
The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

author:Listen to Guagua's story

"I really can't stand it, that monkey is too much, and if it goes on like this, I'm going to really go crazy."

In the room, the woman sat on her knees, holding her husband's leg and crying, crying so breathlessly that she had to take a breath every time she said a word, which was distressing to listen to.

Her husband, however, sat on the edge of the bed with a look of embarrassment, and did not dare to speak, for the monkey was crouching on the windowsill and staring at the couple.

What exactly did this monkey do? Why did this young Indian couple make such a fuss?

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Xilin picked up the little monkey, and the whole family was happy

"I'm going to help at the temple today, and if I don't go home at night, I don't have to wait for me."

Xilin, who was over half a hundred years old, left this sentence for his wife, who was washing clothes, and left the house with a bag full of corn kernels.

"Okay, I got it." Xilin's day Yaji was as obedient as ever, and never said a "no" to her husband

Born in a small village in the Indian state of Gujarat, Xilin has been worrying about one thing lately, so he often goes to a large temple in the mountains to help, hoping to get help.

On his way to the temple, he chose a path that was usually less crowded because he didn't want to meet acquaintances and talk to people.

"Chirp-chirp-chirp-" There was a mournful cry from the grass, which startled Xilin, who had thought about things in a hurry, and he fell to the ground with a frightened face, and his legs were weakened by fright.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

But the cry did not stop, and Xilin listened carefully and thought: Isn't this the cry of the little monkey?

Xilin's monkey was still relatively common, and his legs were weak and could not be relieved for a while, so he crawled over, picked up the grass, and saw a little monkey with a broken leg and screaming mournfully.

The baby monkey is very small, it looks like it may have only been born for a few days, its left leg is broken, and the bones are exposed, and it hurts to look at.

Xilin looked distressed, quickly took off his shirt, carefully wrapped it, and hurriedly went down the mountain to find someone to heal it.

Maybe the monkey really has spirituality, after Xilin picked it up, it stopped calling, Xilin only felt magical.

When he took the monkey to the veterinarian, he happened to pick up a gold bracelet with the thickness of a little finger!

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Xilin asked the veterinarian to help treat the monkeys, and he found a hidden place to see if the gold bracelet was electroplated or real gold.

He put the bracelet in and bit it recently, and he can bite! He was overjoyed, and immediately smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth.

In order not to have many dreams at night, Xilin immediately sold the gold bracelet and exchanged it for a sum of money, and now he has no worries, not even the temple!

Xilin's recent trouble is that the three-hand tractor at home has broken down, and it has reached the point where he has to buy a new one, so there is no need to worry about it.

What a lucky thing it was, Xilin went to the hospital to take the little monkey home who had been treated.

As soon as he got home, he said to his wife: "Wife, this time it is really thanks to this monkey, from today onwards, it will be a new member of our family!" ”

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Yaji was embarrassed when she heard this, although a little monkey can't eat much, but she has always heard that monkeys are basically in groups:

If you bring one home, maybe a group will come to your house in the future, and the monkeys on their side are fierce and can bully people.

As a woman, Yaji knew what Xilin didn't know.

He showed the money he had been carrying in his arms to Yaji: "Look, this is the simple gold I got back on the way to save this little monkey!" Our tractor can be bought with a new one! I'll buy you new clothes when the old ones are sold! ”

Now Yaji was also happy, because she was happy, she also showed her cooking skills that night, preparing more portions of food than usual, and now the family was also happy.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Xilin's family is very happy that there is a little monkey member in the family, and Xilin even thinks that this monkey can bring him good luck and is sent by God to help him!

Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that after the little monkey appeared, his problem was solved?

It's also amazing to say, since picking up the little monkey, everything seems to have changed for the better.

He bought a brand new tractor and became the most face-saving person in the village, everyone was very polite to him, and even his daughter's marriage was settled.

The family of the girl the son said he liked before also said that he could marry his daughter to their family in two years.

Xilin was originally a good-looking person, and everyone was complimenting him and praising him, making him fluttering, and he liked the little monkey he adopted even more.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

The son marries a wife, and the monkey makes a fuss

Xilin took care of the little monkey very seriously, not only prepared fresh food for him, but also made a small ball out of leaves and branches for him, and even asked his wife to make several clothes for the little monkey.

The little monkey's feet slowly recovered, but after all, he was disabled and limped when he walked.

But it doesn't matter, Xilin is very good to it, and he also made a basket for the little monkey to sit in, and he pulled the basket to play with the little monkey.

He also gave the monkey a meaningful name, Kiran, which means beautiful radiance.

Monkeys are very intelligent creatures, and Kiran from Xilin has also learned to clap when he is happy and walk on his feet.

Xilin's relationship with Little Monkey is getting better and better, and he takes Kieran with him almost everywhere he goes, and he really treats it as his own child.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Two years after adopting the little monkey, Xilin's son married a daughter-in-law, and there were a lot of people who came to eat at home that day, and Xilin felt that he was very face-saving.

Three years have passed, and it has been five years since Kieran came to Xilin's house, and everything has become different.

Xilin's son, Paka, worked outside the home before he got married, rarely at home, but after he got married, he returned home and worked on the farm every day.

Since his son and daughter-in-law were at home every day, the monkeys raised by Xilin have become very mischievous and have stolen the family's eggs several times......

After Xilin's daughter-in-law became pregnant, the little monkey made even more noise, and once Xilin's daughter-in-law cried and complained to Packa, saying, "It was terrible to touch my belly with its hand while I was asleep." ”

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Xilin just accidentally eavesdropped, and felt a little embarrassed, he hugged Kiran again and again, trying to reason with it, telling it not to approach his daughter-in-law, but the monkey is a monkey who can't talk after all.

