
35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

author:Luohu release
35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

The recent weather is mainly a "hot"

Plus a rain every now and then

Many treasures feel it

Being in the "game" "baking"

35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

High temperatures will continue to dominate the coming days

even rushed to the hot search

35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

Spicy comments from netizens:

In this weather, it automatically becomes an "acquaintance"

35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!
35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!
35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!
35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

Forecast of climate trends in Guangdong Province in July

It is expected that compared with the same period in history, the precipitation in Guangdong Province in July is generally less, of which the southern coastal areas are close to normal, and most of the rest of the areas are less than 1~3 percent;

The average temperature is high, with 0.8°C~1.3°C in the north and 0.3°C~0.8°C in the rest of the region, and the average maximum temperature is 0.3°C~0.8°C in most areas.

There are 4 major precipitation processes during the month, which occur roughly in:

● 1-3 days (thundershowers, locally heavy rain or torrential rain)

● 10-12 days (moderate to heavy rain, localized heavy rain)

● 18th-23rd (heavy rain, localized heavy rain)

● 26-29 (moderate to heavy rain, localized heavy rain)

There may be persistent high temperature weather in Guangdong Province during the month, and there may be 4 large-scale high temperature processes, which roughly occur: 4-9, 14-17, 24-26, and 30-31;

There may be 1~2 tropical cyclones making landfall or seriously affecting Guangdong Province in the month, and they will generally occur in the middle to early late months.

There are dog days in July-August

Treasures, hold on

35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

Future weather in Shenzhen

35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!

● Sunny to cloudy with localized short-term showers, rising temperatures, and hot weather are expected on July 3-6.

● It is recommended to guard against the impact of local short-term heavy rainfall and thunderstorms and strong winds.

A warm reminder to friends

Please pay attention to the weather when traveling

Drink plenty of water and pay attention to heatstroke prevention~

Information sources: Shenzhen Weather, Guangdong Weather, i Shenzhen

Overall integration: Luohu release

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35℃! Widespread high temperatures are coming!