
Today in history, those big things have happened!

author:Interesting history
Today in history, those big things have happened!

In January 1945, Huang Youdi taught Peicai Middle School, and formed the first wind orchestra on South Road, the first large-scale singing choir in western Guangdong, the school song "Ode to Peicai", and the screenwriter of Zhanjiang's first song and dance drama "Jinrust Mountains and Rivers", which laid a solid foundation for the popularization and development of music in Zhanjiang.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Huang Youdi, who was a professor at CUHK, was told to return to the university to teach and left Zhanjiang at the end of 1945. In the short period of one year in Zhanjiang, he has a deep love for Zhanjiang, and his biography "Le Hai Tianya" uses more than 5,000 words to describe his experience in Guangzhou Bay with a large chapter of more than 5,000 words, revealing his true feelings for Zhanjiang. He has selected 15 works and monographs to send to Zhanjiang No. 1 Middle School. In 2003, when the 91-year-old Huang Youdi happily accepted the invitation to inscribe the name of the museum, he sent five strong characters of "Xueqing Art Museum" from Tai Bay, and also presented a piano to the art museum.

Huang Youdi took refuge in Yuanzhao Temple in June last year, and his legal name is Rongdi. Before he was admitted to the hospital, he lived in Yuanzhao Temple for nearly two years, and the temple prepared an independent meditation room. Huang Youdi always affectionately called Yuanzhao Temple his lao nest, an indoor space of nearly 20 square meters, simple and elegant furnishings, and a piano; Huang Youdi completed many Sanskrit songs in the evening drum and morning bell. Venerable Rongyin of Yuanzhao Temple said that the master is optimistic and humorous, "He is a big man who likes to make others happy!" The professor never said anything about other people's shortcomings, "He taught us to learn to see the good of others!" "Huang Youdi, who doesn't like to trouble others, made a will in advance nine years ago, stating that he would not publish an obituary after his death, and that his ashes would be scattered on the mountain after cremation and used as afforestation fertilizer, and no signs should be left." Don't scatter my ashes at sea because I don't like to get wet. He also deposited his funeral expenses in the bank in advance, which he described as the cost of "relocation" from earthly to heaven.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

The Ming Tombs is the tomb complex of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty in China, located in a small basin of 40 square kilometers under Tianshou Mountain, Changping District, Beijing, about 50 kilometers away from the capital, since May of the seventh year of Yongle (1409), until the end of the burial of Emperor Chongzhen, which lasted more than 230 years, a total of 13 Ming Dynasty emperors, 23 queens, 2 princes, more than 30 concubines, 1 eunuch, is one of the world's intact imperial tombs, in 2003 was listed as a world cultural heritage.

The Ming Dynasty had a total of 16 officially enthroned emperors, but there were only 13 emperors in the Ming Tombs in Beijing, and the reasons for not entering the tombs are different. Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, built his capital in Nanjing in his early years, and was buried in the "Ming Filial Piety Mausoleum" in Zhongshan of Nanjing after his death; Zhu Yunwen, the eldest grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, who succeeded to the throne, was unknown after his uncle Zhu Di, the king of Yan (later Ming Chengzu), launched the "Battle of Jingyan" to conquer Nanjing, so there was no imperial tomb; The Seventh Emperor, Zhu Qiyu, ascended to the throne after his brother Ming Yingzong was captured by Wara during the Tumubao Rebellion. Later, when Yingzong was restored and Zhu Qiyu was killed, Yingzong did not recognize him as the emperor, destroyed the Shouling Tomb he built on Tianshou Mountain[1], and buried him as a prince in Jingtai Mausoleum in Jinshan, a western suburb of Beijing.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

The main mausoleum of the bronze statue of Zhu Di of the Yongle Emperor of Changling is the Changling of Zhu Di in 1409 to 1413, he was the first to build the Changling Tomb in 1409 to 1413, he was "driven by car", the name of the King James Mountain was "Tianshou Mountain", in 1423 he died on the way to the northern expedition to Tatar, and was buried here, but the Changling project was completed until 1427. After nearly 200 years of construction, a complete complex of more than 7 kilometers long was formed.

Among the 13 mausoleums, the Changling Tomb of Zhu Di of Ming Chengzu, the Yongling Tomb of Zhu Houxi of Jiajing Emperor and the Dingling Tomb of Zhu Yijun of Wanli Emperor were all built during his lifetime, and the scale was also the largest, and the rest of the mausoleums were built after his death, and it would take about half a year to build. Because Chongzhen was the king of the dead country, he did not officially build a mausoleum, and the current mausoleum was rebuilt from the tomb of his deceased concubine Tian.

In 1957, the Beijing Municipal Government announced that the Ming Tombs were the first batch of key ancient cultural relics protection units in Beijing. In 1961, the Ming Tombs were announced as a national key cultural relics protection unit. In 1982, the State Council announced that the Badaling-Ming Tombs Scenic Area was one of the 44 key scenic spots and scenic spots in the country. In December 1995, the "Ming Ming Tombs Museum" was established. On July 3, 2003, the Ming Tombs were inscribed on the United Nations World Heritage List.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Deng Hua: (1910-1980), formerly known as Duohua, the word is Shiqiu. He was born on April 28, 1910 in Pi Village, Yongning Township, Chenzhou County, Hunan Province (now Chenxian County), in a scholarly family. In the autumn of 1925, he went to Changsha to enter Yueyun Middle School and participated in the patriotic student movement. In the spring of 1927, he entered the political class of Nanhua School and joined the Communist Party of China in March of the same year.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

