
Wary! A 9-year-old girl was defrauded of more than 20,000 yuan for "chasing stars".

author:Nanyang Demonstration Zone Politics and Law


  There has been an increase in the online activity of the underage group

  There is a 9-year-old girl in Ji'an

  Call for "idols".

  Encountering "star-chasing scams"

  was defrauded of more than 20,000 yuan

  Let's take a look at this case

  At about 17 o'clock in the afternoon of June 29, a resident of Jintan Town, Jishui County, Xu hurried to the Criminal Police Brigade of the Jishui County Public Security Bureau, and reported that his daughter Tingting was nine years old this year At about 16 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when she used her mobile phone to browse short videos through a social software, she swiped a "star" QQ number, and when she added the other party as a friend, the other party immediately sent a police receipt and a QR code photo, claiming that the star's privacy had been leaked, and asked her daughter to cooperate with the investigation. The "lawyer" asked his daughter to turn on the camera and transfer money according to the instructions through a voice call, and was defrauded of more than 23,000 yuan.

  At about 16:10 in the afternoon, Xu found that the money in his account had been transferred, and asked his daughter, only to find out that the money was transferred away after his daughter was defrauded, so he rushed to the Jishui County Public Security Bureau to report to the police.

  After receiving the police, the police quickly carried out an investigation, according to the analysis of the defrauded funds, it was found that a transfer of 20,000 yuan was directly transferred to a cigarette hotel in Yibin, Sichuan, through multi-channel cooperation, the police immediately found the contact information of the cigarette hotel, and got in touch with the owner of the cigarette hotel.

Wary! A 9-year-old girl was defrauded of more than 20,000 yuan for "chasing stars".
Wary! A 9-year-old girl was defrauded of more than 20,000 yuan for "chasing stars".

  ▲The police successfully recovered 20,000 yuan of defrauded money

  After police negotiations, the owner of the cigarette hotel transferred 20,000 yuan back to the account of the deceived Xu, and successfully helped Xu recover most of the defrauded funds. At present, the case is being further handled.


  Fraud rings have brought audiences to the audience

  Aimed at minors and star-chasers

  These two groups are targeted

  Not deeply involved in the world

  Lack of social experience

  Characteristics of star-chasing fanaticism obsession

  And then commit fraud

  This is not an isolated case

  Impersonation scams

  It's been a lot of things

Wary! A 9-year-old girl was defrauded of more than 20,000 yuan for "chasing stars".

  Police tips

  Don't blindly chase stars

  Teenagers chasing stars should be rational, don't be deceived by scammers dressed as stars, don't easily add so-called celebrity accounts as friends, don't click on website links at will, scan code transfers, etc., if you are intimidated, threatened or found to be deceived, please inform your parents or call the police as soon as possible.

  Build a security barrier

  Parents should take care of their mobile phones, payment codes, bank card account numbers, passwords, payment verification codes and other important information to establish security barriers. Communicate more with children, teach children to chase stars correctly and rationally, help children establish a correct view of right and wrong, consumption, etc., and learn with children to popularize anti-fraud knowledge.

  Facing a complex network environment

  There should be more "skepticism"

  Be vigilant

  Prevent falling into the trap of scams for the sake of chasing stars


  Don't listen, don't believe, don't transfer, don't send money

  Scammers can't help you

  Other than that

  Educate and guide minors to establish a correct view of idols

  Improve online literacy

  Make it avoid blind obedience in online star chasing

  Stay calm and rational

  It should also be an important part of anti-fraud and anti-fraud education

  Reminder parents

  Improve the quality of parent-child relationship

  Give your child more quality companionship and care

  Let the child in the plump real life

  Have fun and warmth

  It is to guide the child away

  An important part of irrational star chasing

  It can also help children better defend themselves against all kinds of scams

This article is transferred from Ji'an Public Security