
CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

author:Qi Yan Qi said education

"Slime" crystal mud used to be very popular for a while

The colorful color scheme and the wet and soft feel make it very decompressing when pinched~

But it seems that such a soft and harmless toy toy was exposed by CCTV to have excessive toxins, which made people can't help but sweat for the safety of children's toys. According to reports, almost all "slime" crystal mud on the market contains borax ingredients, which are easy to stick to the skin and bring a lot of harm to the baby's health!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: CCTV Quick Look How toxic is borax? Which toys should be chosen carefully? What kind of toys should I choose for my baby? Today I will talk to you about those things about buying toys for your baby!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

2 grams to death! Borax toys, throw them away! How toxic is the borax component in the crystal mud exposed by CCTV? Borax is usually added to detergents and insecticides. Look at a set of numbers: the adult lethal dose of borax is 15 grams; The lethal dose for infants is 2-3 grams. At present, the crystal mud on the market contains 100ml of borax water in one box!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: "News 360" Of course, it does not mean that as long as you play with crystal mud, you will absorb all the borax water, but there will be a small amount of residue on your hands. If a child eats without washing his hands in time after playing with crystal clay, it is likely to lead to acute poisoning. Two primary school students in Guangzhou were rushed to the hospital because they accidentally ingested the borax in the crystal mud!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: Workers' Daily In addition to crystal mud, many children's favorite "magnetic mud" toys are not completely safe. Some time ago, the Shanghai Market Supervision Bureau announced the results of the special monitoring of the new Internet celebrity toy - "magnetic mud": a total of 19 batches of samples were collected (17 batches online), and it was found that all 19 batches of samples had quality and safety risks.

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: Shanghai released not only Shanghai, but also the results of the soft mud comparative test released by the Shenzhen Consumer Council also showed that 16 of the 17 soft clay toys on the market were detected with boron! 13 of them contain boron that exceeds the EU limit!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: CCTV news is so unsafe, what should I do? Can't you buy ooze toys? Of course you can buy it! What parents have to do is to spend a lot of money on shopping. Clay toy buying skills:

(1) Soft mud containing borax is absolutely not purchased! (2) Some three-no products will not be marked with borax components on the outer packaging, so it is necessary to look for the national certification 3C mark.

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

Buy the product with it ↑

(3) Touch texture. It is not sticky to the hand, and the fingers are not oily after touching, which means that the material is good.

(4) Look at the expiration date. Excessive shelf life often adds a lot of preservatives, so it is not recommended to choose.

In addition to clay toys containing borax that cannot be bought, there are also 2 kinds of unqualified toys that are endangering children's health!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

2 major unqualified toys, quick check! (1) Plastic toys with excessive plasticizersPlastic toys can be said to be the most indispensable companion of childhood, but some plastic toys may have excessive plasticizers!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: Sina Technology plasticizers can enter the human body through various routes such as respiratory tract, digestive tract, and skin. Excessive plasticizers can cause precocious puberty, and also damage liver and kidney function! An 8-year-old girl in Hangzhou was predicted to be no more than 1.5 meters tall because of the long-term use of substandard plastic products!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: Hangzhou DailyHow can I buy qualified plastic toys for my baby? Plastic toy buying tips:

(1) Look for the 3C mark. (2) Do not buy toys with a pungent smell. (3) I do not buy toys with rough workmanship and sharp corners. (4) Toys for babies to buy, with detachable small parts do not buy. (2) Plush toys with excessive formaldehyde are also the hardest hit areas with excessive formaldehyde. In 2017, Xinhua News Agency conducted a laboratory test on plush toys on the street. The results showed that half of the 5 dolls without the 3C mark sampled exceeded the formaldehyde standard. Formaldehyde can cause strong irritation to children's respiratory tract and skin, which may cause respiratory tract inflammation, skin itching or rashes, and even induce childhood leukemia! A 6-year-old girl in Xi'an coughed for more than half a year because of inferior plush toys:

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

News source: Xi'an Evening News plush toys when purchasing, in addition to looking for the 3C logo, but also remember to check and wash: one check: check whether the attached hardware of the plush toy is firm. Second washing: After parents buy plush toys, they should clean and dry them before giving them children to play. Buying the wrong toy will endanger the baby's health, but buying the right toy is likely to help the baby's brain develop and make the baby smarter!

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

How to choose toys to make your baby smarter? According to the "Analysis of Complaints Accepted by the National Consumer Association in 2020", a total of 4,847 complaints about children's toys were accepted by the National Consumer Association in 2020, an increase of nearly two times the number of complaints in 2019.

Cases of production and sale of inferior children's toys have occurred frequently, and some even endanger children's health and life safety.

How should parents choose toys for their children? Recently, the China Consumers Association issued an authoritative reminder.

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

Security-related issues include:

Mechanical and physical injuries (such as small parts of toys falling off, playing with dangerous sharp edges, etc.), chemical injuries (such as illegal addition of prohibited substances, the content of a certain element exceeding national standards, etc.), the age of the toy is inconsistent with the actual use, and injuries caused by playing with non-toy products by mistake.

Don't buy low-quality children's toys for the sake of cheapness

At present, in the children's toy market, there are some unqualified products that do not meet the relevant national toy safety standards. Some are "three no" products, some contain toxic and harmful prohibited substances, or inferior products with excessive content of certain elements.

For example, in 2020, the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision Bureau conducted a quality supervision and random inspection of 1,035 children's toy products from 651 companies and found that 214 products produced by 184 companies were unqualified.

