
Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

author:HUAWEI CLOUD Developer Alliance

This article is shared from HUAWEI CLOUD Community's "Hands-on Experience of Sermant Custom Plug-in Development-Cloud Community-HUAWEI CLOUD", author: HUAWEI CLOUD Open Source.

1. Reasons for the study

Since we are currently in the automotive industry, we used the relevant plug-ins in Sermant when migrating cloud services to the project, in order to deepen our understanding of Sermant's development and operation mechanism, we experienced the development of Sermant custom plug-ins from scratch.




Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

Once downloaded, let's start with the simplest custom plugin, which is first-plugin-demo.

3. Perform packaging

Execute the packaging for first-plugin-demo, and complete the structure of the package:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

You can see that our project and the corresponding plugin template project are all in it.

Fourth, start the project

java -javaagent:sermant-agent.jar -jar Application.jar           

Then access the controller method

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

You can see the effect of the interception:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

You can see that in the process of starting, the interception effect is completed.

That is, it took the front and rear methods of the interceptor.

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

5. Dynamic configuration verification

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

The configuration center configured in the dynamic configuration is zookeeper, so we need to start a zookeeper as the configuration center before starting the project, and enable the dynamic configuration switch at the same time.

After that, we need to create a configuration item under the corresponding listener node to test the dynamic configuration function:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

If you visit it again, you can see the following effect in the console:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

That is to say, the function of dynamic configuration is completed. And we can see

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

The essence of the program is to create a configuration listener and implement the process method for configuration processing, in which DynamicConfigEvent is the configuration change event that is listened to, including the configuration information such as group, key, and content. The implementation of dynamic configuration is to call the process method of its own implementation, and store and process the configuration based on the map, so as to realize configuration switching.

6. What is the parameter argsMap in the whole process?

I've always been curious about what the information in the configuration is, but I found it after the recent debugging.

We can see the relevant parameters in the loaded argMap:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

We can see that the parameters in argsMap are basically the same as the above configuration, and the configuration information in the plugin will be loaded at the same time. After completing these operations, you can complete the loading of the corresponding information in the whole process.

ConfigManager.initialize(argsMap) is mainly used to parse some configurations, because the configuration has different forms such as yaml and properties, so the policy mode is used here to parse. For more information, please refer to the implementation of the BaseConfig interface.


The loading of the plugin is configured in plugins.yaml, such as our custom plugin:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

The key to implementing plugins is which plugins are configured in plugins.yaml. Because these plugins are the basis for subsequent interception. That is, it tells the program which plugins need to be loaded and which plugins do not need to be loaded. With this foundation, the subsequent accurate conversion and installOn operations will be carried out.

8. The principle of interception

We can see the interception information printed in the console above, so how to achieve interception?

You can see when we execute the first-plugin-demo example: we will find that when we execute the business method, it will weave into the interceptor, execute the corresponding onMethodEnter and onMethodExit methods after the method is executed.

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

The functionality of these two methods is similar to that implemented using byte-buddy. Execute the woven logic in the method that needs to be intercepted.

At the same time, you can see the call from the information in the console debug:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

Once we have completed the above call, we can see the information output from the console.

Here we take the entry method as an example to illustrate:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

You can see that after entering the corresponding weaving method, it will eventually go to the iterator that we need to extend to implement the iteration.

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

You can see that the plugin interception in first-plugin-demo has entered:

Get hands-on with Sermant custom plugin development from scratch

Complete the interception into the business method, and realize the weaving of the interception function. Then enter the rear interception to complete the interception logic of after.


官网: Sermant

仓库地址:GitHub - sermant-io/Sermant: A Cloud-Native Proxyless Service Mesh based on Java Bytecode Enhancement Technology

Demo仓库:GitHub - sermant-io/Sermant-examples: examples for sermant

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