
The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

author:Wuhan headlines
The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

Hubei Daily News (reporter Haibing, correspondent Zheng Yimiao) Recently, the president of the University of Paris-Saclay, France, and the students who participated in the summer camp of Huazhong University of Science and Technology walked into the memorial hall of the former site of the Central Organ of the Communist Party of China in Wuhan. Yuan Yani, the director of the memorial hall, and the volunteers of the "No. 61" immersion class led everyone to visit and understand the glorious history of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Wuhan in 1927.

The activity was conducted by 5 volunteers from the School of Foreign Chinese Languages of Central China Normal University, which allowed foreign students to understand China's history, culture and revolutionary spirit more intuitively in the form of "flipped classroom + field visit + immersive experience".

In the memorial hall, the students followed the docent, walked through the long river of history, listened to the story behind the historical building of the memorial hall and its far-reaching historical significance, and visited the basic exhibition and restoration exhibition of the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Wuhan".

The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students
The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

In the interactive session of Jardine Matheson, Director Yuan Yani told the teachers and students present the stories of dozens of early leaders of the Communist Party of China who had gone to France for work-study and their important contributions to the Chinese revolution. The students also experienced the old street check-in and photo interaction, took photos with the landmark buildings of Wuhan 100 years ago, and experienced the unique charm of the old Wuhan neighborhood. The interactive area of the memorial hall, the "Times Gallery", has prepared a variety of traditional Chinese costumes, allowing everyone to experience the traditional Chinese costume culture. In the blind box experience area, the students drew a variety of exquisite cultural and creative products, which also made them love it.

Accompanied by the staff and volunteers of the memorial hall, the French teachers and students also walked into the historical and cultural district of Li Huangpi Road and learned about the past of historical buildings such as the former site of the Yangtze River Bureau, the Bagong House, and the former site of the French Consulate.

Yuan Yani, director of the Memorial Hall of the former site of the Central Organ of the Communist Party of China in Wuhan, said that this year is the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, and this event will show French friends the profound historical heritage and unique cultural charm of Wuhan, a heroic city. In the future, we will dig deep into the rich historical resources of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in Wuhan and tell the story of Wuhan in a more vivid and interesting way.

Janek, a teacher from France, said with emotion that China and France had in-depth cultural exchanges as early as the 20s of the 20th century, and many Chinese communists had studied in France, and these stories gave them a deeper understanding of the friendship between China and France.

The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students
The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students
The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students
The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

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The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

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The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

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The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

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The "No. 61" immersion classroom welcomed French teachers and students

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[Source: Hubei Daily]

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