
Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

author:The Inkman in the Book Mountain


Since the outbreak of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the death toll in the Gaza Strip has begun to close to 40,000, and more than 87,000 have been injured.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

But one of them, a young Palestinian girl, was lucky enough to escape the ravages of the war, because her Chinese boyfriend pulled her out of the war-torn world!

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

This young man from Jiangsu went to the Middle East and brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married and settle down after 66 days, which was blessed by many netizens.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

So how exactly did they meet?

On the way to Palestine, what kind of danger did this Jiangsu guy encounter?

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Sixty-six days of thrilling and apprehension

The incident of Wang Po saying that she was close made people realize that it is really difficult to find a partner now. But Xiao Zhou, who is from Jiangsu Province, doesn't seem to think so, because he not only has a girlfriend, but also a foreigner.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

About two years ago, in order to be able to prepare for the adult college entrance examination, Xiao Zhou began to use a software specializing in online foreign language learning, and it was precisely because of this software that Xiao Zhou met this young girl from Palestine Jasmine by chance, who would have thought that the two would have a 66-day life and death test in the later stage!

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Jasmine was born in Palestine in '98. Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in October 23, the lives of the Palestinian people have been in dire straits, and Jasmine's parents decided to leave Palestine in order for their children to survive, and the whole family went to neighboring Lebanon to escape the war.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Lebanon, out of humanitarian consideration, has established the largest Ein Helwe camp in the country to host refugees from all over northern Palestine.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Palestinian people in the camps are not allowed to receive education because they are not citizens of their own country, and because armed men are not allowed to enter the camps, many Lebanese criminals hide in the camps to escape police arrest.

Therefore, although the refugees in the camps are far away from the fighting, there is still no way to ensure safety.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Lebanese refugee camps

In addition, the camps sometimes do not even provide basic livelihoods, and most of them have to face the difficulties caused by power outages, sometimes for a month or so at most, and it is difficult to even drink water normally, and there are explosions of artillery fire in the market, and most refugees just want to live.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Lebanese refugee camps

Under such difficult living conditions, Jasmine still managed to persist in her studies and continued to learn English, but she finally succeeded in being admitted to the university to study English.

It was because of her ability to speak English that Jasmine had the opportunity to learn to surf the Internet and to learn about the world outside of the Middle East through the Internet. Through the Internet, she was exposed to Chinese costume TV dramas, and she was very fond of the characters and image characteristics in the dramas, which led to her interest in Chinese culture.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Since then, Jasmine began to learn Chinese culture and history online, she is too eager for China's safe living environment and convenient technology, and at the same time, she has always wanted to travel to China and feel the beauty of various scenery.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

The letters sent by Jasmine on the international self-media platform attracted the attention of Xiao Zhou, a guy from Jiangsu, China. Xiao Zhou didn't understand the meaning of Jasmine's letters, so he sent a private message to Jasmine to ask for advice.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Out of friendliness, Jasmine also explained to him as soon as possible, but Xiao Zhou did not recover Jasmine in the first time, and Jasmine couldn't wait for news, so she looked through Xiao Zhou's details homepage, checked and learned about his personal information, and also found Xiao Zhou's photo.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Xiao Zhou's appearance happened to be what Jasmine liked, so Jasmine took the initiative to send Xiao Zhou a message that she wanted to make friends, and then Xiao Zhou saw it and agreed.

Because Xiao Zhou happened to be learning English, making friends with Jasmine can not only learn about the situation abroad, but also improve his English ability by the way.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

In the following time, Xiao Zhou and Jasmine started a long-term chat, and the two talked almost nothing, from China's development history, to China's profound culture, and even Chinese TV dramas, which are topics that Jasmine is particularly interested in. As time passed, the two gradually chatted about their personal emotional experiences and their own lives.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

The two chatted with each other on the Internet, and after about half a year, they had a clearer understanding of each other's personalities and three views, and even became dependent on each other.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

The two began a long-term online relationship until tensions rose again in the Middle East, when the Palestinian-Israeli conflict erupted last year and the refugee camp area in Lebanon was attacked by armed men.

