
8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

author:Dr. Wang's latest health

According to statistics, there are currently 140 million known diabetic patients in the mainland, which means that one in every 10 people has different degrees of blood sugar problems.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Long-term hyperglycemia can cause damage to multiple organ systems in the body, leading to a series of serious complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, early detection of the characteristics of high blood sugar and effective control measures are essential to maintain people's health.

Traditional Chinese medicine bluntly says: People with high blood sugar are often accompanied by the following 8 characteristics:

Polydipsia and polyuria: When blood sugar rises, the kidneys' ability to absorb glucose decreases, resulting in an increase in glucose content in the urine, resulting in an increase in urine output.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Polyphagia: People with high blood sugar often feel hungry, even after eating, because insulin secretion is insufficient or weakened, resulting in cells unable to fully absorb and utilize glucose, and the body is in a state of energy deficiency.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Weight loss: Despite their appetite, people with high blood sugar tend to lose weight because the body can't use glucose efficiently as an energy source and can only break down fats and proteins, leading to weight loss.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Fatigue and weakness: In a state of high blood sugar, the body's cells cannot get enough energy, resulting in fatigue and weakness.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Blurred vision: When blood sugar rises, the osmotic pressure of the aqueous humor in the eye changes, causing changes in refraction, resulting in blurred vision.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Itchy skin: In a state of high blood sugar, the skin is prone to loss of moisture and becomes dry, causing itching.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Slow wound healing: High blood sugar can affect blood circulation and nerve function, resulting in slow wound healing.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Recurrent infections: People with high blood sugar have weakened immunity and are prone to various infections, such as skin infections, urinary tract infections, etc.

Traditional Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and eats a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, high blood sugar is related to factors such as spleen and stomach dysfunction, qi and blood disharmony, etc. In response to these reasons, Chinese medicine has proposed some simple and effective "earth recipes" to lower blood sugar by regulating the spleen and stomach and balancing qi and blood.

8 characteristics of high blood sugar, Chinese medicine talks about a "local recipe", and a basket of hypoglycemic drugs

Ingredients can be prepared: Astragalus center rounds, one penny each of Fengmu, two coins of Nayong prickly pear, one dose a day, boiled water or tea can be drunk.

Advantages: The three are often combined together to boil water, which can not only regulate the function of the spleen and stomach, but also reduce blood sugar, improve thirst and polydipsia. In particular, the dietary fiber and polysaccharides contained in the prickly pear can delay the digestion and absorption of food in the intestines, thereby reducing the rate of blood sugar rise.

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