
Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

author:Dr. Qi's words are still there
Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

Since she got married, Aunt Li has become a standard "housewife" in the eyes of others - in addition to taking care of her children and husband every day, she is cleaning, cooking, etc.

Although the daily procedure is almost the same, Aunt Li is also happy to do it.

Especially when it comes to cooking, she is very happy to explore and enjoy.

Over time, Aunt Li went from a standard figure to slightly chubby to obese, and was finally diagnosed with hyperuricemia at the age of 60.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

Fortunately, this is not a very serious disease, in addition to drug control, in daily life is to quit the mouth, and drink more water.

Aunt Li heard that bottled water contained more minerals, so she switched from boiling water to drinking it herself to buying bottled water to drink.

As the days passed, I thought that my body would be repaired quickly, but I didn't expect that half a year later, my condition was still not completely stable.

I went to the hospital and asked the doctor, only to understand that it was related to the way I drank water.

Aunt Li used her own example to prove to everyone that which way is healthier to drink boiled water or buy bottled water to drink? The answer is self-explanatory.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

1. The source of human life - water

We all know that water is a substance composed of two elements, oxygen and hydrogen, and it is a transparent liquid with no odor at room temperature and pressure, and it is one of the substances that are very common on the earth.

Just because it's so universal doesn't mean it's so much for human beings.

In the formative stages of early civilizations, water played an important role in everything.

For example, one of the four elements proposed by the ancient West is water, and water is also mentioned in the Five Elements Doctrine in ancient continents.

With the continuous development of science and technology, people have a better understanding of water.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

For example, the human body is a very powerful creature that can complete various life activities such as walking upright and thinking, but can you imagine that the main component of such a powerful creature is water?

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According to the analysis of data from relevant experts, the water content of the human body accounts for 65% of the total body weight, especially the proportion of women is higher than that of men.

If the human body is separated, there is 83% water in the blood, 76% in the muscles, 22% in the bones, and 75% in the brain and marrow.

And these data all tell that water is closely related to life.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

In other words, if the human body is in a state of dehydration and cannot be satisfied in a state of thirst, when the water is deprived of 50%, the skin will swell and consciousness will gradually become unclear.

When the water deficit is 15%, the human body will experience memory loss and rapid heartbeat.

Once the water deficit is 20%, the person faints as if he is dead.

Therefore, the statement that water is the source of life is not an exaggeration at all.

At the same time, with the gradual improvement of people's health awareness, drinking more water has become the basic common sense of modern people, and people pay more attention to the quality of water.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

By improving water quality, the body can be more efficient in the same amount of time, ensuring more health.

As mentioned earlier, Aunt Li's example, because bottled water contains more minerals, she decisively gave up her own way of boiling water and drank bottled water instead.

But is this seemingly healthy condition really correct? Aunt Li's example also gives the answer, which is not correct.

Why is that? Is there any scientific research to prove it?

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

2. Boil water? Bottled water? Which is healthier

Before answering this question, it is important to first determine what kind of water is drinkable by humans.

According to the Hygienic Standards for Drinking Water, water that can be consumed by humans must meet three conditions:

To be colorless, odorless, no visible matter, transparent, to do not contain any parasite eggs and pathogenic microorganisms, the substances contained in the water will not cause long-term or chronic and poisoning harm to the human body.

The bottled water, which is common in daily life, is a seemingly clean and hygienic water source, but in fact, it has long exceeded the regulations for drinking water.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

The water in the bottled water is indeed the maximum retention of nutrients in the water in the state of high temperature sterilization.

Drinking this water for a long time will have a slightly higher mineral content than the average human body, which is the advantage of bottled water.

However, the advantages are nothing compared to the harm, and why do you say that, because bottled water contains microplastics.

Microplastics are plastic particles with a diameter of less than two millimeters, which are one of the main substances responsible for marine pollution.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

Current scientific research methods cannot assess the degree of harm caused to the human body, but it is clear that gray plastic is indeed harmful to the human body and can cause many health problems.

An academic journal called the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America has identified an average of 240,000 detectable microplastics per liter of bottled or bottled water.

If you add repeated unscrewing and tightening to this strip, or if you are exposed to high temperatures, you can detect more microplastics.

