
"Public welfare culture" is the most beautiful sunset red Hansha nursing home elderly celebrate the founding of the party

author:Chinese Art Appreciation Network

Source: China Art Appreciation Network


"Public welfare culture" is the most beautiful sunset red Hansha nursing home elderly celebrate the founding of the party

On July 1, the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Wuhan Hansar Medical Special Care Nursing Home held a special celebration of the founding of the party. At the event site, the old people were dressed in neat military uniforms and in good spirits, as if they had returned to the bloody years of fighting for the party and the people.

"Public welfare culture" is the most beautiful sunset red Hansha nursing home elderly celebrate the founding of the party

Their eyes are firm, their posture is upright, and they swear an oath with a sonorous and powerful voice, which is an affectionate expression of their loyalty and love for the party, and also a firm adherence to their original intention and mission.

"Public welfare culture" is the most beautiful sunset red Hansha nursing home elderly celebrate the founding of the party

The old people expressed their reverence and gratitude to the party with passionate singing, and showed their vitality and style with beautiful dances. "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" and other classic red songs, which made everyone present excited and won bursts of applause.

Manuscript review: Zhang Youjun

Editor in charge: Lin Tao

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