
Four ancient sayings of love after marriage: "Disguise Soft Jiao", "Mu Yun", "Don't Hufu if you have the ability"

author:Iridium read novels

The first book of "Camouflage Soft Jiao" Author: Mu Tianyi

Jiang Yunchu is a well-known "Chu Palace waist" beauty in Nanling City, and countless young talents have bent their waists for him, but no one has come to the door to propose marriage.

As we all know, she and Jiang Biao, the son of the richest man in Nanling City, are childhood sweethearts, and they are recognized as golden boys and girls.

In addition to being rich, good-looking, temperamental, and talented, Jiang Biao has always taken good care of Jiang Yunchu, and his honor is infinite, and his expression is always full of affection.

But Jiang Yunchu has been in the cabinet for two years, and he has not left the cabinet for a long time, and he has not seen Jiang Biao come to the door to propose marriage, and everyone feels that the relationship between the two people is hanging.

Until Jiang's father held a marriage recruitment for her, Jiang Biao couldn't bear to propose marriage, and used his arrogant wealth to propose marriage

drove away one by one, making the beauties smile.

Everyone felt that the relationship between the two had been completed.

One day when the wind and the sun were beautiful, when the hydrangea was thrown, Jiang Yunchu was in the spotlight, but he did not hesitate to throw the hydrangea to Jiang Biao's rival Feng Guan.

- The Nanling prodigal son that everyone avoids.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

And Feng Guan clutched the hydrangea tightly, his eyes were extremely dark, and there seemed to be wind and waves brewing under his eyes.

Jiang Yunchu and Jiang Biao, the son of the richest man in Nanling, have been childhood sweethearts since childhood, and they have no guesses.

Jiang Biao's sentence "Jiang Yunchu is a woman who casually hooks her fingers and throws herself into her arms", which completely shattered Jiang Yunchu's love.

What is hateful is that this man came to participate in her marriage and persuaded her to be a concubine behind his back.

Jiang Yunchu decided to find a tool man to get rid of this man, and after thinking about it, she aimed her eyes at the man's sworn enemy, the unfathomable earth overlord Feng Guan.

She married a tool man and used a tool man to show affection, bent on making Jiang Biao regret it and letting him know that he was also unattainable, not because he didn't want to marry!

But as she showed off, there seemed to be something wrong with the tool man, and her eyes became more and more gloomy.

The goal has been achieved, she hastily repaired a letter of reconciliation, but saw Feng Guan sharpening his knife in the room, with bloodthirsty eyes on his face: "If you use me to run away, I, Feng Shaoyou, will definitely cut him with a thousand knives, slaughter his whole family, and cook his chickens and dogs." ”


Jiang Yunchu trembled with fright.

Feng Guan found her, and his smile was lazy and dangerous: "Sheng Sheng came to me, what's the matter?" ”

"Husband, husband, I miss you."

Jiang Yunchu greeted him with a sad face, and quickly crumpled the book and threw it away.

One sentence introduction: plastic couples, love is stronger than gold

Usage guide: 1. Those who love cookies can enter the pit, 1v1, the male and female protagonists did not have a relationship before they got married. The male protagonist is just misunderstood by the world because of his good looks, and he is not romantic.

2. The male and female protagonists are masters of disguise, and the second male is a crazy critic

Four ancient sayings of love after marriage: "Disguise Soft Jiao", "Mu Yun", "Don't Hufu if you have the ability"

The second book of "Mu Yun" Author: Dog Zhu

Jiang Jiajiao's girl is like a flower, and her temperament is soft and well-behaved.

Anyone who looks at the tip of his heart will not consciously soften, and he will bring a little tenderness when he talks to her.

Except for Shen Du.

Shen Du's disgust for Jiang Yunshu was undisguised.

He treats people coldly and almost ruthlessly, and often bullies people to tears.

Unexpectedly, the two would eventually get married.

Everyone thought that Jiang Yunshu's life when she married into the Shen family would not be easy, and she would be bullied even worse.

However, after marriage, Jiang Yunshu became more and more moisturized and radiant, and she didn't see the pitiful appearance of being bullied.

On the contrary, it was Shen Du, who gradually became eccentric and capricious.

Later, some people saw him sweeping away his usual arrogance, stiffening his face, and asking people bluntly: "Then you say, how can she love me?" ”

Shen Du has never met such an absurd woman as Jiang Yunshu in his smooth life.

He had no way to take her.

I can't control myself and gradually fall into her gentle township.

Until that day.

Jiang Yunshu's tender fingertips caressed an old wound on his back, and murmured: "Fortunately, you saved me in the dark alley at that time, it must have hurt a lot at that time." ”

Shen Du's back stiffened, and his pupils trembled suddenly.

He knew very well that he had never saved anyone in any dark alley.

And that wound was left on the battlefield when he went out with the army.


Straight Ball Beauty X Kaolin Flower



1. The male protagonist is very pretending in the early stage, cold and arrogant, no one in his eyes, smoldering attributes, and after knowing that his wife doesn't love him at all in the later stage, he will become a humble puppy, and he will peacock open the screen to attract his wife's attention, and he will be pitiful and wronged and beg his wife to love him.

2. The heroine took the initiative more in the early stage, but she was not aggrieved, she was not a traditional pure and kind heroine, she was moral but not much, and she was happy to be a sister who was hard to buy.

