
The "three strengthenings" make every effort to do a good job in road traffic safety management in the rainy season

author:Lufeng Police

In order to effectively deal with the road traffic safety management work under heavy rainfall and windy weather, the traffic police brigade of Lufeng Municipal Public Security Bureau has deployed in a timely manner and taken strong measures to ensure that the roads in the jurisdiction are safe, smooth and orderly.

1. Strengthen analysis and judgment to ensure that the service is "in place".

According to the meteorological warning information issued by the Lufeng Meteorological Bureau, the traffic police brigade strengthened the duty during the flood season. According to the principle of "police force follows the weather", the service mode was reasonably adjusted, and the police force of 6 road squadrons and 14 township police stations was dispatched in a timely manner, and the hidden dangers such as water accumulation and landslides in the jurisdiction were sorted out in advance, and patrol control services were scientifically and reasonably arranged. During the rainy weather, with the township as the unit, the grassroots traffic police squadron and police station strengthened the control of road patrols, quickly dealt with traffic accidents, towed faulty vehicles in a timely manner, and implemented work measures such as control, diversion and traffic protection on wading road sections, so as to further improve the "police rate" and "management rate" on the road surface, and minimize the property losses of the people.

The "three strengthenings" make every effort to do a good job in road traffic safety management in the rainy season

2. Strengthen joint logistics linkage to ensure that hidden dangers are "cleaned up in place".

In conjunction with the municipal departments of transportation, natural resources, water affairs, meteorology, emergency response and other departments, as well as the township party committees and governments, make full use of the video surveillance system to inspect the changes in the road environment in a timely manner. Carry out effective observation of geological disasters such as mountain floods, landslides, and debris flows.

Patrol and control the roadblocks prone to landslides and landslides on the one-way road from Lufeng City to Yipinglang and Yipinglang to Lufeng City on the Hurui Line (320 National Highway);

Promptly work with the Lufeng Highway Branch to remove rockfalls, mudslides and fallen trees. The two sides of the culvert of the Zhangjiaying cross-line bridge of the Guangzhou-Kunming Railway are physically isolated, and the traffic is diverted to Longcheng Road in the urban area - Jurassic bypass. And actively coordinate with relevant departments such as transportation, highways, housing and construction, comprehensive law enforcement, and sanitation to repair and fix 6 displaced and collapsed traffic signs and signs, so as to ensure that all kinds of traffic safety hazards are discovered, cleaned up and eliminated in time.

The "three strengthenings" make every effort to do a good job in road traffic safety management in the rainy season

3. Strengthen publicity and guidance to ensure that safety "reminders are in place".

Grassroots traffic police squadrons and police station patrol police use the method of shouting horns to publicize road warning prompts in a timely manner, strengthen warnings for passing drivers and the public, remind them to slow down and keep a safe distance. Fully rely on WeChat and Weibo news media, timely release heavy rain, hail, wind, lightning and other bad weather warning reminders, road traffic control, diversion guidance and other information, as well as thunderstorm driving knowledge and protection knowledge, and form a linkage with the relevant person in charge of the village committee to eliminate unstable factors affecting road safety in a timely manner, and ensure that the road does not get out of control and does not leak 24 hours a day.

The "three strengthenings" make every effort to do a good job in road traffic safety management in the rainy season

Source: Traffic Police Brigade

★ Auditor: Yang Jianming

★ Editor: Liu Yurong

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