
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

author:Luohu release

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Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

Creative acrobatics

Magical miracles, brilliant singing and dancing

Magnificent opening

Applause, cheers

One after another

July 1-2

"Hand in hand to build a dream for the future"

Shenzhen and Hong Kong celebrate the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland

Literary performances

Held in the New Territories, Hong Kong

The two events attracted a total of participants from Shenzhen and Hong Kong

More than 2,000 spectators attended

The response to the performance was overwhelming

On July 2, the second art exhibition kicked off at the Asia Television Studio Hall in Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong. Li Jiyi, Director of the New Territories Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Leung Wang-ching, Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs of the HKSAR Government, Gong Junlong, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Guangdong Community Organizations, Fan Defan, Secretary of the Luohu District Party Committee, Zeng Xianglai, Executive Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, Chen Yong, Convener of the Hong Kong National People's Congress and President of the New Territories Federation of Associations, and Tan Zhenguo, Chairman of the New Territories Federation of Associations, attended the event.

The exhibition is guided by the New Territories Work Department of the Liaison Office of the Central Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the People's Government of Luohu District, Shenzhen, and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Shenzhen, and organized by the Federation of New Territories Associations and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Luohu District, Shenzhen.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

In the afternoon of the same day

The second theatrical performance

Through the "Luohu Release" video account

"Luohu Plus" APP, "Watch Luohu" Douyin live broadcast

Attracted 30.8w views

It's so hot!

The scene of the event

It is reported that the signing of this agreement aims to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the field of culture and art between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, promote the cooperation and sharing of high-quality cultural and artistic resources, and enhance the long-term, high-quality and international level of cultural and artistic cooperation.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

The event was also released

The film uses cutting-edge AI image and video generation technology to skillfully integrate the historical changes and future vision of Luohu, showing the audience a Luohu that is both familiar and full of surprises.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

In the middle of summer, everything is on display

All the sages are gathered together

The theatrical performance is divided into:

Four chapters


Compared with the first session last year, while continuing the theme of the previous year, the exchange and cooperation between the two places have made further progress, and breakthroughs have been made in program arrangement, venue scale, and number of audiences.

On behalf of the organizers, Tan Zhenguo extended a warm welcome to the leaders and guests attending the event, and said that he hoped that through this exhibition, he would further promote the cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, enhance the patriotic enthusiasm of the citizens of the two places, improve cultural self-confidence, cohesion, and strive to draw the largest concentric circles.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

In the majestic folk music ensemble "Elephant King Xing" and "A Laugh in the Sea", the art exhibition officially began. The Beijing song "I am Chinese", the Shenzhen-Hong Kong co-created dance "Listen to the Pine Breeze", the national tide dance "Oriental Hualiu", and the female solo "Wanjiang" were staged in turn, presenting an immersive audio-visual feast for the guests.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

The dancers of the national tide dance "Oriental Hualiu" are dressed in traditional horse-faced skirts and hold nunchucks, which perfectly combines the profundity of Chinese culture with the dynamic rhythm of modern street dance, full of creativity and passion, and interprets the deep identity and emotional resonance of excellent traditional culture.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

The song "The Bay Area is the Hometown" reflects the legacy of the Wei and Jin dynasties, the ancient style of the Han and Tang dynasties, and the feelings of the hometown and the country, reflecting the relationship between the people of the Greater Bay Area and the people's hearts.

The scene dance "The Light Boat Has Crossed the Ten Thousand Mountains", performed by the Hong Kong Culture Dance Theatre Company and the Hong Kong MW Dance Theatre, shows a group of young people in Hong Kong recalling the great changes after Hong Kong's return to the motherland, full of joy and emotion, and expressing their beautiful vision for the future of Hong Kong.

The creative acrobatics "You and Me", the magic show "Fantasy Studio", etc., made the audience call fantasy and felt more shocked, and the scene climaxed one after another.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

The audience said that this year's performance was exciting, and classic patriotic songs such as "The Great Wall Will Never Fall" and "Chinese Dream" made people's blood boil, which not only appreciated the infinite charm of literature and art in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, but also intuitively felt the profound accumulation of Chinese culture.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the 13th Chinese Dance "Lotus Award" Contemporary Dance Award work - "Listening to the Pine Wind" was also performed on site. As the crystallization of cultural exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the work is jointly created by the Luohu District Dancers Association, the Hong Kong Dance Company and the Shenzhen Dancers Association.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

At the end of the "Little River Bends to the Southward ......", the song and dance performance "Pearl of the Orient" co-produced by Shenzhen and Hong Kong dance troupes was even more affectionate, expressing the best wishes of Shenzhen and Hong Kong for the celebration of the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and showing the deep friendship between Shenzhen and Hong Kong working together and the confidence in building a dream for the future.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

The Shenzhen River originates from Wutong Mountain

It flows through Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Into Shenzhen Bay, out of Lingding Ocean

All the way to the sea

Like a curved ribbon

The hearts of the residents of Shenzhen and Hong Kong are closely connected

Shenzhen and Hong Kong

One strip of water, the same root and the same origin

In recent years, the culture of Shenzhen and Hong Kong has gone both ways

Shenzhen and Hong Kong twin cities read, exhibit and perform together

It's the norm

Shenzhen dance drama "Wing Chun" uses dance to innovatively interpret the beauty of Lingnan culture; Shenzhen and Hong Kong co-created the dance "Listen to the Pine Breeze", which won the "Lotus Award", the highest award in the field of Chinese dance; cooperated in the launch of the radio drama "My Chinese Heart", which has been well received; The "Reading Together in Two Cities" series of reading exchange activities between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Cultural Exchange Week have all become vivid interpretations of the cultural development of Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

In his speech, the Under Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs of the HKSAR Government, Mr Leung Wang-ching, said that both Shenzhen and Hong Kong have profound cultural heritage, and the cultures of the two places continue to influence each other, and artistic exchanges continue to collide. It is hoped that this opportunity will be taken to strengthen cultural exchanges between the two places, further enrich the cultural life of the people of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, promote people-to-people bonds, and stimulate patriotic enthusiasm.

