
Wu Zetian wanted to kill Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang said 8 words to save his life, but unexpectedly revealed the secret of heaven

author:Historical Stories

For many people in modern times, "fortune telling" is a lie, and they deceive others of their money under the guise of "masters", but in fact, the content is empty and cannot withstand scrutiny.

But during the Tang Dynasty, there was a master of physiognomy who not only successfully predicted Wu Zetian's ascension to the throne as emperor, his own date of death, etc., but also counted all kinds of small things for the ministers of the court.

is such a person, but he was chased and killed by Wu Zetian, and finally escaped in exchange for "leaking the heavenly secret". So, who is he? What is the Heavenly Machine?

This person is Yuan Tiangang. He was a very famous physiognomy in the early Tang Dynasty, and he was very good at showing people faces. It is said that he once showed Wu Zetian a photo when he was young.

Wu Zetian wanted to kill Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang said 8 words to save his life, but unexpectedly revealed the secret of heaven

At that time, Yuan Tiangang went out to travel, and at the invitation of Wu Zetian's father, Wu Shitong, he went home to show their family. So, after Yuan Tiangang saw Wu Zetian's mother, he said: "Judging from the face of the lady, a noble son was born. ”

When the samurai heard this, he quickly had his two sons and eldest daughter called out. Yuan Tiangang met with them, and then said that these three people will be rich and noble in the future.

At this time, Wu Zetian was wearing boy's clothes because he was naughty, Yuan Tiangang saw Wu Zetian's face and said in surprise: "This child has dragon eyes and phoenix neck, if it is a girl, he will definitely be the lord of the world in the future."

The couple, who were still convinced of Yuan Tiangang, knew that he was perfunctory and polite when they heard this, after all, at that time, no one thought that a woman could become the lord of the world and become the first empress in the history of the mainland.

In addition, Yuan Tiangang also calculated the future of the Tang Dynasty, that is, in the process of the development of the Tang Dynasty, it would be "taken away" by people from other families, that is, people from the Wu family.

This is also the prophecy of "Wu Dynasty Zhou Xing". After Tang Taizong learned of this prophecy, he kept the martial arts family under constant surveillance. It's just that what he didn't expect was that the person he was looking for was in his harem at the moment.

Wu Zetian wanted to kill Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang said 8 words to save his life, but unexpectedly revealed the secret of heaven

Yuan Tiangang once told the fortunes of Du Yan, Wang Qi, Wei Ting and others, they were all important people at that time, Yuan Tiangang once predicted that they would be deposed in the same matter, but they could regain their strength and return again. And it turns out that it is.

In addition to being an official in the court, Yuan Tiangang will also predict a person's lifespan according to people's aspects. He commented on the text of the Zhongshu Sheren Cen "The Sheren School has become a broad trend, the eyebrows cover the eyes, and the literature shakes the sea, but the top of the head has bones, and it has not yet taken shape. ”

Later, as expected, after Cen Wenwen was awarded the third rank, he died suddenly while going out with the army.

After Wu Zetian became emperor, he was both fond and wary of Yuan Tiangang, a strange person, because almost every prophecy he made came true.

With his help, she was able to better control the government. Because Yuan Tiangang had great influence and social prestige at that time. If he wanted to rebel, everyone would believe what he said, which the ruler naturally did not want to see.

Wu Zetian wanted to kill Yuan Tiangang, and Yuan Tiangang said 8 words to save his life, but unexpectedly revealed the secret of heaven

After thinking about it, Wu Zetian still decided to kill him. After being imprisoned, Wu Zetian was a little soft-hearted and felt that he still had use value. So she asked him to predict his life.

Yuan Tiangang knew that this was a good time for him to turn the tables against the wind and the only way to save his life. So, he said an eight-word prophecy: "Sheng is also Luoshui, and defeat is also Luoshui." "The so-called Luoshui actually refers to the capital Luoyang.

After moving the capital, Wu Zetian found that when implementing the imperial order, it had to become much simpler, during the reign, the government was harmonious, and was called quite "Zhenguan Legacy" by later generations, but in his later years, after Wu Zetian abdicated, he died after living in Luoyang, the capital of God, for less than a year.

"There are many good looks, but Yuan Tiangang will be the head." Different from ordinary charlatans, Yuan Tiangang pays attention to the combination of observation and reasoning, judging a person's physiognomy from subtleties, but it may not be as magical as rumored.