In January 1928, he participated in the Southern Hunan Uprising and served as an organization officer of the Political Department of the Seventh Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Revolutionary Army. After arriving in Jinggangshan, he served as the squadron leader of the propaganda team of the 33rd Regiment of the 11th Division of the Fourth Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, the party representative of the company, and the secretary of the party committee of the 31st Regiment. In 1929, he served as the chief of the Organization Section of the Political Department of the Third Column of the Red Fourth Army. He attended the Ninth Congress of the Fourth Army of the Communist Party of China (Gutian Conference). In 1930, he served as the political commissar of the teaching team of the 12th Red Army, the political commissar of the third detachment of the first column, and the political commissar of the 36th Division of the Red Army in October of the same year. In the summer of 1933, he served as the political commissar of the 3rd Regiment of the 1st Division of the 1st Red Army. In January 1934, he was appointed political commissar of the Second Regiment. Participated in the first to fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaigns in the central revolutionary base areas. Later, he entered the Senior Command Department of the Red Army University. After the Long March arrived in northern Shaanxi, he successively served as the director of the Political Department of the Second Division of the Red First Army, the political commissar of the Red First Division and the Red Second Division, and participated in the Battle of Zhiluozhen, the Eastern Expedition, the Western Expedition and the Battle of Mountain Castle. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the director of the Political Office of the 685th Regiment of the 343rd Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army, participated in the battle of Pingxingguan, and later served as the political commissar of the Independent Regiment of the 15th Division, the political commissar of the First Army Division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and the deputy head of the first detachment. In March 1938, he served as the commander and political commissar of the Pingxi detachment, in May of the same year, he was appointed as the political commissar of the fourth column of the Eighth Route Army, and in 1940, he was appointed as the commander and political commissar of the Fifth Army Division of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region. Participated in the Battle of the Hundred Regiments. In 1941, he was appointed commander of the Fourth Army Division. In 1944, he served as the political commissar of the Second Brigade of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningjin-Sui Joint Defense Army, and entered the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in November of the same year. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he served as the deputy commander of the Northeast Security and the commander of the Shenyang garrison. In December of the same year, he served as the commander of the Liaoxi (later changed to Liaoji) Military Region, and led his troops to participate in the Battle of Xiushui Hezi and the Battle of Siping. In 1947, he served as the commander of the Liaoji Column of the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army (later renamed the Seventh Column of the Northeast Field Army), and in November 1948, he was appointed commander of the 44th Army. Participated in the Liaoshen and Pingjin Campaigns. In April 1949, he served as the commander of the 15th Corps of the Fourth Field Army and participated in the battles of Hunan, Jiangxi and Guangdong. In November of the same year, he concurrently served as the first deputy commander of the Guangdong Military Region. In 1950, he commanded the campaign to liberate Hainan Island. Later, he also served as the chairman of the Hainan Military and Political Committee. In July of the same year, he was appointed commander of the 13th Corps. In October, he participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and served as the first deputy commander and first deputy political commissar of the Chinese People's Volunteers, assisting commander and political commissar Peng Dehuai in commanding the first to fifth campaigns. In July 1951, he participated in the armistice negotiations as a representative of the Volunteer Army. In 1952, he served as the acting commander and political commissar of the Volunteer Army, commanding the Shangganling defensive battle. In 1953, he organized and commanded the summer counterattack. In the same year, he was awarded the Order of the National Flag of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, 1st class. After the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement, he served as the commander and political commissar of the Volunteer Army. He returned to China in 1954 and served as the first deputy commander and acting commander of the Northeast Military Region, and in October of the same year, he was appointed deputy chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army. In March 1955, he concurrently served as the commander of the Shenyang Military Region, and was awarded the rank of general in the same year. He was awarded the Order of August 1, 1st Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom, 1st Class, and the Order of Liberation, 1st Class. In 1959, he was dismissed from his post due to Peng Dehuai's wrongful conviction. In 1960, he was appointed Vice Governor of Sichuan Province. During the "Cultural Revolution", he was persecuted again. In 1977, he became vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences and a member of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China. He is a member of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and an alternate member of the 9th, 10th and 11th Central Committees. Member of the 1st and 2nd National Defense Commission. He died in Shanghai on July 3, 1980.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Wang Yaowu was born in 1904 into an ordinary peasant family. From 1925 to 1930, he used his own efforts to show his strength and became a regimental leader; His track record has been largely successful. In the end, he was promoted to the "Governor of Shandong" with military and political power, and it only took 43 years to leave his Whampoa classmates far behind. Such personal abilities and achievements are rare among contemporaries. Especially considering China's modern history, the bigwigs from the south occupy a decisive influence, so on the other hand, the success of Wang Yaowu, a native of Shandong, is even more unexpected and prominent. And taking a closer look at his successful journey along the way is also more interesting.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

On the night of September 22, 1948, the siege troops approached the city of Jinan, and fought fiercely until the 24th, Jinan was liberated from the city, but the PLA soldiers searched all over the city and did not see Wang Yaowu. After the general trend has gone, Wang Yaowu fled in a hurry with his guard Qiao Yupei, Wang Yaowu assumed the name Qiao Kun, and the two Wei called them uncles and nephews, and crawled out of the city from the flowing ditch at the north gate of Jinan in plain clothes. They hired a big cart and bought simple bedding. Wang Yaowu wrapped a white towel around his head, saying that he was a small restaurant in Jinan Commercial Port, and that he urgently went to Qingdao to seek medical treatment due to a leg injury. After leaving the city, from Jinan to Qingdao, Wang Yaowu and his entourage were relatively smooth. Wang Yaowu is a native of Tai'an, and his Shandong dialect makes it difficult for his Shandong vendors to dress flawed, although the People's Liberation Army and militia stand guard, Wang Yaowu and his party hardly encounter any obstacles.

They fled to a village in Shouguang County, and Wang Yaowu suddenly wanted to relieve himself, so he ran under a bridge. Without thinking about it, the accompanying guards handed Wang Yaowu the paper was a white soft paper imported from the United States, which was only available to important members of the Kuomintang at that time. This aroused the suspicion of the local villagers, who reported the situation to the Shouguang County Public Security Bureau. Wang Yaowu and his entourage were stopped. When the public security bureau asked them where they came from, Wang Yaowu still spoke Shandong, saying that he was a small trader and that he was going to Qingdao to join his relatives. At this time, the soldier who took the lead took out imported high-grade toilet paper from the pocket of Wang Yaowu's guard, and Wang Yaowu showed nervousness. The soldiers took Wang Yaowu and his guards to the then Shouguang County Public Security Bureau, and after reporting to Li Peizhi, then director of the Public Security Bureau, Li Peizhi personally participated in the interrogation of Wang Yaowu. After Jinan was breached, Wang Yaowu's home was raided by Hua Ye, but only two tractors were found. Wang Yaowu replied that it was sent by a foreign friend, and when the country was peaceful, he would go home to farm. After hearing this, Chen Yi and the others were quite emotional.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

In July 1940, Shiro Ishii, the captain of the "731 Unit" of the Japanese invasion of China, personally led an expeditionary team carrying 70 kilograms of typhoid bacteria, 50 kilograms of cholera bacteria and 5 kilograms of fleas infected with plague bacteria to Ningbo in the Central China Theater to conduct bacteriological warfare. The Japanese army threw the bacteria into reservoirs and residential areas, causing an epidemic of plague and other infectious diseases in the Ningbo area. At the same time, another expeditionary unit of the Japanese army's "731 Unit," with the cooperation of Unit 1644 of the "Rong" character in Nanjing, carried 130 kilograms of anthrax, paratyphoid bacteria, and plague bacteria to Chongqing and Jinhua, Longyou, Quxian, Yushan, and Pujiang on the main line of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway to carry out bacteriological warfare. To make matters worse, the Japanese army also distributed flatbread injected with typhoid and paratyphoid bacteria to 3,000 prisoners of war in the Nanjing prisoner of war camp, and then released the prisoners of war from prison to spread the disease.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

