
Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

author:Say the universe


If you think that there are only those huge objects in the universe that deserve our attention, you are very wrong.

No, Japan does not aim at the moon or the solar system like these space powers, but sends the "Hayabusa2" probe to travel thousands of miles to explore an asteroid called "Ryugu".

Unexpectedly, this exploration will uncover an unexpected secret on this asteroid with a diameter of only 900 meters.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

First of all, why can such a small body be called a planet? Why did Japan choose it as a target for exploration?

The "Little Giant" in the Mini-Universe

When you hear the word "planet", most of the things that come to mind are giant objects like Earth and Jupiter. The asteroid Ryugu is an exception.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

With a diameter of only 900 meters, it is even smaller than many buildings in our city. If you put the Dragon Palace in New York, it is even smaller than Central Park. So why can such a "small spot" be called a planet?

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

In fact, Ryugu belongs to asteroids, which are a class of celestial bodies that orbit the sun but are relatively small. Unlike large planets, which do not have enough mass to clear other material from their orbits, the asteroid Ryugu is small, but its significance should not be underestimated.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

As the "time capsule" of the formation and evolution of the solar system, it retains a lot of ancient information about the universe and is an important window for scientists to explore the origin of the universe.

Unveil the Dragon Palace

The mission of the Hayabusa2 probe is to uncover the true face of the asteroid Ryugu. Since its launch on December 3, 2014, Hayabusa2 has traveled a long way to finally reach the vicinity of Ryugu in June 2018.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

The process of landing the probe is like a "base jump" in space, and each step requires a high degree of precision. The high-definition camera on the rover captured detailed images of Ryugu, depicting an asteroid shaped like a spinning top, with a surface covered in rocks and dust of various sizes.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

These images can give us a visual idea of what Ryugu looks like, and also provide a wealth of valuable data. The surface material of Ryugu was found to contain a large amount of organic matter and water, which is an important clue to understanding the origin of life on Earth.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

So the question is, among the many asteroids, why did Japan choose Ryugu, which is relatively far away, as a target? There are well-thought-out scientific considerations behind this. Ryugu is a type C asteroid, which is rich in carbon and organic matter and is considered one of the most primitive materials in the solar system.

By studying them, we can trace the chemical composition and physical state of the early solar system and solve the mystery of the formation of the Earth and other planets.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

Ryugu's orbit is relatively stable, which is one of the important reasons why it was chosen as a detection target. The probe faces less risk when approaching and leaving, which makes the overall mission much more successful.

The significance of the Dragon Palace

Explore the asteroid Ryugu with the simple purpose of paving the way for the future of humanity. There are a lot of rare metals hidden on the Dragon Palace, such as platinum group elements, which are rare treasures on earth.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

They are very important for our electronics and environmental technology. With the issuance of policies for the protection of earth's resources, the development of asteroids can not only meet our demand for rare metals, but also reduce the pressure on the exploitation of earth's resources. In this way, our dependence on the planet will be greatly reduced.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

Water is the foundation of life and a precious resource in space. Water is used by astronauts to drink, bathe, and decompose into hydrogen and oxygen, which are used as fuels and propellants. This is of great significance for future deep space exploration missions. The samples brought back from Ryugu showed that the minerals contained carbonates, suggesting that Ryugu may have retained water ice.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

In future space missions, we may be able to use these resources to support long-term astronaut missions and exploration activities, significantly reducing the cost and difficulty of transporting resources from Earth.

By understanding the orbit, composition, and structure of asteroids, we can detect asteroids that could threaten the Earth early and take effective defensive measures to minimize the risk of disaster.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

Especially for asteroids that may collide with the Earth, early detection and research can help us develop and implement effective deflection or destruction strategies to protect the Earth from the threat of asteroid impacts. Ability to protect against risks that may arise in the future.

A sea of stars under the blue star

Japan's achievements in the field of aerospace are indeed not to be underestimated. As early as 2003, Japan successfully launched its first asteroid probe, Hayabusa, and in 2010, it successfully brought back samples from the asteroid Itokawa. This feat makes Japan the first country to successfully collect samples from an asteroid and bring them back to Earth.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

Hayabusa2 is another major breakthrough in Japan's space technology. Compared to its predecessor, this detector has been significantly improved and enhanced in many aspects. In terms of probe design, Hayabusa2 uses more advanced technology, including an improved ion engine, navigation system and attitude control system, which allows it to operate stably in a harsher space environment.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

In terms of landing technology, Hayabusa2 achieved a more accurate and safe landing, greatly reducing the risk of the mission. In 2019, it successfully created an artificial impact crater on the surface of the asteroid Ryugu, from which it collected fresh samples that were not affected by the space environment and heat.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

In terms of sample collection, Hayabusa2 is equipped with an efficient collection device, and in addition to obtaining samples from the surface of the asteroid, it has also successfully collected underground samples.

In total, the mission brought back about 5.4 grams of asteroid material, which is rich in hydrated minerals, organic matter, and high-temperature minerals formed in the solar nebula. These large numbers of samples provide valuable scientific data to help scientists better understand the formation and evolution of the solar system.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

Of course, China has also made remarkable achievements in the field of aerospace. In 2020, China successfully launched the Tianwen-1 Mars rover and successfully landed on Mars in May 2021, which is the first time that China has successfully achieved a Mars rover landing and patrol mission. Subsequently, the "Zhurong" rover launched a scientific investigation of the surface of Mars.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

China's Chang'e series of lunar exploration missions has also made a major breakthrough. Chang'e-4 successfully achieved the first soft landing on the far side of the moon in January 2019, and carried out a number of scientific experiments and exploration activities.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

In December 2020, Chang'e-5 successfully returned lunar samples, bringing back about 1.731 kilograms of lunar soil samples, the first time humans have brought back samples from the moon since 1976.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

The latest Chang'e-6 mission has further promoted China's cutting-edge exploration in the field of space. On May 3, 2024, Chang'e-6 was successfully launched, and from June 2 to 3, it successfully completed a sampling mission in the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the Moon, collecting and encapsulating precious lunar samples.

Is a 900-meter object also called an asteroid? Japan's "sword went sideways" and boarded up, unexpectedly discovering a big secret

On June 25, the Chang'e-6 returner successfully landed in the predetermined area of Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia and successfully brought back samples. This is the first time that humans have taken samples from the far side of the moon and successfully returned to Earth, marking another major breakthrough in China's space technology.

Asteroids, big dreams

Although the asteroid Ryugu is only 900 meters in diameter, every asteroid is a shining star, and every exploration is a testimony of human wisdom and courage.

Whether it is to uncover the mysteries of the universe or to open up new resources and defenses for the future of mankind, every rock and every grain of dust on the Dragon Palace is worth exploring.


Science Web: The asteroid "Ryugu" has existed since the dawn of the solar system

Chinese Academy of Sciences: The asteroid "Ryugu" sample contains about 20,000 kinds of organic molecules

The Paper: Hayabusa2 sample reveals that Earth's water may originate from an asteroid at the edge of the solar system

China Digital Science and Technology Museum: Asteroid samples returning to Earth reveal the secrets of the "Dragon Palace".

The surging: [Science power] The existence of a "source of life" outside the earth has been confirmed for the first time! Hayabusa2 discovers key components of life in outer space

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