
Rural students are subsidized by meals, and 66 counties are moved to repay debts and pay benefits, shame and anger

author:Yunfeng Finance and Economics said

There is a news that continues to ferment and continues to be on the major hot lists, that is, the National Audit Office pointed out in its report that from 2021 to August 2023, 66 counties across the country have misappropriated 1.951 billion yuan of rural student nutritious meal subsidy funds to repay local debts and other expenditures.

Rural students are subsidized by meals, and 66 counties are moved to repay debts and pay benefits, shame and anger

What is all this money used for? The more I understand, the more angry I become, if it is only to repay the due debts of the county government, it can be understood, but they are still embezzled and used for the grassroots "three guarantees" (to ensure people's livelihood, wages, and operation), that is to say, they are directly used to pay wages. In some places, it is also used directly for the benefit of public servants. Aren't these sanctimonious adults, in the name of collective decision, using the food supplement money of rural students to supplement their hearts?

Thinking of a long-standing joke in the past, I said: After the Meiji Restoration in small Japan, the country was not well-off, and it was also seeking a way to strengthen the country. As a result, in the context of the country's poverty, Xiaori still vigorously increased education funding.

Rural students are subsidized by meals, and 66 counties are moved to repay debts and pay benefits, shame and anger

The end result is that a generation has grown a full 14 centimeters, catching up with the average height of the mainland. At the same time, Japan has the highest education level in Asia, and their children start from elementary school, so that all resources are inclined to run education. The free nutritious lunch was directly provided, and it was also shouted that one pound of milk should be drunk a day, and the final result was that Xiaori really embarked on the road of enriching the country and strengthening the army. If the joke is true, it really makes people blush!

The special audit report of the State Audit Office clearly states that 66 counties across the country have embezzled funds for rural students' meals to repay debts, totaling as much as 2 billion yuan. Not only that, but the meal subsidy funds issued by the state are regarded as a big piece of fat, and they are up and down. The Audit Office alone revealed that 147 suppliers and schools were operating in violation of regulations, cutting corners and providing shoddy meals, with the goal of making more money from the meal subsidy funds, increasing their profits and making them eat a little fatter.

What is revealed below is even worse, that is, pure economic crime. Illegal borrowing of qualifications, falsification of materials, bid-rigging and collusion, etc., won the bid for 101 nutritious meal projects in 35 counties. Can we imagine that there is any guarantee for a nutritious lunch for students? Can hygiene be reliable? In the end, the Audit Commission concluded that it was suspected of rent-seeking, favoritism, and personal gain.

Rural students are subsidized by meals, and 66 counties are moved to repay debts and pay benefits, shame and anger

"No matter how hard you are, you can't suffer your children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education", it turned out that in these 66 counties, it has become a slogan. As the majority of netizens commented, this can no longer be regarded as a violation, but a complete crime. This is a crime against all the rural children in these 66 counties, and it is also a crime against our nation.

Are there only these 66 counties? Have they only done this outrageous thing in the past two years? It is recommended to go deep into the whereabouts of the previous rural students' meal allowances. Strict punishment and strict punishment should be imposed on those involved in these violations of laws and regulations. The abuse of power for personal gain requires a maximum punishment. Only by letting them lose their jobs and be kicked out of public institutions can rural students be well fed!

Rural students are subsidized by meals, and 66 counties are moved to repay debts and pay benefits, shame and anger

Even our education-based funds must be embezzled, misappropriated, and deducted, and the special funds allocated by the state should not become Tang monk meat in their eyes. How bad the nature of this is, the rural children go to grab the meat. It's really unbearable. If you can't repay your debts, you should do less work on your head, work harder if you want to make money, and put your hands into the jobs of rural students.

It's so ridiculous, their moral bottom line is too low! They really don't deserve to sit in those positions! What do you think? The Audit Commission disclosed the results of the audit, so what the public wants to see more is the result! Could it be that just an internal warning will end? Or will they be brought to justice and punished for their crimes?

#大V: 2 billion student meal subsidies have been moved or only the tip of the iceberg ##近20亿! 66 counties embezzled rural students' meals to pay off debts ##新华社评农村学生营养餐补贴被挪用#