In July 1938, the film "Eight Hundred Heroes" written by Yang Han and directed by Ying Yunwei was completed. The script is based on a true story that happened during the "August 13" Shanghai Anti-Japanese War. In late November 1937, after the fall of Shanghai, nearly 800 patriotic soldiers of the Chinese army, led by regiment commander Xie Jinyuan and battalion commander Yang Ruifu, held the Sixing warehouse position, vowing not to surrender and resist to the end. Yang Huimin, a patriotic girl scout, ventured to deliver the flag on behalf of the people. Although these 800 patriotic soldiers later retreated to the Shanghai Concession area due to running out of ammunition and food, and were unreasonably detained by the concession authorities, their heroic and unyielding patriotic actions inspired the broad masses of the people and won the respect of upright people in the world. After "Eight Hundred Heroes" was released in the rear, it was warmly welcomed by the audience. The film was also a sensation when it was released in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Myanmar and other places, and was well received when it was screened at anti-aggression conferences in France and Switzerland.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

On July 3, 1924, the first Guangzhou Peasant Movement Training Institute was officially opened. The Guangzhou Agricultural Lecture Institute was founded by Lin Boqu. On June 30, the 39th meeting of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang adopted the implementation plan of the peasant movement, and decided to organize the peasant movement training center according to Lin Boqu's suggestion, and appointed Peng Pai as the director of the Guangzhou Peasant Lecture Institute. The term of each term of the Agricultural Lecture Institute is set for one month, and after graduation, he is selected as a special commissioner of the peasant movement. In the process of establishment, the content of the course has been continuously enriched, and the course time has been gradually extended.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

There were 38 students in the first session, including 20 members of the Communist Party and the Socialist Youth League, with Peng Pai as the director. The institute attaches great importance to the integration of theory and practice, and offers not only basic theoretical courses and specialized courses, such as "Imperialism," "Social Problems and Socialism," "Outline of Chinese History," and "The Chinese Peasant Question," but also military training courses. Military training time accounts for 1/3. In addition, students are organized to go deep into the countryside to investigate and study the current situation and problems in China's rural areas. After graduation, students are required to return to their original places and engage in the local peasant movement.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

July 3, 1916. Mrs. Hetty-Green died at the age of 82, leaving behind a son and a daughter. People are sure that she is the richest woman in the world. Her original name was Henrietta Howland Robinson, the only daughter of a merchant and shareholder of a shipping company in New Bedford, Massachusetts. She inherited her father's $9 million inheritance.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Shortly after her father's death, one of her aunts died, leaving her with a $4 million inheritance that was hotly disputed. Herty Green, who primarily runs mortgage lending and loans rather than the steamship business, continues to grow her fortune and is now speculated to be around $100 million. The story of her miserliness is almost legendary. The rich people, who had only one or two million yuan, often spent their money on taxis and banquets, while she walked on the snow in rough stockings. In 1867 she married an American consul in Manila. But they drafted a prenuptial agreement so that her property could be completely in her hands.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

On July 3, 1904, Weng Tongyong, the teacher of Tongzhi and Guangxu Emperors, died of illness.

What do you think of such a character? Historian Dai Yi wrote in his "Biography of Weng Tongyi":

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Weng Tongyi was an important figure in the political arena of the late Qing Dynasty, who insisted on resisting Japan and opposing surrender in the First Sino-Japanese War, and tried to improve himself and promote reform of the law during the Wuxu Movement, and made contributions to the country and the nation. Weng Tongyi was born in an official family, and his father and brother were both ministers of the imperial court. In his early years, he received a traditional Confucian education, read the scriptures and history, and was proficient in poetry and writing, especially calligraphy. He lived in an era that almost always coincided with modern Chinese history.

Weng Tongyi held important positions in the Qing court for a long time and was at the center of the political vortex of the late Qing Dynasty. Weng Tong's loyalty and patriotism, the hardships of the times, the painstaking anxiety, the struggle for reform, the refusal to surrender to the main battle, and the reform of the law reflect the arduous exploration and struggle of the people with lofty ideals on the thorny road in order to save the country from peril. As a ruling magnate and a minister of the Qing Dynasty, Weng Tongyi had his own historical and class limitations. But his spirit and embracing of worrying about the country and loving the people, persisting in reform, resisting adversity, not avoiding hardships and dangers, and taking the world as his own responsibility are worthy of admiration. As far as his personal ethics are concerned, he has been an official for more than 40 years, the prime minister, the emperor of the two dynasties, a very popular minister, extremely honorable, appointed as the head of the household department, in charge of the national finance for more than 10 years, after returning to his hometown, he has two sleeves and no spare funds, and in his later years, he still needs relatives, friends and protégés to help, and even sells calligraphy and paintings to live, and his moral integrity, honest and honest style is also commendable.

Weng Tongyi has experienced many major events in his life, some of which he personally negotiated and handled, participated in decision-making, and some of which he heard and witnessed and had insight into the cause. The time span is very long, and it covers a wide range of fields. What is particularly remarkable is that he insisted on keeping a diary every day, which lasted for 47 years, from 1858 until his death in 1904. It contains military affairs, diplomatic negotiations, political economy, culture and education, palace secrets, social customs, academic papers, appraisal of calligraphy and painting, friends and travel, family life, as well as the trial of prison lawsuits by the Criminal Department, the mausoleum project of the Ministry of Industry, and the degree of support and sales of the Ministry of Households. The outstanding advantages of Weng Tongyi's diary are: the narrative is true and accurate, concise and to the point, and it gets the gist. He recorded many major events, important figures and rules and regulations in modern history, most of which he personally experienced, participated in, and was familiar with, and recorded them immediately, not from hearsay, nor from reminiscences many years later, unlike other people's diaries and memoirs, which often contain false information or memory errors. Therefore, his diary has high historical value and is valued by researchers of modern history. The diary can be corroborated with the archives, and its time, place, and facts are conclusive, but they are not like the official articles of the archives, which are often concealed.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Beijing Normal University is the predecessor of Peking University and the earliest university in modern China. It was inaugurated on July 3, 1898, and was one of the "New Deals" of the Pentecostal Reform. After the Xinhai Revolution, it was renamed Peking University.

In 1862, the Qing government set up the Jingshi Tongwen Museum in the Prime Minister's Yamen. After that, the Qing government decided to set up an arithmetic hall to study astronomical arithmetic. The establishment of the Tongwenguan was the beginning of the establishment of a new type of school in the mainland. Tongwenguan was the earliest public junior college established in mainland China, and later it was incorporated into the Jingshi University Hall, which is the earliest part of the Jingshi University Hall.

After the First Sino-Japanese War, the imperialist powers set off an upsurge of land cession in China, and China was once again facing the crisis of being carved up and destroyed. In order to save the country, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and Tan Sitong launched a bourgeois reform movement to reform the law, and they believed that the only way to save the country was to learn from foreign countries and realize the reform of the law, and the reform must start with the abolition of the imperial examination and the establishment of schools.

