
Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!

author:Lawyer Chen in Beijing

With the development of the Internet, telecom network fraud is also a common topic. When it comes to telecom fraud, many people should be like Mr. Chen, and the first thing that comes to mind is the Myanmar fraud gang and the indiscriminate bombardment of harassing phone calls. Today, Mr. Chen is going to share with you that the case happened around us and is closely related to our daily life, which makes Mr. Chen think about the industry ecology of "lawyers", and I hope to share with you some ways to deal with telecom fraud based on Mr. Chen's previous experience in handling cases.

Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!

Watch out! This is the trap of "fake lawyer" and "real fraud".

According to Mr. Chen's experience for so many years, not everyone can afford to hire a lawyer and enjoy one-on-one professional legal services. Most ordinary people are discouraged by the high lawyer's fees in the face of one-hour calculations, and it just happens that the Internet is prevalent to provide various legal consulting services, and you only need to pay a few dollars or dozens of dollars to carry out legal consultation, and the service attitude is particularly good, and even some "lawyers" take the initiative to call you to promote legal service products, claiming that "Bao Case" and "Bao Win the case", which perfectly meets the psychological expectations of the parties. At first, it was a few dollars, and then it became hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars, snowballing bigger and bigger, and things gradually began to go wrong: the case was not filed at all, and the lawyer who won the case had long since disappeared. Mr. Chen is not making things up, this is a real case that has happened recently.

At the beginning of June this year, the police of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Donghu Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province found that the "Jiangxi XX Legal Consulting Co., Ltd." in an office building in the jurisdiction published a large number of advertisements on the Internet to attract relevant customer groups, claiming that they could provide customers with legal services, rights protection and debt collection, etc., which immediately aroused the vigilance of the police, so how did this fraud gang design the "trap" step by step?

Wary! There is a huge trap behind this rhetoric

Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!

Lawyer Chen learned that this Jiangxi XX Legal Consulting Co., Ltd. is not simple, with a strict structure and meticulous division of labor, and it is completely an experienced fraud gang that "plays around" the parties who lack legal knowledge!

Answering the phone, the person on the other side said:


We are Jiangxi XX Legal Consulting Co., Ltd.,

Your side is consulting on personal debt issues

Or is it a labor dispute? ”

The first step of the trap begins, and then the "lawyer" who contacts you begins to "perform": first understand your basic situation, and then tell you to find him to win the case at a low fee, and then expose his true colors, and collect various fees such as "litigation fees" and "consulting fees" in advance in various names. Therefore, Mr. Chen reminds everyone that when conducting online legal consultation, we must be wary of this kind of rhetoric, which often hides a huge conspiracy, so how did the conspiracy unfold step by step? Lawyer Chen will take you to see how this "Jiangxi XX Legal Consulting Co., Ltd." carries out "divine operation".

Revelation! How did you fall into the trap of fraudsters?

First of all, through the phone call to carry out propaganda brainwashing, obtain the customer's WeChat, plus the customer's WeChat, and then begin to output prepared words, so that the customer can relax their vigilance and win the trust of the customer.

Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!

The key to fraud is to cheat the money, and then start the main topic: provide customers with quotation plans, and let customers take out the money first. This step is not so easy, when it comes to money, generally speaking, it will be more cautious, but it can't stop these fraudsters from "accurately grasping" the customer's psychology, and is ready to respond to the questions that customers love to ask after the quotation.

Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!
Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!

If you are not vigilant enough, you will fall into the trap carefully woven by the fraud gang. According to Jiangxi public security reports, as of now, there are more than 700 people who have been deceived, all over the country, and the amount involved is as high as more than 2.26 million yuan, and the case is still under further investigation.

Let's talk about more realistic problems, in the face of this kind of telecom network fraud, we can't sit back and wait for "fraud", so how to deal with it? How to distinguish a "real lawyer" from a fake lawyer? Mr. Chen is here to give you two tips.

First of all, when conducting online legal service consultation, you should pay attention, don't just chat online and make a phone call to obediently call others, remember to ask where the other party's law firm is, and make an appointment to meet offline at the law firm. In reality, there are also many real lawyers and good lawyers who answer questions from netizens on the Internet, and if they really want to give legal advice or represent a case, they will be interviewed in the law firm.

Secondly, Mr. Chen reminds everyone that after knowing the name of a lawyer or law firm, they should first conduct a "due diligence", and they can check and verify the lawyer's information by logging on to the official website of the local lawyer association or relevant government service websites, or further verify the lawyer's name, information, and practice status with the law firm where they work.

Finally, and most importantly, you must remember to sign a formal principal-agent contract or service contract with the lawyer who entrusts you, clearly stipulate the amount, standard, and payment method of relevant fees in the contract, and be wary of the other party asking for money in advance for various reasons and names, and beware of fraud.

Multiple "lawyers" arrested? Note: Telecom fraud has escalated!

After reading this case, Lawyer Chen thought that there had been similar incidents before, and he couldn't help but sigh that "the hemp rope is carefully broken, and the bad luck is only looking for the miserable". Behind each case may be a person's life, or even a family, just imagine, when you are deeply involved in legal disputes and have no way to ask for help, and you don't have enough money in your pocket to hire a lawyer in an office building, you want to ask for help on the Internet, and you are targeted by scammers, and the little money you have left is in the scammer's pocket, and your legal problems are still not solved. At the same time, such a scam is also a destruction of the ecology of the entire lawyer industry and damages the image of lawyers. A qualified lawyer should rely on his own professional knowledge to eat, use the law as a weapon to defend the rights of his clients, instead of swaggering and cheating in the name of a lawyer, harvesting the people's hard-earned money everywhere. As a lawyer, Mr. Chen resolutely resists and condemns the bad behavior of this "fake lawyer".

About author:Beijing lawyer Chen, LL.M., senior partner lawyer, has served as a special forces commander, prosecutor, investigator, discipline inspection cadre, corporate executive, rich experience, profound education, good at difficult and major cases, a variety of legal relationships cross complex case handling, keep promises, worthy of trust.