
How to get the Eternal Calamity Warrior Sword, Eternal Calamity Warrior Blade to get the strategy

author:Entertainment Kankan Club

Shang Fang Sword is a very important weapon in the game of Naraka: Infinite, I believe players are also very interested in this weapon, let's take a look at how to obtain this weapon.

How to get the Eternal Calamity Warrior Sword, Eternal Calamity Warrior Blade to get the strategy

How to get the Naraka: Blade Sword - Naraka: Blade Sword Acquisition Strategy

First of all, we need to go to the Extreme Emperor City, and after reaching the Extreme Emperor City, we will challenge 4 players to defeat them.

How to get the Eternal Calamity Warrior Sword, Eternal Calamity Warrior Blade to get the strategy

Then look into the middle of the road and we will see that the portal of the royal house will open automatically.

How to get the Eternal Calamity Warrior Sword, Eternal Calamity Warrior Blade to get the strategy

There are red vines that interact with each other.

How to get the Eternal Calamity Warrior Sword, Eternal Calamity Warrior Blade to get the strategy

In the end, as long as you have a dialogue, you can get the Red Martial Shang Fang Sword after the dialogue is over.

How to get the Eternal Calamity Warrior Sword, Eternal Calamity Warrior Blade to get the strategy

That's how to get the Naraka: Bladepoint Sword, follow us for more exciting content.

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