In August 1895, Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and others organized the "Strong Society" in Beijing, purchased books, collected newspapers and periodicals for the masses to read, and often held meetings and speeches to discuss academics, criticize current affairs, publicize and introduce the social and political theories of the Western bourgeoisie and modern scientific knowledge, encourage people to learn from the West, and cultivate talents with the principle of applying what they have learned, so as to finally achieve the goal of national self-improvement.

In June 1896, Li Duanfen, the left attendant of the Criminal Department, formally proposed the establishment of "Jingshi University" for the first time in his "Invitation to Promote the School" to the Qing court. At the beginning of 1898, with the increasing development of the reform movement, Kang Youwei once again proposed in the "Proposal to Coordinate the Overall Situation": "From Beijing Normal University, provincial high schools, prefecture and county primary and secondary schools and specialized schools".

Under the promotion of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao, in June 1898, Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty issued the "Ming Dingguo is Edict", officially announcing the change of the law, and the edict emphasized: "The Beijing Normal University Hall is the initiative of all provinces, and it should be held first." Therefore, Liang Qichao drafted a "Statute of Beijing Normal University Hall", which stipulates that the school-running policy of the university hall is: "Middle school is the body, Western learning is for use, Chinese and Western are used together, and the way is observed." "The curriculum is divided into two categories: general and specialized. In this way, Jingshi University has become not only the highest university in the country, but also the highest educational administrative organ in the country. This charter is the first charter of Peking University and the earliest outline of the academic system of modern higher education in China.

On July 3, 1898, Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty officially issued an order to approve the establishment of the Jingshi University Hall. From 1898 to 1900, the Jingshi University Hall (later known as "Wuxu University") was still a feudal academy in essence.

In 1900, the Eight-Nation Coalition invaded and occupied Beijing, the campus of Beijing Normal University was occupied, the library equipment was destroyed, and it was suspended for a time until it was restored in 1902, and the preparatory department (New Political Department, Art Department) and accelerated course (Shixue Hall, Normal Hall) were added. In 1903, the Jinshi Hall, the Translation Hall and the Medical Industry Hall were added. Graduates are awarded the titles of Gongsheng, Juren, and Jinshi. In 1910, it was reorganized into 7 sections: economics, French, literature, gezhi, agriculture, industry, and commerce. After the Xinhai Revolution, it was renamed Peking University. It is one of the earliest universities in modern China.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

The Songhu Railway is the first railway in China. From Shanghai to Wusong via Jiangwan, it is about 14.5 kilometers long. In 1866, the British minister in China requested the construction of a railroad to transport goods from sea to Wusong to Shanghai by rail, but the Qing government did not approve it. In 1875, the British merchant Jardine Matheson & Co. organized the "Wusong Road Company" to transport railway equipment from Britain to China to build roads privately. In June 1876, the section from Shanghai to Jiangwan was completed, and it was officially opened to traffic in early July, with a gauge of 762 mm and a rail weighing 13 kg per meter, with a "pilot" locomotive to pull passenger and freight vehicles. During the construction period, the people along the line opposed the construction of railways in China by outsiders and destroyed the Jiangwan office of the "company". In August 1876, the train crushed a pedestrian to death, and the "company" was forced to stop the train. In October 1876, the Qing government and the British envoy signed the "Terms for the Acquisition of the Wusong Railway", but the "company" side still continued to build the road, and on December 1, 1876, the entire line from Shanghai to Wusong was completed and opened to traffic. In September 1877, after the Qing government redeemed the railway, it was about to demolish the entire railway. In February 1897, the Songhu Railway was rebuilt and changed to a standard gauge, using steel rails weighing 32 kilograms per meter. Completed in August 1898. In October 1904, it was merged into the Shanghai-Nanjing Line and renamed the Songhu Branch Line. After the Japanese occupation of Shanghai in 1938, the line from Hejiawan to Paotai Zhanqiao was demolished. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Songhu Railway was repaired from Hejiawan to Yunzaobang, with a total length of 13.68 kilometers, and passenger trains were opened every day. In 1958, the Shanghai hub station was built, and a branch line was built from Hejiawan to connect to Nanxiang station, and the Tiantongan to Hejiawan section of this line was used as a special freight line in the Shanghai hub.

In the 50s of the 20th century, the railway was reduced to the south bank of Fuzaohama, with a total length of 14.53 kilometers. At the beginning of liberation, the Song-Shanghai line has become a transportation line that attaches equal importance to passengers and freight, with an annual passenger capacity of one million. In 1959, there were 1,944,000 passengers. In 1963, due to the development of urban bus traffic, the operation of buses was seriously affected by the crossing such as Tiantongan along the railway. In January 1963, passenger transportation was stopped during the Spring Festival, and freight transportation was stopped in 1988. On April 17, 1997, Jiangwan Station in Shanghai North --- was demolished.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Shi Shilun (1658-1722), the son of Shi Lang, Marquis of Jinghai in the Qing Dynasty, was a famous Qing official in the Qing Dynasty. He enforces the law impartially, is honest and honest, is not afraid of the powerful, is diligent in civil affairs, and is known as "Shi Qingtian" among the people, and is called the first Qing official in Jiangnan by Kangxi. There is a widely circulated chivalrous crime novel "Shi Gong's Case", which is a legend about him.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

[Shi Shilun] (1659~1722), the word Wenxian, Xunjiang, Jinjiang Yakou, Shi Lang Zhongzi. In the twenty-fourth year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty (1685), he was awarded the governor of Taizhou at the beginning of Yinsheng, and then successively served as the prefect of Yangzhou, Jiangning, and Suzhou, the deputy envoy of Jiangnan Huai and Xudao, the political envoy of Anhui Bu, the Zhengqing of Taifu Temple, the Yin of Shuntian Mansion, the left deputy capital of the Ducha courtyard, the left deputy capital of the household department, the governor of the Yun, the right waiter of the military department and the right deputy capital of the Ducha courtyard, etc. When he was an official, his political achievements were remarkable, and his reputation was far and wide, and he was praised in the "Qing Historical Manuscript": "Smart and decisive, quasi-restrained and cunning, forbidden officials, and beneficial to the government." "Quanzhou Mansion Chronicles" praises: "Sexual vigilance, diligent in affairs, listening to lawsuits and prisons, and picking hair like a god." If there is a doubtful case in other counties, it will be moved. Since the state of the pastor recommended the past officials, innocent and self-controlled, consistent. He was once commended by Emperor Kangxi as "the first Qing official in the world", and later became the protagonist of the Qing Dynasty public case novel "Shi Gong Case".

