
【Fusion Media into the Village 40】Zhuangyuangou Village: The industrial development is getting better and better, and the road to revitalization is getting wider and wider

author:Happy Steel City

"The tomatoes in our village are sweet, and everyone who has tasted them says they are good." Aunt Li Jiaying of Zhuangyuangou Village, Yanzhuang Street, said with a smile. Recently, the tomatoes in the greenhouse have matured one after another, and Zhuangyuangou Village has distributed 10 catties of love tomatoes to villagers over 60 years old for free, so that villagers can experience the happiness of harvest together.

【Fusion Media into the Village 40】Zhuangyuangou Village: The industrial development is getting better and better, and the road to revitalization is getting wider and wider

It is understood that since 2023, the Zhuangyuangou Village Cooperative has successively built 3 greenhouses, covering an area of 4 acres, mainly planting fruits and vegetables such as "small sugar pill watermelon", tomatoes, eggplants, etc., and a single planting can generate more than 48,000 yuan of income for the village collective. Cao Hongchang proudly said: "The fruits and vegetables we grow are quite popular in the market. Tomatoes, in particular, have a bright red color and excellent taste, and are deeply loved by the public, and there are many repeat customers. No, the tomatoes are ripe during this time, so let the big guy taste the sweetness first! ”

【Fusion Media into the Village 40】Zhuangyuangou Village: The industrial development is getting better and better, and the road to revitalization is getting wider and wider

In addition to greenhouses, Zhuangyuangou Village also relies on the Hongchang Planting Farmers' Professional Cooperative to transfer 112 acres of collective land to develop the forest and fruit industry, create the "Zhuangyuanhong" brand, mainly planting chestnut, walnut, hawthorn, pepper, apricot, peach, pear and other cash crops, and open up the market through online live broadcast, with an annual income of more than 76,000 yuan. At the same time, Zhuangyuangou Village operates the 100-acre nursery base in Dongling of the village through the form of "cooperatives + village enterprises", mainly planting engineering road greening vegetation, seedlings, and making tassel planting bonsai, with an annual income of about 90,000 yuan.

【Fusion Media into the Village 40】Zhuangyuangou Village: The industrial development is getting better and better, and the road to revitalization is getting wider and wider

Talking about the future, Cao Hongchang is full of confidence: "We must continue to develop the industry, strengthen the 'family foundation' of the village collective, and drum up the villagers' money bags, so that the road of rural revitalization will be wider and wider." (Gangcheng Financial Media: Li Xiao)