3. Emotional flow, the plot serves the feelings, 90% fall in love, sweet.

Four ancient sayings of love after marriage: "Disguise Soft Jiao", "Mu Yun", "Don't Hufu if you have the ability"

The third book of "Don't Hugh if you have the ability" Author: Shallow and shallow

#强取豪夺# #先婚后爱#

Paranoid and crazy criticizes the male protagonist × sober beauty in the world

When Su Zhijin first saw Lu Shiyan, she was swinging.

She wanted to swing to the highest place and peek at the little brother next door, but she saw a pair of phoenix eyes on the side looking at her indifferently and coldly.

She didn't fall off the swing and raised it for half a month.

Because of the blessing of misfortune, the brother next door came to visit the patient, and he also learned from him that the person who caused her to fall was the current martial champion - Lu Shiyan.

Su Zhijin never thought that she would have anything to do with Wu Zhuangyuan, she thought she would marry her brother next door since she was a child, a childhood sweetheart, and she had no guesses.

Until a marriage decree shattered her illusions, she was given to Lu Shiyan.

She thought that he was also forced to marry her.

But I don't want to do what I have learned in my life after marriage, and toss her to the end of the day, Su Zhijin couldn't bear it, climbed on his shoulder, and said angrily, "Are you ashamed?" ”

"Who made you want to Hugh all the time?"

Lu Shiyan rubbed her waist and threatened, "Still resting?" ”

Lu Shiyan has always been decisive and has a perverse temperament, but only when he married Su Zhijin has been planning for a long time, he didn't know her on the swing, but she didn't know.

He is too obsessed with her, paranoid, and will do anything to get her, he wants to imprison her by his side in the name of her husband.

But on the wedding night, he lifted her red cover, but in an instant, a dagger was held to her throat, and she looked at him calmly, and her voice was like a white blade, "Leave me." ”

Su Zhijin was in Lu Mansion for many days, only to learn that from the wedding night, the brother next door was imprisoned by Lu Shiyan.

She went to beg him, her eyes were full of tears, and she was beautiful and natural.

Lu Shiyan's fingers teasingly lifted her chin, rubbed it gently, and hooked her lips and smiled: "Ah Jin, don't beg me-"

He pulled her into his arms and whispered in his ear, "Coax me." ”

She is a soft knife, he is a mad dog, and he is just right to train him.

One sentence introduction: the daily life of dog training after marriage and love.

Read the guide


2. Forcible seizure, marriage first and love later.

Four ancient sayings of love after marriage: "Disguise Soft Jiao", "Mu Yun", "Don't Hufu if you have the ability"

The fourth book of "Marrying the Prince" Author: Shallow and shallow

Shuangshang Online White Cut Black Beauty Heroine X Belly Black Gentleman Double-faced Son

Bai Chuanzhou is a well-known prince in Yecheng, who teases the birds with a cage, is idle, does not learn and has no skills, but he has a marriage contract with the Chu Mansion in the previous generation.

As the most unfavored adopted daughter, Chu Yingge was stuffed into a sedan chair like this.

On the wedding night, the two tacitly slept in their own rooms, and the golden lamp went out. I didn't know that an hour later, the two met in the Goolan courtyard where the warbler song and swallow danced.

The two looked at each other.

Chu Yingge looked at him and hugged him left and right: I came to visit the Qinglou on the wedding night, and the prince's gentleness was really beyond my imagination.

Bai Chuanzhou looked at her in men's clothes: I came to visit the Qinglou on the wedding night, and the preference of the princess was also unexpected by me.

If this matter came out, the face of the Hou Mansion would be lost, and the two decided to cover each other.

In the days of protecting each other, the two got closer and closer.

I don't know when it started, Chu Yingge found that Bai Chuan Zhouqinglou was no longer shopping, and the finches were no longer funny, but he was at home whenever he was free and followed her.

Until one day, I saw Bai Chuanzhou trapping her in the corner, staring at her with peach blossom eyes, and said with a low smile: Achu, do you want to try it with your brother?

Chu Yingge looked vigilant: How can you ...... Try?

Bai Chuanzhou whispered close to his ear: The fake show is really done.

Chu Yingge was adopted, she lost her parents when she was five years old and died in a killing.

In order to investigate the truth, she sent people to the Chu Mansion since she was a child, but she married the prince by mistake, she thought that the two could be a superficial couple who looked like gods, but she didn't want the prince to get closer and closer.

Buy her the most fashionable silk, give her the finest jewels hairpins, coax her, spoil her, guard her, and protect her.

On the surface, husband and wife have to do it inside.

After the truth came out, Chu Yingge resolutely left the Hou Mansion, but was grabbed by the prince Hao's wrist, and his voice was faint: "You bite me, hurt me with a sword, and touch me with your hand in the middle of the night, and kiss me secretly——"

He gnashed his teeth in her ear: "Is this enough playing, and you want to abandon me?" ”

One sentence introduction: true and false

Read the guide:

1. Double C, 1v1, sweet text, love after marriage, two-way healing, marriage refers to engagement, and there is an emotional line from the beginning of the engagement.

2. The prince is a bit sickly and delicate, but the surface is cold on the inside, also known as "Two Phases", both of them have two sides.

2.-for-tat in the early stage, and two-way in the later stage. #小说#