During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, a literati named Chen Kangqi came to Beijing. In the theater, he was surprised to hear "Shi Gong" singing; Walking on the streets, blind folk artists are also singing "Shi Buquan", which is the story in a widely circulated novel "Shi Gong's Case". In the mouth of the artist, Shi Buquan was compared to Bao Zheng of the Song Dynasty and Hai Rui of the Ming Dynasty. This "Shi Gong" is Shi Shilun, and "Shi is incomplete" is the name given by the emperor. He remembered that when he was a child, he heard his father talk about Shi Shilun in the township, and now he is still so popular in the capital. Later, he sighed in his notebook "Lang Qian's Notes": "The mouth of the women and children who have been building the eaves for 200 years is not without evidence. ”

"Shi Gong's Case" mainly describes the story of the Qing official Shi Shilun's clever judgment of the strange case during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and there are also a group of chivalrous warriors such as Huang Tianba to assist Shi Gong in prison to arrest thieves, punish evil and promote good. Names such as "Shi Gong" and "Huang Tianba" have been recited in the mouths of the people for hundreds of years, and they are really "monuments in the mouths of the people"!

Shi Shilun was the second son of Shi Lang, the famous Marquis of Jinghai in the Qing Dynasty. As the governor of Jinghai, Shi Lang recovered Taiwan for the Qing Dynasty, made great achievements, and became a prince. As a son who was born to be "shaded", Shi Shilun does not have the slightest bad habits of his son. After he became an official, he did not have any vigorous political achievements, nor did he have any peculiar deeds. But his most prominent style is to think about the people in everything, and he is a model of a "people-oriented" clean official. Once there was a shortage of inspectors in Hunan, the three princes and nine secretaries all recommended Shi Shilun. University scholar Ethan Aren Gong played Kangxi. Unexpectedly, Kangxi said: "I know Shilun Lian very well, but when things are paranoid, the people and all the people will sue each other, and he will favor the people; If all living beings sue with the gentry, they will favor all living beings. How can you be paranoid when you only seek to get something? If the person who is in the world is entrusted with the matter of Qian Valley, it is appropriate to hear. Shi Shilun made decisions for the people to the point where he was said to be "paranoid" by Kangxi. This "paranoia" just portrays his respectable loveliness of people-oriented. If all those in power can be so "paranoid", then "democracy" is not far off.

I don't know if it's because of Kangxi's "holy edict" that "if you entrust Qian Gu, it is appropriate to hear", Shi Shilun is mostly dealing with money and grain when he is an official. He once went to Jiangsu to supervise Caoyun. At that time, Cao Yun was a fat shortage, and even the low-level military attachés in charge of escorting could detain Cao rice and hide goods and collect stolen goods. Shi Shilun, as the governor of Caoyun, did not expect to use his power to make a big profit, but went to the grassroots level, practiced himself, and solved the chronic problem of chaotic internal management of Caoyun in a down-to-earth manner. At that time, the ships were often not on schedule, the weather on the road was cold, and the soldiers who drove the ships were very hard. The officials often withheld rice and extorted boatmen. Shilun sat by the Huai River, and when Cao Mi came over, he personally went on the boat and opened the cabin to check how good the beige was. On the boat, he only whispered to the boatmen, and did not allow officials to snoop and eavesdrop on the side. He told the boat to move away quickly, and the boatmen were spared the pain of being blackmailed. Shilun also took two or three paperwork on the boat every day and sailed along the river. On the boat, he used a booklet to write down in detail the weather and the depth of the current, and predicted that a certain ship should arrive at a certain place on a certain day, which was very accurate. His boat went first, and when there was a shallow shoal in the water, he thought in advance that a certain ship with heavy cargo and few people would prepare a barge here first. If an escort official was caught in a headwind or something because of his private stay, he would show him a pamphlet. They regarded him as a god and thought he could predict the prophet. For those officials who extort money and deduct money and enrich their own pockets, "they will stand up with a rod and a door and show the public with arrows in their ears." However, in three or four years, the original mess of Cao Yun government affairs was cleared, the boatmen no longer suffered, the people were no longer bullied, the boats went back and forth on schedule, and the officials kept to themselves. Shilun's good governance of Cao Yun is still burning incense and praying for the people many years later.

He served as the political envoy of Hunan and was in charge of Hunan's finances. At that time, the land endowment in Hunan had to add a levy fee to the poll tax, and the cao rice transported to Beijing had to be charged an additional transportation fee, and the people were miserable. After he took office, he abolished all the conscription fees and subtracted one-quarter of the transportation expenses to Beijing. The people of Hunan rejoiced, carved a monument for him, and spread praise everywhere.

In the 59th year of Kangxi, the situation on the northwest border was tense, and from Henan to Shaanxi, the army frequently mobilized grain and grass. He was ordered to go to Shaanxi to assist the governor Ehai in supervising the military salary. He also carried forward the work style of practicing and working in a down-to-earth manner, personally took a boat to trace the Yellow River to the west, surveyed the water flow and rocks of the grain transportation route clearly, and drew a detailed road map. At that time, it coincided with a severe drought in Shaanxi, and the hunger was serious. He was also given the task of providing disaster relief. He sent his subordinates to investigate the victims in 12 routes, and distributed food according to the population, regardless of distance. During the drought, Shaanxi's grain reserves were empty, and he wanted to impeach the governor Ehai. Ehai knew that his son was the prefect of Huining, so he deliberately mentioned this matter and wanted to threaten him. He said: "Since I became an official, I have not even cared for my own life, so what am I afraid of my son? "Stick to the top. Ehai was eventually dismissed for dereliction of duty.

Chen Kangqi wrote in "Lang Qian's Notes": "Fairness is born in the words 'not insulting widows and widows, not being afraid of strong royals'. "The governor is a feudal official, and his power is not great, but as long as you hurt the people, I will not let you go. This is not ordinary "paranoia", but "making decisions for the people" who have risked their lives. In the era of feudal autocracy without democracy, this was already the highest level of being an official. The reason why China's history has survived to this day, and why China's culture has been preserved to this day, officials like Shi Shilun have played a crucial role.

Not afraid of the strong, bold and decisive, strictly restraining subordinates, and benefiting the people everywhere is the consistent style of Shi Shilun when he was an official. In the early years, when he was the governor of Taizhou, Jiangsu, Huai'an sent a big flood, and the emperor sent two ministers to Taizhou to supervise the river embankment project. These people often harassed the people of the village, and he caught them and punished them severely. At that time, there was a mutiny in Hubei Province, and the officers and soldiers who rescued and quelled the rebellion passed through Taizhou, harassing and looting the people along the way. He prepared a sufficient supply of grain and grass. He was placed on the side of the road, and ordered his subordinates to stand in line on the side of the road with a big stick in his hand, and he was also present in person, and any of the soldiers who violated the prohibition and disturbed the people were immediately arrested and punished. This is very risky. As the Chinese saying goes: "When the general is outside, the king's order is not affected:" In doing so, he does not give face to the general who leads the troops, and the general is likely to be angry and embarrassed. But he is righteous and awe-inspiring, and he is afraid. From then on, under the two rows of big sticks, the officers and men crossing the border no longer dared to act recklessly. Later, he came to Jiangning to serve as the prefect, and he always thought of the people everywhere he went. His father Shi Lang died of illness, and he wanted to "worry about Ding" (resign from the official office and go home for mourning). The people of the land came and begged him to stay. The plea failed, so the local people paid a penny each and built two pavilions in front of the government office, named "Yiwen Pavilion".