So many microplastics, because they are so small in diameter, can reach the cells of the body's stomach and lungs, and eventually enter the bloodstream and reach the heart or brain.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

When these foreign harmful substances enter the human body, they can easily cause various systemic chronic diseases.

Especially for pregnant women, this harmful substance can cross the placenta and reach the fetus, threatening the health of the fetus.

To make matters worse, in a study of more than 100 tap water samples from 14 countries, 80 percent of the tap water was found to contain microplastics.

One of the solutions to reduce the invasion of this harmful substance into the human body is to boil water.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

This is a joint study by a professor from the School of Environment at the University of Jinan and a professor from Guangzhou Medical University.

The aim is to prove that boiling water can reduce the amount of microplastics.

The study was published in February of this year in a journal called Environmental Science and Technology Letters.

Specifically, in the process of boiling water, as the water temperature gradually increases, the removal rate of microplastics in the water also increases.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

Especially when the water is heated to 100°C, the removal rate of microplastics increases rapidly from the initial 2% to 84%.

This means that the concentration of microplastics has been reduced from 30 particles per microliter to 4.8 particles per microliter.

These reduced microplastics do not disappear out of thin air, but are transferred to the scale, or the calcium carbonate in the scale precipitates with the microplastics, and finally achieves the effect of removal.

Finally, the study is not limited to continents, but also synthesizes 67 regions around the world with different water quality and drinking habits.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

These 67 regions include six continents, and the final conclusion is the same, just drinking boiled water will intake 2~5 times less microplastics than drinking bottled water or tap water.

This also proves that there are many people like Aunt Li in daily life, who insist on drinking bottled water and think that the quality of bottled water is better, but eventually find that they cannot protect their bodies.

It can even cause slow progression of the disease and other physical problems.

Therefore, in daily life, people should try to consume less raw water and drink more boiled water.

In addition to this, if you want water to bring a healthier state to your body, you must also learn to drink water correctly.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

3. How to drink water correctly in daily life

In order to drink water correctly, it is first necessary to know what the different intakes of people at different stages are.

For 2~3-year-old babies, the recommended water intake is 800ml, and with age, the water intake should increase by 100~200ml for each additional 2~3 years old.

As adults, at least 1200ml of intake should be ensured per day.

Secondly, you need to know what the right time to drink water is.

There are 24 hours in a day, and there are several golden times to drink water that are recommended for everyone.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

1. Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning

Drinking water at this time can speed up the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, which helps people to excrete, especially for people with constipation.

2. Drink a glass of water half an hour after eating

This practice is mainly aimed at people who need to lose weight, drinking water half an hour after a meal can increase satiety, thereby reducing the intake of other foods and controlling weight.

3. Drink a glass of water before bed

Drinking a glass of water before going to bed can reduce blood viscosity, prevent blood vessel blockage, and reduce the occurrence of vascular diseases.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

In addition to this, in order to drink water correctly, it is also necessary to dispel some misconceptions.

For example, in daily life, people often replace drinking water with other drinks.

These drinks usually refer to various porridges, soups, coffees, drinks, teas, etc., and although these drinks do contain water, the only way to really hydrate is to drink water.

Because although these drinks contain various nutrients, they are also easy to thicken the blood, and tea and coffee have a diuretic function, so the problem of water shortage will be more serious.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

Therefore, if you pay a little attention, you will find that those who regularly take tea and water have drier skin.

For example, don't mechanically prescribe the amount of water to drink.

Although there are standards for the amount of water consumed by different age groups mentioned above, each person has a different physique and a different lifestyle, so there is no need to drink more or less water.

The criterion for judging is the color and smell of your urine. If it is clear and the smell is not strong, it is enough to drink too much or too little.


As the lifeblood of humanity, water is essential for everyone.

Modern people are also aware of this, and there are changes in water intake as well as quality.

Who is healthier for people who boil water for a long time to drink or people who often buy bottled water to drink? Here comes the result

Some people's changes in daily life may not be positive, but reverse, such as drinking bottled water mentioned in this article.

Because it contains a large amount of microplastics that can cause danger to the human body, and the most correct way is to boil water to drink.

In order to make water healthier and better for the body, in addition to paying attention to this, it is also necessary to learn the right time to drink water and discard the wrong concept of drinking water.

What are your daily drinking habits? Are these habits more beneficial or harmful to your life? Feel free to share it in the comments section.


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