficient, which can be transported to the kidneys, so that the kidney yin is full, and the kidney is the foundation of all yin, and the kidney yin is sufficient, which can nourish the lungs. Therefore, Digupi can be used to improve the deficiency of the lungs and kidneys, backache, weakness of the legs, or body deficiency and heat.

A vigorous recipe that can be used by both men and women, for the heart and lungs, for the spleen and stomach, and for the liver and kidneys!

For example, there are often symptoms such as dry eyes, itchy eyes, dizziness, numbness of limbs, palpitation, sudden rapid heartbeat, and insomnia at night. When the tongue was stretched out, it was pale and bloodless.

In this case, the heart, liver and blood are deficient, because the heart is the main god, the god is at peace, and the liver is open to the eyes. Therefore, mulberry is used here to nourish the blood of the heart and liver, the blood is angry, and the qi can be turned into essence. The combination of the three can be said to take into account all five organs, replenishing essence, qi and blood!

A vigorous recipe that can be used by both men and women, for the heart and lungs, for the spleen and stomach, and for the liver and kidneys!

However, whether it is suitable for you or not, it is best to go to a regular Chinese medicine doctor to diagnose and treat the tongue and the specific situation.