
He lost his father at the age of 7 and stopped his studies at the age of 19 to take care of his mother for the last time...... 444 points "lonely" college entrance examination candidate: "I hope to be the person my mother wants me to be"

author:Gale News

   "Mom and Dad, I scored 444 points, did you hear that?"

   On the afternoon of June 27, Wang Yibiao, who lost her father at the age of 7 and was "interrupted" to take care of her when she was 19 years old when she was re-studying because her mother was seriously ill, came to the grave of her relatives to talk and give them an explanation.

   Previously, Huashang Daily reported on Wang Yibiao's life experience, which attracted attention.


Repeated in front of the tombstone

  "Mom and Dad, I scored 444 points, did you hear that?"

   Borrow a rag and a bucket of water, "Dad, Mom, I've come to see you"!

   Wang Yibiao wiped the dust on the tombstone with his hands and feet, the top and the cracks were wiped clean, and many dry short pine needles on the pine tree next to the tombstone fell into the cracks, and he also carefully took them out first and wiped them again.

He lost his father at the age of 7 and stopped his studies at the age of 19 to take care of his mother for the last time...... 444 points "lonely" college entrance examination candidate: "I hope to be the person my mother wants me to be"

   "When you're here, clean up." Wang Yibiao said. Then, he squatted in the corner of the tombstone and talked for a long time, just repeating, "Mom and Dad, I scored 444 points, did you hear that?" After a pause for a long time, he said, "I didn't bring anything with me today, I will bring it next time, and we will say something in private." ”

   Wang Yibiao pointed to the pine tree next to the tombstone and said: "When my mother chose a cemetery for my father, I walked from south to north and from north to south in the cemetery several times, and finally chose this one, and there was a small pine tree that had just been planted, saying that this place was good and vibrant. After twelve years, I'm taller than me now. ”

   Facing the sunset, bowing three times to the tombstone, sweat falling from his forehead, Wang Yibiao said while wiping his sweat that this time he has really become "no one in the four seas to the sunset", and he is a wanderer in his hometown everywhere, and said that at least he has an explanation to his parents.


Cook porridge, stir-fry, steamed rice, and hot milk for your mother

Mom said with relief, "Biao Biao has grown up"

   In fact, Wang Yibiao always can't help but miss.

   "It's summer again, and my mom loves watermelon." Wang Yibiao told reporters, "I remember that when she could still see, she often bought fruits processed in the supermarket at night, and said to me: 'It's a little rotten on the outside, but it's good on the inside.'" I'm a little complacent, and I don't know if she's eaten watermelon this year. ”

   He always remembered the time when his mother was sick in bed, and the two got along day and night. "During that time, as long as my mother was not hospitalized and the situation allowed, I would cook for her at home. At that time, she was not digested well, and my cooking skills were average, so I could only cook some simple and easy-to-digest meals that could be filling, such as cooking porridge, stir-frying, steaming rice, hot milk, etc. Every time, my mother would say that she was very pleased, praised me for the delicious food, and said, 'Biao Biao has grown up!' ’”

   He also often had the illusion that every corner of the room was filled with his mother's shadow. "I remember that when my mother was still there, the fridge was always stuffed with her insulin, and the bowl of winter melon and barley soup that I made that she didn't finish." Wang Yibiao said, "My mother was very swollen all over her body at that time, and she wanted me to make it after knowing that winter melon and barley soup can remove edema, and said that she would be able to drink it all after I made it, but I did too much, and my mother couldn't drink most of it, and the rest was frozen in the refrigerator until it turned black and long, and I was reluctant to throw it away." ”


As soon as the college entrance examination is over

One by one, they came to thank the well-wishers, neighbors, relatives and friends who had helped them

   As soon as the college entrance examination was over, Wang Yibiao came to thank the well-wishers, neighbors, relatives and friends who had helped him.

   First, I went to the hospital and thanked the doctors and nurses who helped me during my mother's hospitalization.

   Then I went to the uncle's house and listened to the uncle talk about the previous story.

   "Although we all live in the same yard, we are busy with our own lives on weekdays. About the winter of 2021, I haven't sat at the baby's house for a while, and I came back in the morning to go around the baby's house to see, but no one opened the door for a long time, and it felt like it took a long time for the baby to come out and open the door. It turned out that she had been unable to see for a while. Biao Biao's uncle said, "I swallowed back the words at that time and went directly to the community to report the situation." ”

   Uncle said that after the community staff learned about the situation, they started the "subsistence allowance application" process in the afternoon of the same day, and the property staff also waived the winter heating fee they were collecting.


I hope that children will be self-reliant

Get through the days as much as possible

   Mr. Wang, a community worker in Dongqujiangchi, said: "The community staff has been helping them think of the most suitable subsidy policy according to their situation. In the past, when the child's mother was there, the two of them had a subsistence allowance of 1,900 yuan per month, but now they are supported by the extremely poor at 1,300 yuan per month. As a community, we want our children to be self-reliant and make their lives better. ”

   Grandma An, a neighbor, is also someone Xiao Wang especially wants to thank. "Grandma and my mother have known each other for a long time, and we used to see her always come to the house to chat, and often bring some home-made delicious things to our mother." Wang Yibiao said, "On Chinese New Year's Eve last year, my grandmother specially called me to her house, let me have a Chinese New Year's Eve dinner, and wrapped me a red envelope. ”

   Grandma An said: "The baby (Wang Yibiao) is the same age as my eldest grandson. In the past, I used to talk to his mother about the baby's study, and then his mother got sick, so I often watched the baby go home shopping alone. During the Chinese New Year, I was worried that the baby would be lonely, so I called me to come to my house, and for me I was only an extra grandson! ”


Not reconciled to scores

Maybe you will get higher in the exam if you repeat it for another year

   "I was unwilling, but I had to accept it." For Wang Yibiao, the most tangled score during this period is the college entrance examination score of 444 points (liberal arts).

   "When my mother was sick, I asked her what kind of person I wanted to be in the future." Wang Yibiao said, "I remember my mother talking from the age of 20 to the age of 80, and I realized that she had thought so much for me." But the score of 444 doesn't seem to be enough to be the person my mother wants me to be. Wang Yibiao said frankly that the reason why he repeated and repeated again was that he hoped to go to a college, but he didn't expect this desire to be so difficult for him, and he was a little unwilling, and he couldn't help but think, "If I repeat my studies for another year, will I get a higher score than now?" ”

   When pessimistic, Wang Yibiao will fall into emotions and say some depressing words; When he was optimistic, he boldly imagined his future life, and joked that "only by losing weight first and improving yourself can you catch a better life".

   He pointed to a few books on the shelves and said: "During the time when my mother just left, 'Me and the Altar of Earth' and 'Alive' were two 'life-saving' books that gave me an 'antidote'. Death gives meaning to life, life is an experience, to live to death, but to seek oneself, is the truth I have learned from the suffering experienced, just like the sentence in "Me and the Altar of Earth" that I particularly love, "But the sun, it is the sunset and the rising sun at all times." When it went down the hill to collect the desolation, it was on the other side that burned and climbed to the top of the mountain......"

Huashang Daily Gale News Reporter Fu Qimeng/Wen Xing Mengying/Figure B51

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