
Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever

author:Shouguang Rong Media Center

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 29, Taitou Town held a commemorative medal awarding ceremony of "50 years of glory in the party" and a centralized oath-taking ceremony for new development party members, presenting the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, vigorously carrying forward the great spirit of party building, inheriting the red gene, and guiding party members to abide by their original intentions and always maintain the background of struggle.

Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever
Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members," under the leadership ......of Wang Boyuan, secretary of the town party committee, representatives of old party members, new development party members, secretaries of relevant village party branches, and representatives of outstanding young party members in some villages raised their right fists and reviewed the oath of joining the party in the face of the bright red party flag, and the oath resounded in the conference hall.

Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever

The awarding ceremony began in the solemn national anthem, and Comrade Wang Boyuan, secretary of the town party committee, awarded and wore the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the 15 representatives of old party members who participated in the ceremony, and on behalf of the town party committee and government, he extended high respect and sincere greetings to all the old party members and comrades who have contributed to the revolutionary construction and economic and social development. Fifty years of wind and rain, fifty years of heart and heart like a rock. Old party members are the precious wealth of our party, and they are the beacons that encourage young party members and cadres to continue to struggle, and they have always practiced the solemn oath they made when they joined the party, and set an example for the younger generation and new party members.

Comrade Zhang Kun, deputy secretary of the town party committee and mayor of the town, wore the party emblem for the five new development party members, and the red party emblem was worn on the chest of the party members of this year's new development, which is a spiritual inheritance, an honor, an encouragement, and a spur, encouraging the new development party members not to forget their original intentions, continue to maintain absolute loyalty to the party, give full play to the power of youth, strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members, study hard, keep up, catch up with the old party members, inherit the good style, remember the historical contributions of the old party members, actively act, strive to be a pioneer, and empower the party flagand polish the "golden signboard" of Communist Party members.

Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever

After the meeting, the main responsible comrades of the party and government visited the old party members before the founding of the People's Republic of China, cordially inquired about the physical condition and family situation of the old party members, sent them condolences money, and thanked them for their contributions to the party's cause and the country's social development.

Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever
Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever

A heavy commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" represents the old party members who have witnessed the vicissitudes of history and the glorious course of the party along the way. The members of the Taitou Town team also awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members who did not come to the scene due to physical reasons, and sent "July 1st" greetings, asking them to take care of their health, continue to play the exemplary role of party members, and set a good example for the new generation of party members.

"A generation has a generation's mission, and a generation has a generation's responsibility." Wang Boyuan, secretary of the town party committee, emphasized, "Every old party member has witnessed the development of Taitou, especially some old party members who leave their posts and do not leave the party, retire without fading, actively make suggestions and suggestions for the party and the government, and take the initiative to cheer for the development of Taitou." The commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" awarded today is not only a "praise medal" but also a "forge ahead medal", the best praise for old party members, and the greatest encouragement for the majority of party members. The majority of young party members should take over the baton of history, take the old party members as an example, pass on the torch, continue to struggle, and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of our town with firm faith, excellent style and hard work. ”

Taitou Town: Don't forget the original intention and take on the mission, and the revolutionary torch will be passed on forever

The commemorative medal shines brightly, reflecting the original heart. In the critical stage of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, all party members in Taitou Town will not forget their original intentions, vigorously carry forward the glorious tradition, continue the red blood, work hard, take over the baton of history, and contribute their own strength to the development of the new era with a fighting attitude.