
Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written

author:Dawan News

Affected by the continuous heavy rainfall, waterlogging occurred in many places in Pingjiang County, Yueyang, Hunan. The shops on the first floor of the street near the Yucheng Hanchangfu Community in Pingjiang County were affected by the flood, and the water flooded to a depth of one or two meters. On 2 July, as the flood waters slowly receded, many merchants came to their stores to start dredging work in preparation for the reopening of their stores.

Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written
Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written

On the afternoon of July 2, on a road near the Yucheng Hanchangfu Community in Pingjiang County, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning News noticed that some vehicles were parked on the road that had been blistered, and there was also mud on the roof, and the water was currently blistered over the wheels. There is also a lot of mud on the sidewalks on both sides of the road, and the road surface is slippery.

Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written

Hu Yan, a nearby merchant, told reporters that her family runs a cabinet store and lives near the store. On the morning of July 1, after discovering that the water was rising, she was too late to come to the store to transfer the goods due to the excessive water potential. On July 2, when the floodwaters began to recede, she and her family went to the store in the afternoon to start desilting and cleaning up in preparation for the reopening.

Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written

"According to the mud stains on the walls of the store, the water in the store is one or two meters deep, some electrical appliances are all destroyed, and the loss is expected to be tens of thousands of yuan. Hu Yan's face showed helplessness, she told reporters that the child's summer vacation homework in the store was also blistered, and now she doesn't dare to tell the child, so she can only take it to dry first, because these homework are done, and the child is still at home chanting "my homework, my homework".

Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written

Another nearby merchant, Wu Gongmin, uses a shovel to clean up the mud in front of his shop, while someone next to him washes the ground with a water gun. Wu Gongmin introduced that he runs a pet shop, after the rainstorm began on July 1, he transferred the pets in the store in time, and some pet supplies were damaged by blisters because they were too late to transfer, and the loss was estimated to be more than 10,000 yuan. "It rained heavily on the 1st, and the water rose very quickly, rising dozens of centimeters in 1 hour, and there was no time to transfer." Wu Gongmin said that when he arrived at the store on the morning of July 2, he found that the water in the store had receded to the depth of his calf, and in the afternoon he had retreated to the side of the street.

Some businesses in Pingjiang began to desilt: they didn't tell their children that their summer vacation homework was flooded, because they were all written

"The water comes and goes as fast as it comes, the sun comes out, and life goes on." Wu Gongmin said. (Xiaoxiang Morning News)