
The most beautiful anti-drug "women's army"

author:Ningxia drug control
The most beautiful anti-drug "women's army"

On the anti-drug front of Shaogang Town, Qingtongxia City, there is a special team of "women's army" - anti-drug specialists, who are the "most beautiful anti-drug people" of the Community Drug Rehabilitation Service Center of Shaogang Town, Qingtongxia City.

This is a team full of youthful vitality, unity and enterprising, serving diligently in the anti-drug work, and dedicating its youth to the groups with special difficulties related to drugs. In 2017, Shaogang Community Drug Rehabilitation Center was awarded the city's advanced collective in anti-drug work, and in 2019, it was rated as an anti-drug demonstration township, and ranked among the best in the city's anti-drug performance evaluation. The ""Hook" Plan" and "100 Enterprises Help Thousands of Households, Helping Drug Rehabilitation Personnel Break Through the "Poor" Neck" co-created by them have been shortlisted for special brand projects for two consecutive years, and the selected short videos "Bloody Drugs" and "Skittles" have also won many awards.

They attach great importance to anti-drug propaganda and make every effort to expand coverage and promote drug prevention education. Regularly visit primary and secondary schools to carry out education and publicity, and organise activities, lectures and interesting classes to enable young people to learn anti-drug knowledge easily. It also actively carried out the "Six Advances" activity, went deep into all parts of the all-round publicity, connected various forces, and organized more than 600 activities, so that the anti-drug concept was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In terms of helping and teaching, they spare no effort. Through interviews and home visits, we understand the needs of drug rehabilitation personnel, provide personalized assistance, and help key targets on a case-by-case basis to help them achieve employment. At the same time, we carry out psychological counseling, medical assistance, life relief, student assistance and other work, and provide them with all-round support and create a warm environment with enthusiastic service and professional skills, and their efforts are recognized and appreciated. They use their true feelings and efforts to illuminate the "road back" of the lost, highlighting the warm "she" power.

The most beautiful anti-drug "women's army"
The most beautiful anti-drug "women's army"

"Rooted in the township and united in the fight against drugs" - Liu Qian, an anti-drug specialist

In 2019, Liu Qian joined the Shaogang Town Community Drug Rehabilitation Center to engage in anti-drug work, mainly responsible for the rehabilitation of drug addicts. In the face of voices questioning the effectiveness of anti-drug work, she stuck to her original intention, firmly believing that the value of her work will be revealed over time, and now she has witnessed many changes.

When helping and teaching, she adheres to love, patience and a sense of responsibility, and keeps in touch with the service recipients through door-to-door visits, phone calls, WeChat text messages, etc., to understand their work, life and ideological dynamics, encourage them to build confidence, and help them get rid of drugs and return to society. At the same time, we will conscientiously carry out the "safe and caring" action to build a bridge of anti-drug assistance.

Time flies, Liu Qian has been engaged in anti-drug work for five years, for her, to do professional work is not only a vision and responsibility, but also a habit. She is accustomed to using her meager strength to help people in distress, and guards Hemei Shaogang with perseverance and integrity.

"Everything is growth, including tears" - Wang Juan, an anti-drug specialist

"One minute on the job, sixty seconds of work." It is Wang Juan's motto, she takes this as a guide to action, and shows a high degree of execution and professionalism in her work, hard-working, proactive, especially in the community drug treatment (rehabilitation) control and anti-drug propaganda work.

During the monthly heart-to-heart conversations with the social health staff, she was praised for her warmth and kindness, in-depth communication, understanding their confused needs, providing help, inspiring and guiding them to re-examine their lives and find the courage and motivation to start anew.

After many anti-drug publicity activities, she realized that anti-drug specialists should not only be responsible for "safety and care" work, but also be good at publicity and education, especially for young people. So she actively contacted the teaching unit and went to the campus to carry out activities. Through discussion and interaction, young people can deeply understand the importance of drug control, learn to protect themselves, and strengthen their determination to stay away from drugs.

In the past three years, Wang Juan looks forward to more companions on the road of anti-drug in the future, chasing the drug-free dream with struggle and responsibility.

"Using new media to convey positive anti-drug energy" -- Ma Yaohua, an anti-drug specialist

Although Ma Yaohua has been engaged in anti-drug work for less than a year, she has grown rapidly. After learning more about drugs, she thought about ways to promote drugs that teenagers could more accept. At the end of 2023, through training and learning on the new media of the Autonomous Region Drug Control Office, she decided to use the short video platform to disseminate anti-drug videos to young people.

The most beautiful anti-drug "women's army"

In her work, she constantly sums up her experience, combines the knowledge and skills she has learned with real-time hot spots, and creates many popular short videos. We have the courage to innovate in anti-drug publicity, explore new forms, and carry out activities seriously, and some short videos have been recognized by leaders and colleagues. This is both an honor and a responsibility for her, and she said that she will tap her advantages to do a good job in new media anti-drug propaganda and influence more people.

Qingtongxia City Drug Control Office (contribution)