All kinds of gossip and official news messages are widely spread on the Internet, and Xiao Zhou is very worried about the safety of the other party after learning that Jasmine's area is located and that there are dangers in many news. I missed Jasmine very much, and at the same time felt sorry for her living environment, so I had the idea of taking Jasmine to China.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Soon this idea was dispelled by himself, because he was just a very ordinary Chinese, not so much ability, and he didn't even know basic English, plus he was born and raised in Jiangsu since he was a child, and he had never been abroad, even the surrounding small countries had not been there, and he had not bought a plane ticket, and he went directly to the war-torn Middle East, which was simply impossible.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Xiao Zhou analyzed his actual situation from beginning to end, very entangled, but if he didn't pick up Jasmine, then in the war, Jasmine's life and safety were threatened all the time, and he was still Jasmine's boyfriend, so he couldn't be so irresponsible and courageous, after careful consideration, Xiao Zhou decided to go to Lebanon to pick up Jasmine to China.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

This idea was very bold and impulsive, and although it was opposed by many people, it still did not stop Xiao Zhou's progress, and he firmly set out to go to Palestine alone.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

The day after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Xiao Zhou bought a ticket to Lebanon. Xiao Zhou, who had never been abroad, pretended to be calm throughout the whole process, and even went to the airport four hours in advance to familiarize himself with the boarding process.

But in the end, because of the war, it was denied boarding by the German flight, in addition to the risk factors, Germany is Israel's supporting country in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and Lebanon is a country supporting Palestine, plus the destination is relatively special, so the German flight believes that the composition of Xiao Zhou is complex and the purpose is not pure.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

This incident made the two of them very sad, and Jasmine even thought that it was the arrangement of fate and wanted Xiao Zhou to give up, but the Chinese never believed in fate.

The German flight kindly told Xiao Zhou that if he wanted to go to the Middle East, he could take an Arab flight, so he consulted other Arab airlines, but they refused, and Xiao Zhou's visa is only for tourism, and if you want to get married abroad, you need a special visa.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Xiao Zhou didn't want to give up, contacted and consulted the relevant embassies again, and finally on October 11, 23, he bought a flight to the United Arab Emirates, and finally successfully passed the check-in for the reason of travel.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Despite being questioned and scrutinized by border inspectors during the border inspection, as well as repeated warnings that he would not be able to return to China, Xiao Zhou finally succeeded in meeting the person he wanted to meet.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Alone in the process, he overcame countless barriers such as language, distance, and international beliefs, and as the plane flew in the air for 19 hours, he arrived in the Lebanese refugee camp, where he also witnessed the unsafe living conditions in the refugee camp, which made him even more determined to take Jasmine away.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

With the consent of Jasmine's parents, Xiao Zhou registered their marriage locally, and completed a series of procedures such as review and certification by the embassy, and successfully applied for a Q1 visa to China for Jasmine in the name of husband and wife.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

However, due to time constraints, he had no way to wait for Jasmine to get a visa to return to China together, so he was forced to return to China first.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Later, Jasmine's visa was successfully processed, and I learned that she was the first Palestinian in Lebanon to obtain a Chinese Q1 visa.

After 66 days of suffering and worrying, Jasmine from Palestine can finally live in China for a long time.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

The story of Xiao Zhou and Jasmine shows us that the power of love can really cross mountains and seas and overcome all obstacles. Jasmine, who came to China, began to learn Chinese culture, although she has come to China, Jasmine is still very worried about the safety of her family, and even during Jasmine's prenatal checkup, there is a situation where she cannot contact her family.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

For this jasmine who married thousands of miles away to China, Xiao Zhou's mother was very happy and took good care of her. Netizens also expressed their blessings for their love.

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Some netizens praised him for being at least one hero all his life!

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Some netizens said that both of them were so brave, one was not afraid of war and went to her country to greet her, and the other was not afraid of a strange country to come to him alone, fortunately both of them are very kind, and fortunately, both of them love each other!

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Some netizens said that fate is so wonderful, and they can meet such a husband and wife on the Internet at such a distance, and wish the two of them to grow old together!

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

Information sources:

Tik Tok: Palestinian daughter-in-law Jasmine

Brave the refugee camps in the Middle East! After 66 days, the Chinese guy brought his Palestinian girlfriend back to China to get married!

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