
In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

author:Yuzu talks about history

Facing the cold bars, he looked like 10 years. The energetic and high-spirited general of the past has become a sloppy and dirty prisoner.

Who would have thought that the person locked up in this cell was actually a figure whom Deng Xiaoping regarded as a serious trouble?

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

When Deng Xiaoping commanded the Central Plains Field Army, he said: "As long as the Huang Wei Army is annihilated, the main force of the enemy army on the southern front will be annihilated, the Central Plains Field Army will be wiped out, and the People's Liberation Army of all walks of life in the country will be able to win the victory of the whole of China!" ”

After Huang Wei was captured in the Battle of Huaihai, he remained imprisoned here for 27 years. Usually he was alone, and few people came to visit him.

The only one who has always insisted on coming to see him is his "honest, old-fashioned, feudal and conservative" wife.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Every time the wife comes, she will persuade her husband: "You said that you want to be loyal to them, how could they have ever taken care of our family, only the Communist Party has given us care and help......

Huang Wei's life

Huang Wei is a "trump card" in Lao Jiang's hand.

In 1948, on the eve of the outbreak of the Huaihai Campaign, Chiang Kai-shek had already felt the impending storm, and the fate of the future was confusing and going to perdition.

He refused to give up the struggle, and personally ordered Huang Wei, the commander of the 12th Corps of the Army, who was transferred to the "ace" unit, to go to the Huaihai front.

Huang Wei is undoubtedly Chiang's "confidant", and his current status is entirely attributable to Chiang Kai-shek's support.

In 1925, Huang Wei left his hometown of Guixi, Jiangxi, and was admitted to the Huangpu Military Academy in Guangzhou, becoming the second batch of cadets, and thus met Chiang Kai-shek. Later, he joined Chiang Kai-shek and participated in the Eastern Expedition and the Northern Expedition.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Huang Wei's military talent made Chiang Kai-shek want to be promoted, and then he continued to be recommended, and he was promoted from regiment commander, brigade commander, division commander to deputy commander-in-chief of the Army, Navy and Air Force Joint Service General Headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, and commander of the 12th Corps.

Huang Wei has decades of experience in commanding and fighting, and he knows that this is the final decisive battle and his own responsibility is heavy. After receiving the military order, he rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible.

In the letter, Chiang Kai-shek said: "In order to reduce worries, Mrs. Ling Cai Ruoshu and her four children have been sent to Taiwan......

Huang Wei knew that he had no way to retreat, and he knew that the victory was slim, so he could only go to the front line with honor.

Now that the People's Liberation Army is in a state of strength, the millions of elites of the Kuomintang have almost been wiped out, and there is no possibility of reversal in the war.

On the other side, Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng were deploying the war, and they unanimously said: "It is the best policy to destroy Huang Wei!" ”

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

When Huang Wei led the army to carry out an emergency operation, Liu Deng led the East China Field Army and the Central Plains Field Army to fight together, focusing on sniping Huang Baitao's corps, and concentrating all their firepower to attack the enemy in Xuzhou, which opened the prelude to the victory of the first phase of the Huaihai Campaign.

Although the 120,000 troops of Huang Wei's 12th Corps were put into the battlefield, hoping to alleviate the crisis of Huang Baitao's corps, the battle was very fierce and the war entered a stalemate.

Although Huang Wei's corps was bold and proud, it was tired from many days of marching, far from the rear support, and the combat strength of the lonely army was insufficient, and it was directly surrounded by the People's Liberation Army.

Here, Huang Baitao's army was completely annihilated, Huang Wei was besieged, Li Yannian's army stopped in Bengbu and did not dare to move forward, and Huang Wei's army was in danger.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Huang Wei's final fate

Mao Zedong analyzed the current battle situation and aimed the second phase of the operation on the Huang Wei Army.

"Even if Huang Wei is a hard bone, he has to take it!"

With the courage of this "breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat", the main force of Liu Deng's army surrounded and annihilated Huang Wei, although the battle plan has been set, but this battle is still full of uncertainties.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

The army led by Huang Wei was one of the "five main forces" of the Kuomintang, and its equipment was even more advanced and sophisticated, and Huang Wei's own wisdom and ability were even more outstanding.

In comparison, the Central Plains Field Army has insufficient ammunition and insufficient soldiers, which will be a tough and vicious battle.

When Huang Wei decided to move north of Bengbu, the corps had become ants on a hot pot, morale was low, and officers and men had no intention of fighting.

Under this high-intensity pressure, Zhang Yunzhou, the commander of the 110th Division, led his troops to revolt, and then Huang Zihua, the commander of the 23rd Division, also surrendered to the PLA on the position.

The morale of the army was shaken, and Huang Wei not only failed to retreat to Bengbu, but was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army.

Huang Wei had no choice but to give the order to "defend to the death", which was actually "to defend the death".

The positions and villages guarded by Huang Wei's troops were captured one by one, the garrison troops, battalion by battalion, and regiment were eaten, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller, and the decline of Huang Wei's corps was irreversible.

After Chiang Kai-shek received the information from the front, he was unable to sit still, and urgently asked Song Xilian's corps to reinforce quickly, but was repulsed by the People's Liberation Army and the reinforcement failed.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

On the other hand, Du Yuming's Chenguanzhuang area in Yongcheng was also completely surrounded, and it was difficult to escape the fate of annihilation.

The positions collapsed one after another, Huang Wei and Hu Lian cowered in the shelter, and after waiting for more than 1 month, it was already the moment of dying and struggling, and Huang Wei was ready to lead the army to break through.

