
Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

author:Listen to the rain and read a book by the railing
Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

When we talk to others, in addition to the content of the conversation between each other, we need to observe the other person's body language with our eyes and hearts as much as possible to understand their true intentions.

Both A and B are sales of well-known brand stores.

A has the highest performance every month, while B is at the bottom every month.

B never knew why, so he went with A to learn.

Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

One day, a young lady dressed in jewels came to the store.

B went out of her way to recommend her the latest shoes, but the young lady kept shaking her head to indicate that she was not interested.

At this time, A sensed the situation and turned to recommend a shoe that was out of season for the lady.

In a few moments, the young lady left satisfied, with the discounted shoes.

Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

Then another plainly dressed lady walked into the store.

B learned the lesson just now and strongly recommends shoes that are on sale.

But the lady was always displeased.

At this point, A got up again and recommended the woman the most expensive new shoes of the season, telling her that the shoes were all hand-sewn and were particularly comfortable to wear.

Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

After a while, the woman happily bought the shoes home.

Afterwards, B is confused and asks why A would sell discounted shoes to a bejeweled young lady and recommend expensive new shoes to a plainly dressed lady.

A later tells him that B failed because he only saw the surface and ignored the actual situation.

The bejeweled young lady may seem rich, but the jewelry she wears is old.

Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

And she always stares at the price tag when she looks at shoes, which shows that she has limited financial strength and will not buy new shoes.

And the lady who was dressed modestly wore the latest watch, which means that she has a lot of money.

And the simplicity of her clothes may mean that she pays more attention to comfort and exclusivity, so handmade shoes will be more in line with her heart.

So many times, the master of communication will tell us to be quick with the eyes, but slow to speak.

Tips for doubling performance: Insight into customer needs from the details

If you open your mouth, you must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In the process of conversation, we should pay attention to words and colors, pay attention to details, and never speak straightforwardly, and rush to speak before we have thought about it.

Remember, what you say first doesn't necessarily win, you can only get it right by focusing on the key points.