
If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life


Foreword: This world is not peaceful, but you were born in a peaceful country.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

In the past two years, the circle of friends will brush up on the copywriting of "witnessing history" from time to time, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has lasted for more than two years, and the Middle East is also chaotic, coupled with foreign forces disrupting the South China Sea and interfering in the Taiwan Strait.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

To tell the truth, the world situation is in such a mess that ordinary people can't do anything except eat melons, but "taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall", and the places where the wheels of history have been repeatedly crushed often leave profound lessons.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

From the First World War to the Second World War, and then to today's local conflicts, it is always the unarmed ordinary people who suffer the most.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

But once the war machine is activated, ordinary people will be like ants, easily swept into the torrent of the times, and they can't help themselves, so they should be prepared for danger in times of peace, be fully prepared, and only when the crisis comes, will it be possible to seize that glimmer of life.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

If war does break out, these five items must be carried.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life


Imagine a sudden war or cataclysm, a cell phone signal is gone, a city is filled with wails, and the streets are littered with ruins and panicked crowds.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

With no electricity, no water, no food, and even the most basic medical care, we feel like we're being thrown into the wilderness, struggling to survive on our own.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Hunger, disease, robbery, these scenes that you usually only see in movies have become the cruel reality you have to face every day, at this time, you will understand that what gold and silver treasures, what brand-name bags, in the face of life and death, are all floating clouds!

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

And what can really save you are those everyday items that you don't usually look at all.

Compressed biscuits and water: the last safeguard on the lifeline

"People are iron, rice is steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry."

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

This may be a bit exaggerated in peacetime, but in the war era, it is a naked reality, compressed biscuits, which usually looks inconspicuous, but can save lives at critical moments.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

A small biscuit can provide you with the energy you need for the day, and it is also easy to carry, has a long shelf life, and can be stored for a long time even in harsh environments, it is not so much a biscuit as it is the hope of life.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Of course, it is not enough to stock up on compressed biscuits, water is the source of life, once war breaks out, the city's infrastructure is likely to be destroyed, and clean drinking water will become very precious.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

It is necessary to develop the habit of storing water, and at the same time, it is also necessary to learn some methods of purifying water sources, learning how to collect rainwater, purifying water sources, boiling, filtration, sedimentation, etc. are also necessary survival skills.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Flashlight lighter: Illuminates the darkness

In peacetime, when night falls, we enjoy the convenience brought by the lights, flashlights seem to have not been seen for a long time, and they are generally illuminated by mobile phone flashlights, and lighters are just ordinary daily necessities.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

But in the war-torn era, the night means the unknown, due to the war, the power is cut off, at this time, a strong flashlight, become your dark hope light, it can not only help you light the way, but also send a distress signal at a critical moment.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

In addition to the flashlight, the lighter is also an "artifact" in the war era, don't look at it is usually inconspicuous, it can come in handy at critical moments, lighting a fire for heating, boiling water for disinfection, and cooking.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Think about it, you are trapped in the rubble, cold and hungry, and at this time, if you can light a fire with a lighter, it is a kind of hope.

Medic Kit: Guarding your health in the face of despair

In addition to eating and drinking, you also have to think about what to do if you are injured and sick, the hospital is blown up, and the doctors and nurses may also die on the battlefield, so you can only rely on yourself at this time.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

During the war years, when medical resources were extremely scarce, even small wounds could be life-threatening due to infection, and a medical kit was particularly important at this time.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Some commonly used medicines that usually look insignificant, but they can save lives at critical moments, bandages, band-aids and other first-aid supplies must also be prepared, in case of injury, at least you can treat it simply, don't wait for rescue because of wound infection and die of a whimper.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

If possible, you can also prepare some professional first-aid tools, such as tourniquets, simple respirators, etc.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Salt, sugar, and glucose: the body's "guardian spirits"

In addition to the above, there are also some supplies worth preparing, such as table salt, sugar, glucose, and so on.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Table salt contains sodium, which is essential for the body to maintain electrolyte balance.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Sugar and glucose, two things that we may only think of as condiments or sweets, but in the war years, they can be life-saving "energy bars".

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

When you are extremely tired, you can quickly recover your strength by eating some sugar and avoid the occurrence of "hunger and fainting".

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Switchblades: a "sharp weapon" to protect yourself

In the war years, personal safety is the most important, at this time, a handy self-defense weapon, it is particularly important, switchblade, is a very practical self-defense tool, it is small and portable, and the blade is sharp, can effectively deal with emergencies.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

Of course, don't use weapons lightly unless you have to.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

In times of crisis, how to keep your inner sense of security?

In fact, having said so much, it is not to create panic, but I hope everyone can understand that it is never wrong to be prepared for danger in times of peace and be prepared.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

After all, for the vast majority of people, the probability of experiencing war may be lower than many low-probability events in life.

We never know which will come first, tomorrow or the unexpected, and instead of waiting for disaster to strike, we should be prepared for everything from now on.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life

It is undeniable that our peace today is the result of the blood and lives of countless martyrs, and the result of countless people silently guarding.

However, we must also be soberly aware that peace is never taken for granted, and that it needs to be cherished and guarded by each of us.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life


We can't predict what will happen in the future, but we can choose how to face it.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life
We can choose to be an "ostrich" and bury our heads in the sand and pretend not to see the danger existing, or we can choose to be a "fool" who worries about the sky falling all day long and lives in endless fear.

But I hope that we can all be a "wise man", not only to enjoy the beauty of the present, but also to face the challenges of the future bravely, may we all be safe and happy, and may the world be peaceful.

If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life
If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life
If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life
If there is a war, remember to bring these 5 things with you as soon as possible to save your life