When Shilun first served as the commander of Jiangdu County, any relatives and friends came to him to ask him to go through the back door, and he sternly refused. At that time, there was a saying in Jiangdu: "If the joint is not enough, there is Yan Luoshi Lao." Therefore, some people often compare him to Bao Zheng, who is upright and resolute. But some people compare him with Bao Gong, saying that Bao Gong is blindly upright and resolute, while he can exercise power and adapt. That is to say, he can often use it flexibly in handling cases and win with intelligence. When he was in Jiangdu, a person once committed a serious crime, and he sent money to ask a servant for help. The official said, "When you are about to be executed, just cry out loud, and I have my own way." When they arrived at the execution ground, the prisoner cried out loudly. But the officer said, "Confess your sins!" He turned around and walked away. Shi Gong observed the words and expressions beside him, and immediately realized: This person was betrayed by a traitor. He severely punished the traitor in the factory. When he was the mayor of the capital, he vigorously rectified the appearance of the Jingshi. The infantry commander Tuo Heqi was favored by Emperor Kangxi at that time, and every time he went out, he was hugged by the cavalry guards. Once on the road, Shi Shilun met him, and Shilun stood on the side of the road. Tuo Heqi was shocked, and hurriedly got out of the car to ask, Shilun said loudly: "The state system is that the prince only has a horse attendant when he travels. I thought it was the prince who came, so I waited on the side of the road, but I didn't expect it to be you! He also said that he would go to him for a copy. Tuoheqi was so frightened that he apologized again and again before he forgot about it. He "does not insult widows and widows, does not subordinate to the strong", wins with intelligence, and is full of drama, perhaps because of this, he entered the legendary novels of the factory and the people.

Shilun was sick when he was young, and when he grew up, he was not good-looking, and he could even be said to be very ugly. Deng Zhicheng, a Qing man, said that he had "crooked eyes, curls, lame, and partial doors", the so-called "incomplete five elements". So Kangxi, who has a sense of humor, gave him "incomplete". It is such a "unseemly" person who pushes the way of being an official in Chinese history to an extreme, and I always think that being an official is not corrupt and bribery, and does not extort money, which is actually just the most imitative morality and norms. Honesty is an official's behavior, not an end. Acts are in the service of an end. So what is the purpose of being an official? The ultimate goal of being an official is to serve the people wholeheartedly, and to serve the people very competently. It is good that clean officials and honest officials are not greedy or possessive, but if it is only like this in the end, it is not the best. But he can't promote the accelerated progress of society. Even in history, there are very honest officials who are cool officials who are inconsiderate of human feelings, and there are also many honest but incompetent officials who can't do a decent thing even though they are self-conscious. And like Shi Shilun, he is honest and upright but extremely capable, and he thinks about the people, this is the best official, almost everything he does is closely related to the lives of ordinary people, like spring rain, delicately moistening all things, so he is deeply loved by the people and widely praised among the people.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Tang Zhongzong Li Xian (656-710), Han nationality, nicknamed Yamato Great Sage Dazhaoxiao Emperor (Chu Zhen Xiaohe Emperor), formerly known as Li Zhe, the seventh son of Tang Gaozong Li Zhi, and the third son of Wu Zetian (reigned from January 23, 684 to February 27, 684, and from 705 to 710). Tang Zhongzong was in power twice before and after, reigned for a total of seven years, died suddenly in 710 AD, died at the age of 55, and was buried in Dingling (now Phoenix Mountain, 15 miles northwest of Fuping County, Shaanxi Province). Empress Wu gave birth to four sons, the eldest son Li Hong, the second son Li Xian, the third son Li Zhe, and the fourth son Li Dan. Zhongzong was first crowned King of Zhou, and later changed to King of England. After his two brothers were deposed by Wu Zetian, Li Xian was made the crown prince.

Today in history, those big things have happened!

Emperor Gojong died of illness in December 683 and was succeeded to the throne on the same month. In the second year, the name was changed to "Heir Sheng". Zhongzong was more mediocre and incompetent than Gaozong, and after ascending the throne, he respected Wu Zetian as the empress dowager. Pei Yan was edicted to assist the government, and all political affairs depended on Wu Zetian. He reused Empress Wei's relatives and tried to form his own group. If he wanted to take Empress Wei's father Wei Yuanzhen as his servant (prime minister), Pei Yan was anxious to think that it was impossible. Li Xian was furious: "I give Wei Yuanzhen the world, it's okay, do you still regret a servant?" Pei Yan reported to Wu Zetian after hearing this, Wu Zetian was greatly annoyed by Zhongzong's actions, and in February 684, Zhongzong, who had only been on the throne for two months, was deposed by Wu Zetian as the king of Luling and demoted from Chang'an.

Zhongzong was placed under house arrest in Junzhou (now Junxian County, Hubei Province) and Fangzhou (now Fangxian County, Hubei Province) for 14 years, accompanied only by his concubine Wei, and the two depended on each other for their lives and tasted the hardships of the world. Whenever he heard that Wu Zetian had sent an envoy to come, Zhongzong was so frightened that he wanted to commit suicide. Merriam-Webster always comforted him: "Fortune and misfortune are impermanent, and they do not necessarily mean death, so why be so frightened." Webster's encouragement, help, and comfort enabled him to persist in surviving in the face of adversity. Therefore, Zhongzong and Webster, as a couple in distress, have a very deep relationship. He once swore to Merriam-Webster: "When I can return to the throne, I will fulfill any of your wishes." ”

In 699 AD, Zhongzong was recalled to the capital by Wu Zetian and re-established as the crown prince. In 705 AD, 82-year-old Wu Zetian fell seriously ill. On the first day of the first lunar month, Prime Minister Zhang Cambodia, the right Yulin general Li Duozuo and others suddenly led more than 500 Yulin troops to rush into the Xuanwu Gate and kill Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong. Forced Emperor Zetian to pass on to Zhongzong. The era name was changed to "Shenlong". In February, the reinstatement was named Tang. After Zhongzong was reinstated, he immediately established Wei as the queen, and despite the dissuasion of the minister, he made an exception to posthumously crown Empress Wei's father as the king, and let Empress Wei participate in the government politics, but did not give credit to Zhang Cambodia and other meritorious heroes. Marry Empress Wei's daughter, Princess Anle, to Wu Chongxun, the son of Wu Sansi. Feng Shangguan Wan'er is Zhaorong. Teach her to be in charge of the command and be responsible for drafting the emperor's edicts.