Another example is the second batch of typical cases of the "Iron Fist" operation announced by the State Administration for Market Regulation in 2021, which shows that in the supervision and random inspection of the Beijing Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the inspection conclusion of a BB bath toy is that the plasticizer does not meet GB6675.1-2014 "Toy Safety Part 1: Basic Specifications".

If the plasticizer content exceeds the limit requirement, children may enter the body through the skin, esophagus or respiratory tract during long-term exposure, endangering children's health and safety.

Therefore, in order to avoid the harm caused by inferior children's toys to children, it is recommended that parents buy children's toys from regular shopping malls or reputable online stores, and pay attention to keeping shopping vouchers.

When buying toys, you should look for CCC certification

The state implements CCC certification for three types of children's products, including children's carriage products, toys, and restraint systems for children in motor vehicles.

CCC认证(又称3C认证)即中国强制性认证标志,是一种最基础的安全认证。 英文名称为China Compulsory Certification。

CCTV exposure! This 2g lethal toxin is hidden in the baby's favorite Internet celebrity toy!

All toy products within the scope of the CCC certification catalog need to be CCC certified, including:

Electric toys (electric toys, video toys, sound and light toys, heat source toys, etc.)

Plastic toys (doll toys, plastic projectile toys, "climbing mats", etc.)

Metal toys (static metal toys, motorized metal toys, projectile toys containing metal materials, etc.)

Ride-on toys (toy bicycles, electric strollers, etc.)

When parents buy these types of children's toys, they must look for CCC certification, and do not buy them without CCC certification.

The toys purchased should be age-appropriate

According to the second batch of typical cases of the "Iron Fist" operation in 2021 released by the State Administration for Market Regulation, the Market Supervision Bureau of Dongshan County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, found that a bell ball toy was not marked with the applicable age range and illustrative age mark during the law enforcement process, and did not meet the national mandatory standard of GB6675.2-2014 "Toy Safety Part 2 Mechanical and Physical Properties", and imposed an administrative penalty on it in accordance with the law.

The "applicable age" label is very important, parents must pay attention to the age marked on the toy packaging when buying toys, and choose toys that match the child's age.

When buying toys for younger children, also be careful to avoid the following categories:

One is brightly colored toys, such as "mud" toys, which generally contain substances that are harmful to the body, and if children enter the body when playing, they will endanger safety and health;

The second is toys containing fragrance, the fragrance generally comes from additives and plasticizers, and children may inhale a certain dose of harmful substances in the process of playing with such toys for a long time, thereby affecting physical development;

The third is toys that are small or contain detachable small parts, which are easy to be eaten by children and have the risk of suffocation;

Fourth, toys with sharp points and sharp edges, children are easy to stab their eyes or scratch their bodies when playing;

Fifth, shooting, balloons, ropes and other toys with greater potential safety hazards, such as "Internet celebrity" balloons, are prone to deflagration once they come into contact with high-temperature heat sources or open flames.

Remember! These products are not toys

There are also some products that may seem "fun", but they are not toys because of the high safety risks, so it is recommended not to play with children as toys. There are three more common ones.

1. Laser pointer

Laser pointers are generally used in teaching, tour guides, field trips, construction sites, fire and disaster relief, etc. Laser pointers are very harmful if used incorrectly. For example, direct exposure to the eyes may cause temporary or permanent vision damage or even blindness; If a combustible material is irradiated for too long, it is also easy to cause a fire.

2. Electric self-balancing scooters

According to experts, electric self-balancing scooters are neither children's toys nor sports equipment, and if such products are mistaken for children's toys, it is easy to ignore the risks involved. In particular, young children, because their own balance ability is not perfect, and they lack the corresponding risk prevention awareness, they are very prone to safety accidents during riding.

3. Water sprites

It is a bead-shaped water-absorbing resin, also known as bubble beads, water-absorbing bombs, etc., which is widely used in potted plants for water retention and interior decoration. Some merchants sell it as a toy, or even as a projectile for a projectile toy. Due to its bright color, younger children are likely to swallow it as candy by mistake, which is life-threatening. In addition, if the water spirit's fragments adhere to the fingers, when rubbing the eyes with the hands, these fragments can also scratch the eyeballs, leading to infection and even blindness.

It is advisable for younger children to be accompanied at all times

Parents should perform their duties as guardians, supervise and guide their children to use toys correctly, and cultivate children's correct consumption concepts and safety awareness.

First, it is recommended that parents spend more time with their children to play. Especially when younger children are playing, it is best for parents to accompany them at all times so that they can stop them from engaging in dangerous behaviors.

Second, parents should try to choose educational toys suitable for children's body and mind, do not let children have electronic products too early, if they must use electronic products due to online classes, homework, etc., they should also strictly control the use time to prevent children from indulging in electronic products or online games, which not only delays their studies but also affects their children's visual health.

Third, parents should continue to carry out consumer education in combination with their children's age and consumption ability, so that children can develop good habits of scientific consumption and rational consumption from an early age, and prevent children from over-consumption of toys or addiction to buying toy blind boxes.

Fourth, do not neglect the safety education of children, and constantly improve children's self-protection ability, such as telling children not to put toys in their mouths, requiring children to wash their hands as soon as possible after playing, and not to rub their eyes during play. In addition, toy operators should continue to improve product safety standards, improve production technology, strengthen self-discipline, and create a safer and more secure toy consumption environment for children from the source.

Source: Network comprehensive arrangement, the copyright belongs to the original author, pay tribute to the original, if there is any infringement, please contact the background to delete "Mother's Hobby Time" Hotline: 0451-82898800 Editor: Wan Lan Review: Cui Ying Final Review: Kai Qi


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