
If you buy 10 yuan coffee, you want to be a master, and you are not wronged when you are beaten?

If you buy 10 yuan coffee, you want to be a master, and you are not wronged when you are beaten?

Some customers have a strong sense of God, and when they buy a cup of coffee for more than ten yuan, they feel that it is a favor from the boss, and their nostrils twist to the sky. The full video shows that the female customer who was beaten at the Shanghai Manner Meihua Road store crossed her arms in front of her chest, and her attitude was extremely arrogant and unfriendly throughout the whole process.

The coffee guy told her in advance that there were still 4 cups in front of her, and it would take about 10 minutes to wait. The little brother comforted the customer while making it, "I'm yours after I've finished this cup, I'm sorry to keep you waiting." ”

If you buy 10 yuan coffee, you want to be a master, and you are not wronged when you are beaten?

But the female customer waited for 10 minutes and got impatient, and took out her mobile phone to escalate the complaint, "What's your name?" "I said what's your name?" also took a close-up shot on the coffee brother's face, looking aggressive.

The little brother reminded her: "It is your right to complain, and the shooting infringes on the right of portraiture, so please don't want you to do this again." ”。 The customer's words and deeds were offensive first, but the little brother still maintained great restraint, and said politely when he refunded her: "I'll give you a refund, I'm sorry, it affects your experience." ”

If you buy 10 yuan coffee, you want to be a master, and you are not wronged when you are beaten?

The female customer didn't give up and pressed forward step by step, and the coffee guy collapsed. The little brother seems to be an honest man, with a stupid mouth, he should not have scolded anyone in his usual life, but when he is in a hurry, he will only say: Old woman, widow, no man wants to ......

The female customer continued to take pictures and provoke: "There is a kind of you coming!" The coffee guy couldn't bear to rush out of the workbench, the female customer made the first move, one kicked the crotch, the little brother backhanded a mouth, the female customer rotated 360 degrees on the spot, picked up the guy and hit, the coffee brother slapped another mouth, and the voiceover was the female customer's hysterical howl "You dare to hit me!" ”

Where have the fairies cultivated by Little Red Book ever seen this?

The vast majority of online messages think: classical mechanics, play well!

If you buy 10 yuan coffee, you want to be a master, and you are not wronged when you are beaten?

In the conflict at Manner's Weihai Road store, the customer was the first to pick a thorn and taunt the clerk, "You didn't eat breakfast?" "Threaten to complain. I was splashed with coffee powder by the clerk.

Two clashes in a row in one day cannot be said to be accidental. According to the news, the Manner coffee master has to make 330 cups of coffee every day, and 1,000 yuan will be deducted for late arrivals and early refunds. In order to save labor costs, the business does the work of two or three people alone, making, ordering, packing, and cleaning...... In this high-pressure environment, when encountering arrogant and unreasonable customers, no matter how gentle people are, they will explode.

Both incidents were caused by complaints from customers. Zero tolerance for complaints is a new form of exploitation invented by capital, comparing each other as grandchildren, treating customers as gods, but not treating employees as people. The clerk who poured coffee powder was fired, and the little brother who beat people didn't come to work, so he should have been persuaded to quit.

If you buy 10 yuan coffee, you want to be a master, and you are not wronged when you are beaten?

When a grandson can be, kneeling service can also be, depending on how much you pay people. When Xu Jiayin takes the elevator, the elevator should be by his side at any time, and the salary he gives to the elevator controller is 300,000 yuan per year, and Manner's monthly salary is only 4,000 yuan, why should you be a grandson?

If you want to be respected, you must first respect others, such a simple common sense, you have to go through the pain of flesh and skin to learn. is also forgetful, a female customer in Wenzhou hot pot restaurant posted a Weibo complaint about the waiter's bad attitude, and was poured on her head by the waiter with a pot of hot soup. In Manner's second conflict, the enraged clerk had a cup of ground coffee and a cup of boiling water in his hand, and the clerk poured ground coffee, which was restrained enough.

(Tao Xie original WeChat public account: taoxieshou)

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