Shangguan Wan'er had an ambiguous relationship with Wu Sansi, and Empress Wei trusted her sons and daughters Wu Sansi very much, and formed a powerful political force to control the government. The relationship between Wu Sansi and Empress Wei is very ambiguous. The two played the "Shuanglu" game (with gambling nature), and Tang Zhongzong also helped others count chips with great interest. Seeing that Wu Zetian's old story was going to be repeated, Zhang Cambodia and other ministers strongly persuaded Zhongzong to get rid of Wu Sansi. Wu Sansi and Empress Wei falsely accused Zhang Cambodia and others of plotting against each other, and instigated Zhongzong Mingsheng to secretly surrender, canonized Zhang Cambodia and others as kings, and transferred them out of the capital. Wu Sansi sent assassins to assassinate them on the way. Princess An Le is also ambitious and wants to be Wu Zetian's second. She wanted Zhongzong to depose Li Chongjun, the crown prince who was not born to Empress Wei, and make her the crown princess. Empress Wei and Wu Sansi also instigated Yong Zhongzong to depose Li Chongjun. Li Chongjun and Zuo Yulin general Li Duozuo launched a Yulin army of more than 300 people in 707 AD, killed Wu Sansi and his son, and then invaded the palace, wanting to attack Empress Wei and Princess Anle. Due to the disparity in numbers, Liang Li was killed. Empress Wei took the opportunity to frame the prime minister Wei Yuanzhong for colluding with the crown prince, demoted him from the capital, and seized power alone. Empress Wei unscrupulously sold her official titles, and Zhongzong did not stop it, and did everything according to her wishes.

There was a period when Princess Anle wrote the edict herself, covered the text and took it to Li Xian to seal, but Zhongzong stamped the seal without looking at it. One year's Lantern Festival, under the instigation of Empress Wei, Zhongzong took thousands of princesses and palace maids, all of whom put on civilian clothes and went out of the palace to visit the lantern market and catch up with the excitement. When I returned to the palace late at night, I checked and found that thousands of palace maids had fled five or six out of ten. Afraid that it would damage the dignity of the public, Zhongzong had no choice but to do it. On another occasion, Zhongzong summoned hundreds of officials in the palace and ordered officials above the third rank to throw balls and tug-of-war for him and Empress Wei to enjoy. Most of the courtiers are civil officials, and they are not good at playing, which makes them all ugly, especially those elderly ministers, who are physically exhausted, and fall to the ground with the long rope during the tug-of-war, unable to stand up for a while, and crawling with their hands and feet. Zhongzong and Empress Wei saw each other, and they both laughed heartily. After Li Chongjun's death, there was a vacancy in the crown prince's position, and Princess An Le waited for the opportunity to move, wanting to rule the world like her grandmother Wu Zetian and become a female emperor. Every time I see Zhongzong, Zhongzong wants Zhongzong to canonize her as the imperial concubine, but Zhongzong thinks it is inappropriate, so he is not allowed. So Princess Anle held a grudge, completely ignoring the father-daughter relationship for many years, and planned with Empress Wei all day long how to solve Zhongzong and seize the throne.

In May 710, Tang Zhongzong was poisoned by Empress Wei and Princess An Le in conspiracy. Year fifty-five. He was buried in Dingling in November. He used the era name of Hesheng 684 A.D. Shenlong 705-707 A.D. Jinglong 707-710 A.D.

Relevant historical materials

"Old Tang Dynasty Book Seventh Chronicle Zhongzong Ruizong"

Emperor Zhongzong and Shengzhaoxiao Emperor Xian, the seventh son of Gaozong, and his mother was called the Holy Empress of Tianshun. In November of the first year of Xianqing, he was born in Chang'an. Next year, he will be crowned the king of Zhou and awarded the pastor of Luozhou. In the second year of Yifeng, he was crowned King of England, renamed Zhe, and awarded Yongzhou Mu. In the first year of Yonglong, Prince Zhang Huai (Li Xian) was abolished, and he was established as the crown prince in his year. In December of the first year of Hongdao, Gaozong collapsed, and the crown prince was enthroned in front of the emperor. The queen mother was in the dynasty and changed the heir of the emperor. In February of the first year, the Empress Dowager deposed the emperor as the king of Luling, and she was secluded in another place. In May of the same year, he moved to Junzhou and moved to Fangling. In the first year of the holy calendar, he was recalled to the Eastern Capital and established as the crown prince, still famous. When Zhang Yizhi and his brother Changzong were plotting to rebel. In the first month of the first year of Shenlong, Fengge squire Zhang Khan Zhi, Luantai squire Cui Xuanwei, left Yulin general Jinghui, right Yulin general Huan Yanfan, and Yuan Shuji, the chief of punishment, decided to lead Yulin soldiers to punish Yizhi and Changzong, welcome the crown prince to supervise the country, and the general secretary of the government. Amnesty to the world. Feng Pavilion squire Wei Chengqing, Zheng Zhi Doctor Fang Rong, Si Liqing Cui Shenqing and others were imprisoned. Jia Chen, ordered the local official Lang Fan Chen to go to Beijing to tell the temple mausoleum. Sima Yuan, the secretary of the Shaoqing and the prime minister, was the Fengge Luantai Ping Zhang.

Otomi, then the heavenly legend is located in the crown prince. Bingwu, that is, the emperor is located in Tongtian Palace, amnesty to the world, only the party of change is not in the original limit. Those who were framed by Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen were spared from the salty order. Internal and external civil and military attachés are added two ranks, the third grade has been added to the second class, and the fifth grade has been reduced by four tests. Five days of drunkenness. In order to merge with the state of the pastor Wang Dan and the princess of Taiping have the brother merit of Zhu Yi, the king of the prime minister plus the king of Anguo, and enter the three products of Taiwei and Luantai of Tongfeng Pavilion; The princess plus the princess of the town of Taiping is still given a real seal, and there are 5,000 households before the pass. The royal family was confiscated first, and the descendants were reinstated, and the officials were still measured. Three thousand maids out of the palace. Ding Wei, the queen of heaven migrated to Shangyang Palace. Gengxu, Fengge Shilang and Fengge Luantai Pingzhangshi Zhang Khan Zhi are Xia Guanshangshu, Tongfeng Pavilion Luantai Sanpin, and are named the Duke of Hanyang County; Luantai Shilang and the right concubine of the prince of the inspection school, Cui Xuanwei, the secretary of the Luantai Ping Chapter of the Tongfeng Pavilion, is the internal history of the guard, and the prince of Boling County; Yuan Shuji was the same as Fengge Luantai Sanpin, and was named the Duke of Nanyang County; Jing Hui is Nayan, Pingyang County Prince; Huan Yanfan is Nayan and the prince of the county: and add the silver Qingguanglu doctor, and give 500 households. Right Yulin general, Liao State Duke Li Duozuo entered the title of Liaoyang County King, and gave the real seal of 600 households; Nei Zhilang and Wang Tongjiao are the generals of Yunlu, the right Qianniu generals, and the Langxie county dukes, and they have 500 households. and rewarded Zhang Yi's brothers. The rest of the envelopes are different. The queen of heaven is honored as the emperor of the great sage.

