
The Philippine ship has sunk into the sea, the Qinglan Maritime Safety Bureau announced the restricted area, and the US satellite found that the Chinese warship has become a coast guard ship

author:Xu Liang

As soon as the Philippine fishing boat exploded and sank in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted military training in the South China Sea. At the critical moment, the US military satellite discovered that the missile destroyer had been transformed into a coast guard law enforcement ship.

The Philippines continues to carry out provocative actions in the South China Sea, which has led to heightened tensions in the South China Sea. In addition, the South China Sea is one of the world's major shipping lanes, so as long as there is any unexpected situation in the South China Sea, it will attract great attention from all countries, and even some Western countries will take the initiative to intervene. A few days ago, the Philippine Coast Guard revealed that a Philippine fishing boat suddenly exploded while sailing in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, resulting in injuries to two fishing boats. The Chinese Coast Guard law enforcement vessel at the scene immediately provided rescue and handed over the vessel to the Philippine side after the Philippine Coast Guard patrol ship arrived at the scene. However, the Chinese coast guard did not receive the gratitude of the Philippine side for the rescue operation carried out this time, on the contrary, the Philippine coast guard also accused the Chinese coast guard law enforcement vessel of blocking the scene and tracking and intercepting the Philippine coast guard patrol vessel, which affected the normal operation of the Philippine coast guard patrol vessel. However, it should be noted that for any uninvited foreign vessels, China Coast Guard law enforcement vessels are carrying out tracking and blocking operations in accordance with the law, so China's move is legal and compliant, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The Philippine ship has sunk into the sea, the Qinglan Maritime Safety Bureau announced the restricted area, and the US satellite found that the Chinese warship has become a coast guard ship

It is worth mentioning that the boat did not sink originally, but it was flooded, but under the miraculous operation of the Philippine Coast Guard patrol boat, the boat quickly sank into the sea, making the Filipino fishermen want to cry without tears. Regarding the shipwreck accident that appeared in the waters near Scarborough Shoal, some analysts believe that this may be a "bitter meat plan" staged by the Philippines, but I didn't expect an accident to occur, and finally all of them got rid of it, and the crew was injured and the ship sank. According to the Philippine side, the fishing boat was damaged by a sudden engine explosion during the voyage, but whether it was an accident or an intentional act may only be known to the Marcos administration. As for why there is such speculation, it is entirely because of a series of poor performances in the Philippines in recent years, which makes it difficult for the outside world to believe in the credibility of the Philippines. However, whether it was intentional by the Filipino crew or an accident, the Chinese coast guard department will launch a rescue operation as soon as it discovers the Filipino fishermen in distress, reflecting China's fine tradition of "repaying grievances with virtue".

The Philippine ship has sunk into the sea, the Qinglan Maritime Safety Bureau announced the restricted area, and the US satellite found that the Chinese warship has become a coast guard ship

If the Philippines tries to follow the model of Ren'ai Jiao and forcibly create trouble in the waters near Scarborough Shoal and Xianbin Reef, then China will not get used to it. Recently, the Qinglan Maritime Safety Administration issued a navigation warning that the PLA will conduct military training in parts of the South China Sea, during which no foreign ships will be allowed to enter. At this time, the PLA is conducting military training, and the training area is in the South China Sea, and it is difficult not to associate it with the recent situation in the South China Sea. The most critical thing is that the PLA Shandong aircraft carrier battle group recently appeared 200 nautical miles off the coast of the Philippines, which is also regarded as the most direct warning signal to the Philippines, reminding the Philippines not to provoke China again. However, compared with the PLA's military training in the South China Sea and the sudden appearance of the Shandong aircraft carrier battle group, the Philippines is actually more concerned about a satellite photo sent by the United States. According to Karl, the former director of the intelligence center of the US Pacific Command, the target in this satellite photo is a Type 052D guided missile destroyer under construction, but the ship is not equipped with a vertical launch system and other equipment.

The Philippine ship has sunk into the sea, the Qinglan Maritime Safety Bureau announced the restricted area, and the US satellite found that the Chinese warship has become a coast guard ship

This means that the ship is likely to be converted into a large coast guard law enforcement vessel that will be used to augment the Chinese coast guard's ocean-going law enforcement capabilities. Considering that the tonnage of the Type 052D missile destroyer has reached the scale of 7,000 tons, once commissioned, it can not only fill the tonnage vacancy of the Chinese coast guard law enforcement vessels, but also greatly enhance the ability of law enforcement and rights protection in the South China Sea, thwart any provocative conspiracy, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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