
Read, meet a better life

author:Ju County release

The ancients said: "Books are as rich as entering the sea, and department stores are available." ”

The world in the book is all-encompassing, with the wisdom of growth and the beauty of broadening horizons.

Reading can enable you to get out of trouble and heal your pain again and again under the guidance of countless sages.

In the days to come, read more books, read good books, and gain a better life in the vast sea of books.

Read, meet a better life

When you are confused, the book points you to a famous teacher

We will inevitably encounter problems in life, and we will fall into confusion and confusion.

And a good book is like a knowledgeable mentor who can use wisdom to light the way for you.

Reading can help you answer your doubts, reshape your cognition, broaden your horizons, and help you grow.

Every good book is a mentor and friend in your life's journey.

To read more is to have a dialogue with the wise men of ancient and modern China and foreign countries, and use their wisdom to continuously improve their life realm.

Read, meet a better life
Read, meet a better life

When frustrated, books are a friend of encouragement

Many times, books are like a friend by our side, and when our lives are in a quagmire, it can constantly inject us with energy and hope.

Learning to read is learning how to light the torch of life.

A good book hides the precious feelings of life and the beauty that has not been discovered by us.

When you are confused, it shows you the way; Suddenly, it gives you the key to break the game.

Read, meet a better life
Read, meet a better life

Books are the healer for you when you are in pain

Each book contains unique insights and ideas.

After reading a lot of books, appreciating the wider world, and seeing too many joys and sorrows of the world, you can zoom in on the pattern and transcend the pain in front of you.

Life is often unsatisfactory, and books are like a good doctor, healing you anytime and anywhere, helping you solve your problems.

Reading may not directly help you eliminate the troubles and pains of life.

But one day, a sentence or a story in the book can make you enlightened and take you from cramped to open.

Source: One book per night