
Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (731)

author:Miss Li

1. Comprehensive, which means that piecemeal adjustment is not possible, and fragmented repair is not possible, "it must be a comprehensive system of reform and improvement, and it is the linkage and integration of reform and improvement in various fields";

2. Deepening means that dragonflies can't touch the water or float on the surface, and we must "dare to gnaw hard bones and dare to wade into dangerous beaches".

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (731)

3. On the coast of the South China Sea, the coconut wind is gusting, the waves are surging, and thousands of sails are competing.

4. Mountains and rivers are the witness, and the years are the name.

5. All the way to the wind and thunder, all the way to the triumphant and loud.

6. Only the reformers advance, only the innovators are strong, and only the reformers and innovators win.

7. The sea and the wind are near the wind, and the sea and sky are magnificent.

8. Listen, the tide of reform and opening up in the new era is surging, rushing from the depths of history, surging towards national rejuvenation......

9. When science and technology prosper, the nation prospers, and when science and technology are strong, the country is strong.

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (731)

10. Committing the most difficult and trying to go far.

11. Ideas determine the way out, and methods are about results.

12. A trip to the mountains, a trip to the water.

13. On the land of the motherland, ancient villages are like pearls condensed by time, dotted with magnificent mountains and rivers.

14. There is a long charm of traditional culture here, and there are also vivid fireworks in the world today.

15. A lot of times, when we live in a city, we feel that everything new is good. However, when we return to the countryside, we will find that many old things contain precious wisdom.

16. At night in this ancient village, we can feel many things: simple daily life, pure landscapes, and even peaceful sleep. Zhou Dunyi's sentence when he wrote the lotus came to mind: no vines or branches, the fragrance is far and clear.

———— from People's Daily 2024.06.26

Excerpt from the golden sentences of the People's Daily (731)

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