February Jiayin, the number of the resumption of the country, is still Tang. Sheji, Zongmiao, mausoleum, suburbs, marching flags, uniforms, heaven and earth, sun and moon, temples, pavilions, official names, and according to the previous story of Yongchun. The Shendu is still the eastern capital, the northern capital is the metropolitan governor's mansion, and Laojun is still the Xuanyuan Emperor. The people of Zhuzhou will be exempted from this year's tax, and the people of Fangzhou will be given three years. Change the left and right political platforms to the left and right imperial history platforms. Wei Chengqing belittled the important lieutenants, and Fang Rong was assigned to Qinzhou. Zhongshu ordered Yang Zaisi to be the head of the household, the three products under the door of the same book, and the Beijing stay; Taifuqing, Tongzhongshu under the door of the three products Yao Yuanzhi out of Bozhou Thorn History. Ji Wei, his cousin General Zuo Jinwu and Yulin County Gong Qianli are the kings of Chengji County and General Zuo Jinwuwei, and they are actually sealed with 500 households. Ling Gongju stopped practicing "Chen Rail" and still practiced "Lao Tzu". Jiazi, the concubine Wei Shi was the queen, the amnesty was granted to the world, and the internal and external officials accompanied the throne to give a turn, and they drank for three days. His stepfather's late Yuzhou Thorn Shi Xuanzhen was the king of Shangluo County, and his stepmother Cui Shi gave the princess of Shangluo County. At the beginning, Han Wang Yuanjia, Huo Wang Yuanliang and so on have been killed since the vertical arch, and the official lord was reinstated on the same day, and the funeral was changed to prepare for the funeral. Zhao Jiupin has been on and the court set to make the gains and losses of the government, and also promote virtuous and upright people who speak outright. Bingyin, the left scattered cavalry attendant, the king of the state Chongfu depreciated the history of the Puzhou staff outside the assassination, and did not know the state affairs. Tejin, Prince Guest, Liang Wangwu Sansi is Sikong, Tongzhongshu Door under the three products, plus 500 households, through the first 1,500 households. Ding Mao, the right scattered cavalry Chang Shi, the king of Ding'an County, the horse Duwei Wuyou and the king of Dingding, is Situ, and he has more 400 households and 1,000 households. Xin Wei, go up to the temple of the wind and face the queen of the sky. Taiwei and Anguo Minister Wang Dangu asked Taiwei and the governor to obey his request. Jiaxu, the son of the country sacrifices wine to Qin Ming and the three products under the door of the book. The Huangmen squire and the governor Wei Anshi were the secretary of the criminal department, and the governor was dismissed. Bingzi, Zhuzhou Temple, Guanyi, in the name of "Zhongxing". Ding Chou, Wu San Si Gu let Sikong, Tongzhong Shumen Sanpin, Wu You and Gu let Situ, Feng Wang, Xu Zhi. Wang Chongjun of Yixing County was renamed King Wei, and Wang Chongmao of Beihai County was named King Wen.

In March, Xin Si recovered the late Sikong and the British Duke Li Jiguan, and ordered the division to be reburied in the grave. Jiashen, the system of civilization has come to break all the descendants of the ministers and bureaucrats, and return the capital. Its Yangzhou rebel party, only Xu Jingye is not exempt from the limit, and the rest is forgiven. Ding Hai, abolished the left and right division members. Its cool officials Liu Guangye, Wang Deshou, Wang Chuzhen, Qu Zhenyun, Liu Jingyang and other five people, although they have died, the officials should not be pursued; Jingyang saw that he was here, and he degraded the lieutenant of Luzhou Le. Qiu Shenji, Lai Zixun, Wan Guojun, Zhou Xing, Lai Junchen, Yu Chengye, Wang Jingzhao, Suo Yuanli, Fu Youyi, Wang Hongyi, Zhang Zhimo, Pei Ji, Jiao Renjiao, Hou Sili, Guo Ba, Li Jingren, Huangfu Wenbei, Chen Jiayan, etc., although they are dead, should be removed. Tang Fengyi was matched, Li Qinzhu, Cao Renzhe and changed to Lingnan far away. Ji Chou, the Chinese scholar and the chief of the school and the chief of the Wangfu, the prince of Nanyang County, Yuan Shuji, is the Zhongshu order, and the chief of the Wangfu of the school and the prime minister of the school. The edict said: "The order of the monarch and the minister, the gift of the noble and the lowly; Brother Da Lun, the order of the ceremony is also different. The system of saints is determined by the way. I am in the sublime place. Negative wall when the sun, although by the respect of the branches; Retreat from the dynasty and still use the gifts of your family. In modern times, it is rare to follow the track, the king and the princess, the selfish feelings, the respect of the uncle, worship the children and nephews, the illegal betrayal, and the affection is compassionate. From now on, it is advisable to reform the malpractice. Wang Guo, the prime minister of Anguo, and Princess Taiping of Zhenguo had to pay homage to the brothers of Wang Chongjun and the sisters of Princess Changning. It is advisable to tell the clan and know what I mean. "First of all, all kings and princesses are precious to their relatives, the son of the Son of Heaven, all aunts and uncles must worship first when they see it, and if they write a book, it is called a notice. The ambition is to harmonize with the relatives, so the lower tanning. Geng Yin, Wei Wang Chongjun went to Luozhou Mu. The king rode in a carriage, and the book served; The princes have been down, the five products under the door of the book have been sent by the relatives and ancestors, and the etiquette is very prosperous. When the work is done, there is a difference in the gift. Xin Mao, with the late servant Shaoqing Xu Yougong enforcing the law and forgiveness, posthumously presented the governor of Yuezhou, and awarded a son official. Wuxu, the left and right thousand Niu Wei each placed a member of the general. Dismissed the officials of Fengchen Prefecture. With the protection of the capital of Anbei and Wang Dan of Anguo as the general of the left and right, it will be enshrined in each court. On the afternoon of Bingwu, the Autumn Society still uses mid-autumn. Wu Shen, Xiang Wang Dan Yu Taichang

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