Unexpectedly, Huang Wei's army was broken by a single blow, so he could only flee in a hurry in an armored car.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

With the help of the east wind, the armored car Huang Wei was riding in broke down at an emergency moment and stopped on the road without moving, and the target was extremely obvious.

Huang Wei hurriedly jumped out of the armored car, and after a simple disguise, he ran among the fleeing stragglers, but was still captured alive by the blocked PLA.

When Huang Wei took out the sleeping pills and threw them into his mouth, he was discovered by the PLA soldiers, who took the sleeping pills from his hand, and Huang Wei was taken into the prisoner camp.

This generation of famous generals will inevitably escape the fate of being imprisoned after all.

Huang Wei's persistence

Huang Wei was worthy of being Chiang Kai-shek's "confidant", and even after being imprisoned, he still refused to sign the letter of surrender to Chiang Kai-shek.

In stark contrast, the captured Du Yuming, Qiu Qingquan, Li Mi, and various army commanders all signed the letter.

Huang Wei refused to cooperate, was unwilling to give any information, and even had an extremely bad attitude when taking pictures of him.

When Huang Wei had serious health problems, a large number of officers and soldiers and commanders who had participated in the campaign suggested that he should not be treated, but the Communist Party still cared for him and admitted him to the People's Liberation Army Hospital and actively treated him.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Huang Wei had five types of tuberculosis and a large amount of water in his stomach, and Premier Zhou asked him about his condition many times and instructed him to make every effort to rescue him.

He even invited experts from Beijing for treatment, and specially took a sum of foreign exchange for him to go to Hong Kong to buy antibiotics.

In order to ensure the nutrition of his illness, he was provided with a pound of milk, two eggs and three taels of pork every day for four years.

When Huang Wei miraculously recovered his health under careful treatment, he walked around the prison for war criminals, still silent as always, but would ask the nurse, "How much has I spent on treatment in the past few years?" ”

When he heard about his medical expenses, he fell into deep thought, and now he is too poor to afford the medical expenses.

But the Communist Party never demanded money from him, nor did it punish him mentally or physically.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Huang Wei's heart rippled, worrying about his wife and children on the other side of the strait.

What Huang Wei didn't know was that after he was captured, Chiang Kai-shek announced Huang Wei's heroic death as soon as possible, and even held a grand "memorial service" for him.

I'd rather act on the scene than actively rescue.

Cai Ruoshu didn't want to believe it, but she could only follow them to live in Taiwan, she lived alone with 4 children, and she was always worried about her husband, she had an intuition in her heart: "Huang Wei is not dead." ”

Later, Cai Ruoshu quietly returned to the mainland to inquire about her husband's news. Later, he returned to Shanghai with his children to live and settle down.

One day, more than 20 years later, a 50-year-old white-haired old lady came to Huang Wei's side under the guidance of supervisors.

The moment he saw the woman, Huang Wei couldn't believe his eyes: "Ruoshu! ”

Huang Wei was so shocked that he couldn't help himself, his spirit was almost out of control, he wanted to shout, he couldn't shout, he wanted to say, he couldn't speak, what happened to her and the children?

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Cai Ruoshu looked at her husband carefully with tears in her eyes, her husband's physical condition was beyond her expectations, compared to her who went through ups and downs with her children, her husband had a strong body and quick movements except for a few more crepe lines on his face, and he didn't look like an old man in his 60s at all.

After calming down her excitement, Cai Ruoshu told the story of what had happened over the years.

When she lived in Taiwan with her children, it was like soaking in bitter water. At first, they were still thinking about their husbands' kindness and sacrifice, and took some care of them, but after a few years, they were indifferent.

Cai Ruoshu told him again that it was the Communist Party and Chairman Mao saved his whole family.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

All four children went to high school and university in Shanghai, and the children all went to school on government grants.

The eldest Huang Xin is at Jinling University in Nanjing, the second Huang Li entered Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, the third Huang Min was admitted to Fudan University in Shanghai, and the fourth Huang Huinan studied in high school in Nanjing.

The meeting with his wife made Huang Wei completely confused, he was a representative of "resistance to reform" and "stubbornness" in the war criminals management center, he was unwilling to expose Chiang Kai-shek's crimes, and even defended him.

But after his wife arrived, he received the news from the outside and wondered in his heart: "Is it really worth it to do it yourself?" Is a ruthless and unrighteous person really worth his life? ”

He may already have the answer in his heart, and then Huang Wei actively participated in the reform, his ideological consciousness continued to improve, and even developed his hobby in prison and started a "perpetual motion machine".

In 1975, Huang Wei was pardoned and released from prison and served as a member of the Cultural and Historical Commission.

The couple finally ushered in a reunion after 27 years of separation, and Cai Ruoshu burst into tears.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Seeing that a happy life was about to begin, Cai Ruoshu's body had problems.

Perhaps because she has been missing her husband for a long time, she can't let her husband leave her sight every day, sending him to work every day, waiting for him at the door to get off work......

Although her husband did not say any words of complaint, Cai Ruoshu still felt very guilty when she was sober, and finally chose to lie down in the turbulent river and end her life full of bitterness and suffering.

Pitiful and lamentable, Cai Ruoshu's love for Huang Wei is unswerving.

In the Huaihai Campaign, a general was captured for 27 years, his wife waited for 27 years, and died suddenly after 1 year of reunion

Huang Wei blamed himself in his heart, he owed his wife a lot in this life.

Since then, Huang Wei has never married, but has devoted himself to scientific research and shines in his post.