"The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has unlimited space and potential, and the future is unlimited. Shenzhen will take this opportunity to take on new responsibilities in the arts and arts, and join hands with Hong Kong to write a new chapter in the development of cultural undertakings in the Greater Bay Area, and show the world the vigorous vitality of the cooperation between the two cities, the vigorous development of the Greater Bay Area, and the bright prospects of Chinese-style modernization. Zeng Xianglai, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, said.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Jointly organize this art exhibition and performance

To promote the development of cultural cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Spread the excellent traditional Chinese culture

Carry forward the spirit of patriotism and love for Hong Kong

Tell the "Tale of Two Cities"


Separated by a river from Hong Kong, Lo Wu is geographically close, culturally close and economically integrated, and is the urban area with the highest social recognition of Hong Kong compatriots. Today, the flow of people passing through the three ports of Luohu, Wenjindu and Liantang every day exceeds 200,000, accounting for about half of the whole city of Shenzhen; With nearly 40,000 Hong Kong residents living in Luohu, it is the area with the highest concentration of Hong Kong residents in Shenzhen. There are more than 7,600 Hong Kong-funded enterprises in Luohu, which is the largest source of foreign investment in Luohu, accounting for more than 90%.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

Shenzhen and Hong Kong are a family

It is also a "bridgehead" connecting Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Lo Wu and Hong Kong's North District will share the responsibility

An important mission to promote the development of Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation

At the scene, Fan Defan, Secretary of the Luohu District Party Committee, expressed the hope that the two places will use literature as a medium to jointly hold cultural exchange activities in a wider field and at a deeper level, launch a higher level of literary and artistic products, and create a new highland of humanistic spirit in the Bay Area; With this document as the introduction, we will work together to promote the "hard connectivity" of infrastructure and transportation, the "soft connectivity" of rules and mechanisms, and the "heart-to-heart connectivity" of the people of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and carry out more practical cooperation in the transformation of port infrastructure, the development of transit land, and the facilitation of cross-border payments. With culture as a bridge, we will work together to seize the opportunities of the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and deepen cooperation in economic and trade cooperation and industrial development.

"In the past, Shenzhen and Hong Kong have worked together and made great achievements, and as long as we work together in the future, we will surely create new brilliance." Fan Defan said.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat
Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

Culture is the soul of a country and a nation

Literature and art are the clarion call for the progress of the times

In the past, a number of literary and artistic masterpieces such as "The Story of Spring" and "Into the New Era" started from Luohu, recorded the heartbeat of reform, and led the atmosphere of the times.

At present, the cultural and artistic exchanges between Luohu and Hong Kong's New Territories are not only a vivid embodiment of the development trend of two-way travel and in-depth integration between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, but also a true portrayal of cultivating patriotic feelings and gathering the strength to forge ahead through literature and art.

The scene of the day's activities

Luohu District Federation of Literary and Art Circles

With the New Territories Federation of Societies

An exchange and cooperation agreement was signed

and exchange intangible cultural heritage handmade souvenirs

Shenzhen party souvenirs——

"Hand in hand to build a dream for the future"

The souvenir is a Nie's wheat straw painting originating from the national intangible cultural heritage. As an intangible cultural heritage of Luohu District, against the backdrop of celebrating the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, it vividly depicts the harmonious symbiosis of birds chirping, rhododendrons and redbuds blooming around the redbuds, implying that Shenzhen and Hong Kong will work together to welcome a better future.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat

Hong Kong souvenirs——

"Dragon Teng Rui Qi Ji Qing Yao Xiangjiang"

The souvenir is a one-month elaborate work made by Master Mao Cheuk-kei, the chairman of the Hong Kong Binding Association, a famous crafting and intangible cultural heritage inheritor, and his team. It is completed by using four processes, including tie (scaffolding), fluttering (fluttering paper), writing (painting) and binding (making and embedding), presenting the tie-making skills in Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage one by one. It is worth mentioning that the team of chef Mao Zhuoqi joined hands with several new craftsmen to participate in the production this time, as a symbol of the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and generations will celebrate together.

Bauhinia flowers are blooming

The cuckoo is as red as fire

The signing of the contract

It is not only a new starting point for the cooperation between the two sides

It is also a cultural exchange between Shenzhen and Hong Kong

Important milestones

In the future, the two sides will integrate the cultural and artistic resources of Shenzhen and Hong Kong, further promote cultural exchanges between the two places, innovate the exchange and cooperation model between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and jointly promote the common prosperity of culture.

In terms of promoting exchanges and exchanges with Hong Kong, Luohu will continue to hold Shenzhen-Hong Kong exchange brand activities this year, such as holding a series of activities such as "Luohu Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cultural Month" with high standards, and launching the "Endless Sound, Light and Shadow Reproduction" Hong Kong Music, Film and Television Culture Week, etc., to further demonstrate the humanistic empathy between Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Shenzhen and Hong Kong join hands to stage a 🤩🤩🤩 heartbeat


Luohu will continue to work hard to promote

Shenzhen-Hong Kong co-operation has expanded to a wide range of fields and deepened levels

The high level is constantly improving

To further promote cultural and artistic exchanges between the two places

Create more literary and artistic masterpieces together

Write a brighter new chapter together

Information source: Luohu District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Yang Bingjie

Overall integration: Luohu release

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