Xilin's daughter-in-law always cried with her husband, and once cried and told him, "I really can't stand it, that monkey is too much, and if it goes on like this, I'm really going crazy." ”

As soon as Paca looked up, he saw his father's monkey standing on the windowsill, staring at the couple with round eyes, which made Xilin's son feel extremely frightened.

However, his wife didn't know it, and still kept crying: "It has been bullying me, I really can't live with it anymore, please, tell Dad and send it away!" ”

Paccar didn't get along much with the grown monkey, but his father always loved him very much.

But now his wife is crying again and again that he has been bullied by this monkey, and he only feels extremely embarrassed.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Under the pleading of his wife, Paka had no choice but to find his father Xilin.

Xilin was happily feeding Kieran biscuits, and the one and the monkey got along very naturally and harmoniously.

Paca frowned, took his wife's hand, approached one person and one monkey, and said to his father very embarrassed: "Dad, my wife is always crying, she is always crying that she was bullied by Kieran, can you solve this matter?" ”

Xilin felt very embarrassed and angry after hearing this, he thought that even if there was really something wrong with Kieran, they, as his son and daughter-in-law, would not be able to bring it up in front of Kieran.

He asked loudly: "Then you ask her, how was she bullied by a monkey alone?" ”

Packa's wife burst into tears when she heard this, crying very aggrieved, she lay on top of Packa, crying loudly and miserably.

When his daughter-in-law cried like this, Xilin felt speechless, he really didn't understand why his daughter-in-law just couldn't tolerate a little monkey at home.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Xilin had no choice, his daughter-in-law cried like this all day long, which also hurt the child in his belly, he was angry, packed a few sets of clothes, and was about to leave the house with Kieran.

Yaji naturally disagreed, she took Xilin's hand and said, "You are the master of this family, how can you leave the house?" I disagree! I won't let you leave! ”

Xilin really felt very uncomfortable, Kieran had been at home for so long, why had Kieran been very bad by her since her daughter-in-law was pregnant.

Unexpectedly, after his daughter-in-law cried, Kiran suddenly disappeared from home.

Xilin searched all over the mountains to find his own Kilan, but he couldn't find it.

Since then, Kiran has never appeared again, and Xilin's daughter-in-law finally stopped saying that she was afraid.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

Xilin took the monkey home, and no one objected

Xilin was sad for a long time, and every day when he was free, he went out to look for Kieran, and he kept calling Kieran's name, hoping that Kieran would respond to him as he had done in the past 5 years.

Until the birth of his grandson, Kiran still did not return home, Xilin was very disappointed, but slowly transferred his habit to Kieran to his well-behaved and cute little grandson.

One day, Xilin took his family to walk the mountain road to the big temple to volunteer, and on the way to the temple, he once again passed by the place where he picked up Kiran 5 years ago, and Xilin couldn't help crying.

He missed Kiran again, so he asked his family to go first, and sat there alone and cried. He was alone for about five minutes before he stood up and patted his ass to catch up with his family.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly heard the cry for help from my family: "Help! Leave us alone! ”

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

"Help me! Husband! Whining!! Help......"

Xilin heard it from afar, and ran forward, only to see more than a dozen people in tattered clothes surrounding his family, who pushed him to the ground.

This scene frightened Xilin very much, he saw that his family was all struggling, and he shouted with all his might: "Stop!!" Stop! Don't hurt my family!! ”

Xilin had no choice but to shout as loudly as he could, hoping that passers-by would hear it and come over to help them.

He regretted that he shouldn't have taken this path that almost no one would normally walk!

Where would those people be afraid of Xilin, a half-cut old man, who still wants to continue to bully the Xilin family.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family



At that moment, a large group of monkeys came out from all directions, and they swarmed up and jumped on the bandits, either biting their teeth or smashing them with stones.

The large number of monkeys made those bandits shout in panic.


One of the monkeys screamed, and the others stopped moving, retreated to the side, and a large number of large and small stones were thrown at the bandits.

Xilin's family took this opportunity to quickly run to Xilin's side, and those monkeys were very magical in that they only attacked those bandits, and did not attack Xilin's family at all.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family




The monkeys cried one after another, and the bandits were smashed to the head and bleeding from the stones, and finally they all fled in the desert with a wail.

Xilin's family members were shocked when they saw this scene, but Xilin had already burst into tears.

Because he saw in the monkey herd that he had been raising for five years, although lame, it was bigger than the average wild monkey.

"Kieran!!" Xilin called out Kieran's name, and Kieran looked at him when he heard the sound, and he jumped into Xilin's arms, who was squatting on the ground and crying.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

The group of monkeys called quietly "chirping", and they crouched or stood or sitting, very well-behaved on the sidelines, and did not attack.

Xilin hugged Kieran, crying and looking back at his daughter-in-law who was almost bullied: "I'm going to take you Kieran home, do you agree?" ”

This time, no one said anything bad, even Xilin's daughter-in-law was nodding vigorously, she squatted down, crying and said to Kiran: "I'm sorry, I've been rejecting you and slandering you before, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I hope you can forgive me." ”

Kieran is just a monkey, and no one knows if it understands or not.

It's just that from this day on, although Kiran occasionally went to Xilin's house to play, he didn't live at home every day.

The Indian uncle adopted the little monkey, and after 5 years, he encountered bandits, and the little monkey led the monkey group to save the whole family

But as long as he comes home, the family will happily prepare all kinds of food for him to eat.

Although there are indeed many "evil monkeys" in India, Kiran is a good monkey, and Xilin has shown kindness to him, and he has saved his whole family with other monkeys.

Obviously, if all things are animistic, it may be important for humans and animals to be able to share good intentions with each other if they want to live in harmony.

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